Crossing the Sea

In the aftermath of our fight I stood in my tent being scolded by Selia as being too reckless with my own life, of course I half listener while thinking of the preparations of our journey, something which she noticed and chastised me even more for.

Being honest I likely seeing her worry for me, getting scolded by Selia filled me warmth and I liked to tease her alot, so I would often like I was not listening to her until she started to growl at me which then I would do my best to seek forgiveness.

'Have I become an M? I like being scolded, but I also am a S for wanting to tease her, seeing her cute pissed face.'

After the fight I noticed the rangers taking the black dragon as loot... it only then dawned me that I was a giant piece of flying treasure waiting for any adventurer to get its hands on, it looked like it wasn't only the Black Dragonflight they had to evade...

Imagining myself becoming the boots a goblin would auction off made me filled with shivers.


Ready to depart I made sure to tell Emmarel that we were visiting druids and training for a while, trying to hint that it would be boring and not very exciting.

But she merely proceeded to half listen to me with a smile.

'Damn, is that how it feels? I guess it's karma!'

Since there was no point in sticking around and attracting more attention that we already had, we departed by wings over the sea.

Along the way we saw some quite ferocious ocean beasts emerge to the surface, something that I bet was not common, but as it didn't have much to do with us we continued.

As there were not many islands along the way we had to keep going even if we saw interesting stuff, otherwise we might have a repeat of that time we were like stowaways in the ocean, something that I would not like to relieve not one bit.

But seeing as the weather was starting to turn bad we decided to aim for another island before resuming our way to Kultiras.

Deciding that only Tol Barad was suitable to reach comfortably, we made haste to it while the storm started to worsen.

I made use of my elemental connection to try and protect us from the brunt of the winds and from the lightning, I succeeded but it was quite exhaustive to keep it up, everytime I was in my spiritual state it would drain my mana, making so that I had to use it sparingly until we found a place to land.

Many might not think much of a storm in a fantasy world, but they were still natural disasters, unless one had the strength of a Guardian, like Medievh or Aegwyn, it would mean they had to give their all to resist it, especially so for two undeveloped drakes carrying passengers.

And so the winds buffeted us, the waves almost reached us, and most worrisome part was what I could see beneath the waves, everytime lightning would rend the skies and light the water, naga, dozens of them, they did not go our way but rather they seemed to be searching for something.

Naga Sea Witches were powerful casters capable of bringing storms along with them, making me think that once again we got embroiled into something we shouldn't, it was just that this time it was unrelated to us.

I quickly informed the party to be ready to fight in case they attacked us, but that our priority was getting to land as fast as possible.


It was long and arduous, but we finally managed to sight land, a sight for our sore eyes. I was starting to hate the sea, my only two times flying over me almost end up with me dying.

Tol Barad was an ancient stronghold created by the ancient human empire of Arathor, it was passed on by its successor state of Stromgarde until being razed in the Second War by the Horde.

Currently it was little more than a depository of undesirables, the worse of scumm and those to dangerous to be left in the mainland.

Even Dalaran would send their undesired prisoners to this place, and they already had the Violet Citadel housing of the most high security prisons in the world.

Seeing as we had to rest in what amounted almost to Alcatraz in my old world, we weren't conspicuous, we merely found a cave on the side or the steep cliffs by the sea to rest until the storm passed.

At least that was the plan.


At the middle of the night the storm got to its peak, waves that looked like mountains could be seen in the horizon, looking like they wanted to drown the island underneath it.

Seeing as even the land was not safe, they gave caution to the wind and went to find a higher place to rest.

On the shores the naga were showing up, they would set up shrines around the island in some sort of ritual.

This confirmed my suspicions but did not bring us comfort, knowing that if things continued to escalate we would have to fight them sooner rather than latter once they drowned the island.

It looked like the thing they were after was in Tol Barad, as for what I could only guess a prisoner.