Titan Artifact

The sea and storm kept on raging, the human forces inside Tol Barad already noticed that something was wrong and had locked the gates and become ready for a fight.

As for us, we were pondering if we could weather the storm while not getting involved or just plunging to fight the naga as well, we had too little information on this situation, which make it hard to choose!

("We need to capture a naga caster and interrogate them, see what they want and how much they want it, if they are trying to raze this place we need to fight.")

As I told the party what we needed first, we left both Trag and Emmarel on the ground and changed back to our human forms, otherwise we would draw too much attention.

We let Emmarel as a ranger to set the target, while I casted invisibility on all of us, I had spent alot of mana on our way here but still had my ways of fighting.

As for Selia she did not use magic on the way because her spells would not help fighting a storm.

Trag was always a endless fountain of stamina and strength which made him always battle ready.

Emmarel was the most experienced of us by far, she didn't take the lead in the party even then, only lending her assistance when needed.

As soon as we tracked a naga siren coming in land with five bodyguards we set up a trap.

We expected them to fall for it easily since they were aquatic people coming to land, they wouldn't be on top of their game and their senses certainly wouldn't be adapted to this battlefield.

Reality proved us wrong as the moment we were charging our spells to prevent any escape they suddenly threw a lightning bolt our way.

I decided to tank the hit with the Light, sending right after that a dragon breath of sand mixed with earth elemental power, making the ground beneath them start to suck them in while the sand cut into them like jet streams.

Naga had a thick hide and while the females were fragile casters the males were brute warriors who could be bigger than the most fearsome orcs.

The warriors were slowed by the quicksand beneath them as they charged at us, two of them were hit by arrows before being able to reach us and were disabled.

The three other warriors were confronted by me and Trag as I used my tail and he his new dragonbone axe (which still made me shiver at imagining my bones becoming one).

My tail was actually wounded by the strong and quick warrior, but it still managed to push him headfirst into the quicksand.

As for the other two warriors, Trag was barely holding them with his axe blocking both tridents that came over his head.

Selia was once again doing her best to keep the naga siren occupied by constantly and viciously attacking without relent, just like her scoldings.

I rushed in and helped Trag kill one of the naga warriors while biting the shoulder of the other one throwing him into the quicksand.

At this point the two warriors were drowning in sand and the naga siren was hip deep into it.

The quicksand did most of the job, leaving only a the naga siren alive with just her head coming out of the ground.

We soon came to understand the nature of this assault, being much serious than we expected...

They were after a titan artifact, it was taken from a fugitive naga traitor who worshipped Neptulon the Elemental Lord of Water instead of their Queen Azshara. He somehow was captured by a Kultiran ship and brought to this island, the sailors took the artifact to the island without knowing it would attract such an invasion.

Seeing as the item being in the hands of the naga would not be good for us and that I had an actual situation to play hero, something which improved the connection to the Light a great deal, I asked the party if they were down to get some fun before getting to Kultiras.


The plan was simple, we would kill the commanders the moment they went inside to retrieve the artifact, she had the vantage point of being able to fly, so it was easy to watch the situation, we needed to be careful to not let the defenders be overwhelmed too quickly once we took action, the perfect situation would be to get to them the moment they breached the defenses and stormed inside the castle.

We could not take any of the both sides on, and neither did I want to weaken the Alliance, fortunately or unfortunately in some ways the Light only responded to personal conviction and not to the perception of others for your actions, that meant that I needed the true intention of saving them and had to be fighting to protect them selflessly.

Good thing that as long as I knew that the artifact was not in safe hands and that they could not hold it from the naga, taking it for safekeeping would not go against my convictions or conscience.

Soon the prison walls crumbled under the repeated assault from two sea giants and water spells, making some 200 naga warriors and 30 naga casters breach the place, the defenders were in the hundreds but most of them did not have high abilities and were dependent on their equipment or coordination to fight against the invader, there were some mages and priests in there but less than 50.

It was the first time our party got into a largeish battlefield, one of certainly many.