Battle of Tol Barad

From high above we dived to face our designated enemies.

Trag was in charge of killing the two sea giants, Selia was in charge of doing area spells against the warriors, Emmarel was going to snipe the naga spellcasters.

Meanwhile I would keep everyone alive while attracting the attention of the enemies, making the defenders able to fight better thus reducing the pressure we would be under.

Trag leap from my back throwing himself into the sea giants, making the use of the momentum to instantly take one of them down.

Selia stood in the air making a hail of diferent spells, fire, ice and arcane power, showing off her specialty in attack magic.

In the back of Selia stood Emmarel taking quick, deadly shots at the naga who dared cast in her sight, interrupting them.

I joined the fray, diving with my paws hitting the earth, shaking it and making a series of steps going down the direction the nagas were coming from, giving the defenders the high ground, to give my all I released the Light healing the injured defenders while lightly pushing away their attackers, staggering them. It was a combination of Holy Nova with the wind element, it would give haste buff to allies and lightly push enemies.

Most of my efforts went into disrupting the momentum of the attack while bolstering our momentum, trying to take the enemy by surprise with enough pressure for them to break.

When it came to fights moral was way more important than most gave credit as it determined the efficiency of the ones battling and also the rhythm of the fight which could make one side at a disadvantage.

Right now for example in two spells I managed to slow the enemy and stagger them enough for us to mount a comeback and start going on an offensive against the naga.

While two dragons and a bullman were a very surprising sight to the defenders, they were professionals, they had seen the demons they watched over and were not shocked about finding new things they never seen.

Most importantly the two dragons were fighting on their side, one of them even was healing them with the Holy Light, it could almost be seen as divine intervention on how they came from the sky to their rescue.

I focused in not letting none die by using short bursts of Light at the most injured, but of course I couldn't save everyone, some were hit through the skull or impaled by tridents, others were toasted by lightning or had half their bodies frozen with ice magic.

I also had attracted quite alot of attention to my self, I was on my last legs when it came to mana, my body was starting to heat up from overtaxing it, it felt like my cells were boiling all over, making me afraid that it could break any second.

Still I kept healing around me, with Power of Life and Light I kept on holding my body together while allowing the defenders to grow bold in their assault.

Trag had put the two sea giants down and was making a path towards me by cutting down enemies, he couldn't get out before getting quite injured which led to him waiting inside my healing aura for a bit before leaping back into action.

Many of the casters were dead thanks to our very strong companion ranger, as for Selia she was also on the last ends of her mana, consuming mana at such rapid pace that she almost stumbled in the air due to the recoil.

We really need to fix our bodies in this next months otherwise we should forget doing any battle, this were the limits we had, if we pushed our luck we would die before getting a solution to our condition.


Seeing as the defence mostly stabilized and they could hold the naga on their own, I used my human form and invisibility, going inside the prison, searching for either the naga traitor or the titan artifact.

Selia was now mostly enchanting the arrows thrown by Emmarel, it was cheaper mana wise and more efficient way to kill the naga spellcasters, our goal was to stop the storm and get on our way, that meant we had to kill the casters.

Trag was enjoying himself, it was rare to find strong warriors to duel against, and he was able to gain much in this fight, once again going to new heights.

As a warrior he could use the momentum he gained to perform abilities, the more he fought the stronger he was. Soon he was spinning his axe in something akin to a whirlwind, even if that was not the perfected ability, it was a start of his group cleaning attack.


Inside the prison I saw many creatures, from demons, orcs and naga to the common human, but I knew every inmate was dangerous to be sent here.

Soon I found the naga prisioner, he had a piece of jade like material pierced into his shoulder like a shoulder pad, it was obviously fused with his skin and had a strange glow to it.

I could feel the power in such jade and also could feel it course through the naga warrior in front of me, making shining lines coming out from his shoulder in a vein like manner to the rest of his body.

Looking at him, I already knew he was the one the naga were after, I just wanted to confirm something, so I asked "You are Skar'this?"