Price of Knowledge

"There is some tales about some people runnin into the wood and disapearin ya see? They thats where the tree guys get their students, so I'd bet you just need to be wandering happily in the woods and boom, they 'get ya', well, not 'get ya' in that sense, but in the tree people kinda way, huggin trees smeling the butt of the animals in the forests and going nude as animals..."

Goblins were natural enemies of druids due to the fact that almost all the projects goblins had were an environment hazard on some degree, it was common to see treants and druids fighting against goblin shredders, machines and capitalism versus nature.

"As for the stuff thats goin on on the place I guess that some folk got a bit quieter, some wildlife is a bit cray cray too, some even tell of witches, but most folk just think em superstitious..."

Then as if feeling he wouldn't be a goblin if he didn't try and get some information to sell later he asked "So what is y'all doing after those old nature nut jobs? They got somethin special about em? C'mon I will give you a freebie for that!" he said while rubbing his hands.

"You shouldn't ask things out of certain people... especially here, I was told you know how to cherish your life?" I said while intimidating him to keep his nose out of our business

"Hehe... I get it, i get it, no more snuffing around, no worries!" He said while sweating at the pressure our group gave him.

"Good, then you can give us a bit more information on money, I want to know about the state of Lord Waycrest, is he sick or has nor shown himself in public lately? The second thing I want is to know if some weird folk who talks about twilight or what not has been snooping around this place."

"Sure, sure, fifty gold coins for the first and two hundred for the next one, my neck is worth alot after all you see..." He said while really making sure none was seeing him talk about such things.

"But its better to awnser this ones inside you see..." He brought us inside his home, a typical goblin home with drills, chainsaws, explosives and alot of high security coffers that even the owner would have a high amount of trouble opening.

We sat at his table while he dutifully extended his hand for his pay once again, of course goblin would never be hospitable and offer drinks or what not, only if you paid or if they wanted something from you would they do such things.

After paying and feeling my wallet close to run dry out of this expensive borderline extortionate price, he started.

"The Waycrest fella is getting kinda thin this days many noticed, but he isn't close to dyin anytime soon if thats why you asked." He then took a look at the side where there were somethings which looked like cameras monitoring the outside.

Sighing a breath of what we could identify as partial relief mixed with complicated feelings he said.

"Y'all didnt hear this from me got it? Its bad luck talkin about those crazy bastards, the ones who snuff around them always disappear, even the good ones at snuffing could not snuff good enough... all this humble me got is that they been moving around Stormsong and Drustvar like shadows, as for what they are doin there none knows!" Now that he said that he made sure to move us out of the house and lock the door, likely trying to see if anyone would look for him after the fact, his paranoia had kept him alive for a long time so he trusted it.

'It looks like they have already started... no wonder Kultiras was so messed up in the future, they had close to 25 years to set things up slowly... atleast we shouldn't find too much of their power here yet.'

Then after that I went to the harbor, trying to find a ship going to Anyport, a small smuggling outpost on the east of Drustvar, since it was right on the coast and well hidden it would make for the perfect spot to enter the island without being detected by the many patrols present in both of the other islands.

One of the things I wanted to check on would also be along the way to searching for Ulfar's Den, since the Twilight Hammer which were the main worshippers of the Old Gods had been sighted there, it would be a good opportunity to get in their way once again while also avoiding a bigger mess down the line.

When it comes to the Old Gods is always best to nip the problem fast before it spread, their means were horrible and would usually give them more leeway and manpower for their goals of making their Black Empire cover Azeroth once again.

The Old Gods still had influence over Selia and, to a lesser degree, me as well, just because I learned how to wield the Light does not mean that they would stop trying to corrupt us, afterall they had corrupted other light wielders before, in the future they managed to corrupt the student of Faol even, showing how persuasive they could be if not careful with them.

As I didnt want to give them a chance to regain their powers slowly I decided to go on the offensive anywhere I could find their filthy tentacles trying to reach, since we had around a 20 years advantage before they manifested themselves in the open we could still clear the seeds they sent before they germinate.

And since the Light shines the brightest in the dark it was a very effective training regimen for me as a paladin/priest, might as well take the shot while they are still weak then to cry after they have grown into a monster.


Soon we reached Anyport by traveling along a tortollan ship, the old and eccentric humanoid turtles were fond of travels and of stories, they would often live for thousands of years naturally, which meant they were also into the "eccentric due to age" classification I would give to many such as Emmeral.

Speaking of which, she seemed quite disturbed since we arrived at Anyport, and she would often slowly facepalm while berating herself as if remembering things of the past.