The Drunk Tank

"Hey, hey, hey newcomers! First time around huh? How about a unforgetful experience? Its one of a kind around these parts, you can get a ticket first time for free!" Said a sleazy looking goblin, well I still had to find a goblin which did not look sleazy...

He was selling a drink apparently, and said that was a ticket to go to a magical place, but only after drinking would I would be able to reach it.

Trag had a curious look and wanted to know what a unforgetful experience would look like in this place, also it had been a while since he drank something for fun.

"Trag you seem interested? That's for sure not safe if a goblin is the one offering it..." As I said that a pandaren and tortollan came from behind the goblin asking for a drink, as if showing that there was no need to worry about it.

Hearing that Trag was interested in drinking, Selia which never drank before and was ever curious also looked at me with pleading eyes.

The only one who looked like she had conflicting feelings was Emmarel, who seemed like she wanted to forget but also remember something while looking at the goblin's drinks seeming to hesitate before saying

"I think we should give a try, its not always you can let loose and we have been traveling for some time, why not just try once and then get back to business" She said, making me very suspicious but at the same time curious why this night elf who was thousands years old lost her composure at such thing.

Seeing as I was the only one against going in the "unforgetful" experience they were giving, I could only go and say "Ok, ok... but keep your guard up!"

We soon took the drinks and gulped them down quickly... Selia coughed at first before finishing her drink, seeming to like the burning feeling it gave.

Trag gulped it as if it was trully a feeling he had missed, drinking with friends was always a good memory, mostly...

As for Emmarel she gulped it in a flash, trying her best to not lose control over herself while leading the way to the north of the pier.

Soon the drink kicked in, a light was shown underneath us and made a path to the north of the pier, there we saw the padaren and tortollan from before jumping into the water as if there was nothing wrong with such act.

To my surprise, before I could make sense of what was going on Emmarel jumped in the water, right after her Selia gave me a look before taking my hand and jumping in together, Trag saw no other choice other than following suit.

I was at first perplexed why people who couldn't breath underwater such as the pandaren throwing themselves into the water, but soon I saw a couple of "land dwellers" swimming in the same direction, the direction the path of light led to.

Soon following the path by the illusory lights we came upon what seemed to be an underwater bar, it was filled with elves, tortollans, padaren, dwarves, goblins, gnomes, humans and trolls, there was even a kobold trying to light his candle that sat on top of his head underwater which he apparently though succeeded.

The place had a thick scent of alcohol that made even the fish close by drunk, while making the rainbow jellyfish around would glow slowly changing colors.

There were those who were dancing, those who were hooking up, and others who were so high that they had no clue what was going on anymore.

Emmarel made her way to the barmen, looking like she wanted to ask the tortollan something, but I couldnt understand what they were talking about due to being dragged by Selia who looked at couples dancing and wanted to bring me along, all while sniffing the fragrant aroma of the different type of alcohols that would also look to dance along with the song making for quite the psychedelic sight.

Selia looked to excited at this and said to me she wanted to learn how to dance.

How can someone that was rarely invited to parties and only saw such things from TV help her with that, he had no clue, so they started to awkwardly look at others were doing before trying to imitate or simply let their bodies move on rhythm and instinct while dragging the other along.

Trag meanwhile was getting quite tipsy before even doing much, there was a reason why people in Alterac avoided giving him alcohol and not even his friend Valimar would drink with him...

He soon grabbed sea lion and started to brawl with it, saying it shouldn't have put its horns on its mouth, they were meant to stay on the head as a show of pride!

In the middle of this big party none noticed the intoxicated tauren, much less his companions noticed him getting high.


Emmarel approached the bartender and asked "Hey Phil, long time no see..." she used an apologetic tone while speaking with the tortollan.

"Oh if it isnt the cold miss, what brings you to there shores? Feeling guilty are we?" Phil said with a bit of resentment.

"Phil... you know it was not my intention to hurt him... its just that we can't be together, I have an important job and he will age in a blink of an eye for someone as old as me..." she said while remembering the human she once almost had a relationship with while on one of her missions.

"Sure, sure... you could atleast have told him that much instead of disappearing like you did, he is still searching for you, last I've seen he went all the way across the Great Sea to find your homeland to ask of you..." he sighed while remembering the reckless fellow who always had too big ambitions, but not as big as his guts.