Recollections of the Past

"That idiot!! How could he do something so stupid?! Ah... he is always like that..." she started to complain about that human mercenary she met once, thinking about their first encounter.


It was at a time when she was doing reconnaissance on the newly arrived orcs, the Unseen Path always did their research before acting, they would always bring the downfall of tyrants or conquerors, they would watch first before being sure that they would not be being manipulated to act, they wanted to keep the people safe not bring further harm.

The orcs showed clearly that they were bloodthirsty and conquerors, being made into the top target of the Unseen Path, but they also found deserters among the clans, namely the Frotwolves who sought to flee the conflict, which they helped from the shadows to reach Alterac unnoticed.

When she was making a report on the goblins who were helping the invaders she came to Freehold and many over unground sites, in one of those places she investigated a man who was under a contract of a goblin to be his security chief, they fought a couple of times when she tried to kill the goblin.

His name was Henry Ponder, she was impressed by his skills, he was able to find her snooping around when even mages and ancient races did not manage to. Soon they started playing rat and mouse in their shadow play, until when she thought he finnally managed to get her into a dead end and would kill her (something which wounded her pride greatly) he took her hand and asked if he could court her if his goblin boss was finally dead.

She in the stupor and surprise of the moment agreed, right before going uncouncious, only to find herself bandaged up and with the goblin she tried so many times to kill dead in the next room, along with a letter saying where he was.

She decided to pay the debt she had for not only keeping her alive but also helping her mission and then be gone for good.

But things didnt go as planned, she found herself going on a date with him and even spending the night together...

She still had alot of work to do as the vice leader of the Unseen Path, but she kept hesitating to leave for around three months, this relationship had to end in her view, so she left after leaving him drunk, and only now she got information about him.


"Henry trully loved you... he even gave up on all things he built over the years... he still faces some assassins from the family of his last boss you know!" said the tortollan reaproaching her even further, without holding back, afterall she did deserve it and he thought he wouldn't have another saying of helping out his friend.

"Phil... I... When did he leave? If he is going to Kalimdor it means he must be going by goblincraft they are the only ones who have such long reach... which cartel did he sign with? Tell me!" She was quite mad, guilty and scared at Henry... things that for a ancient elf such as herself was extremely rare to see.

"He left a couple months ago... said he was tired of waiting so he figured he should be the one searching. As for the cartel... Its the Bilgewater if it does not fail my mind." The old tortollan said.

"Who knows what kind of impossible task those greedy and ruthless trade princes will make him do?!" She also had information that there was a inner conflict in that cartel, which meant they would likely use Henry to get rid of each other or protect themselves, both were very dangerous jobs that would involve many explosions, poison bribes and assassins.

"Ugh... I will have to find him... otherwise he will keep trying!" She decided to herself, she wouldn't allow Henry to get hurt because of her even if she still didn't believe that they had a chance together.

Then she figured it was time to leave and get done with they had to do, the quicker they were done with it the quicker she would get Henry and pull him out of whatever mess he was in.


Selia started to get drowsy after some time, she would start hugging me tighter and slur her phrases, she also would start biting while muttering how the food was good.

She was a cute drunk glutton, his cute drunk glutton. He decided it was time to leave and find some lodgings and depart the next day.

He took her on a princess carry while looking for Trag and Emmarel.

Soon he found Trag on the ground sleeping with a kultiran female druid over him, they looked to be passed out after rolling around for sometime, so after seeing this sight and not wanting to let Selia down, I decided to cast a healing spell on both Trag and the druid, wanting to avoid kultiran woman from drowning and Trag from keeping us here any further, I hoped that healing would remove the drunkenness, but it was clear that it did not happen...

Soon Emmarel found us, and took both the druid and Trag along, the druid over the shoulder while the tauren by the ankle.

While we were about to leave some of the more drunken humans tried to hit on Emmarel and wanted to ask me to bring Selia along, well it suffices to say that we beat the shit out of them, Emmarel even used the dead drunken Trag as a weapon on them, she was quite strong... Which is expected at someone her level.

It was quite the eventful night... We got drunk, kidnapped a druid and fought some drunkards who tried to chase after Emmarel all in a couple of hours.