Call of the Wild

Being carried by a very naughty giant parrot, who would scream at them and laugh once they got scarred, they soon were brought to a small landing platform in the mountains south of Arom's Stand, the capital of the Drustvar province.

They soon made their way down while Mona would show and teach Theo about all the animals they would find, telling him to how they felt, how they thought, how they smelled and how they lived in general.

She was so passionate about them that she would bring me to their lairs, to the places they fed, the places they procreate, the places they they dumped their feces and all the details she could find.

Slowly she would introduce what it meant to be such an animal, what gave them reason to be and to live with the rest of the other animals. It was quite a beautiful thought if she wasnt with the carcass of a fish on one hand while the other was what once was fish before being "something" else after being eaten by a bear.

The druids of Drustvar did not have many wild gods to teach them the ways of druidism, it was done mostly through the traditions of the Drust and the observation of nature and using the understanding they had of nature and how to accept it and emulate it.

I was starting to understand something with all this... it was nor only the earth, objects and elements that had a Will imbued into their existence, rather it was on everything, including the animals and trees.

The Will of nature was often very diferent and unique... each of them had so many peculiarities that it made impossible to understand them without looking really close and taking in their characteristics.

But what was the call of the wild? That was the question I made to myself all along this "training" Mona our me through, what all nature had in common that could also call to someone?

I had a suspicion, so I used my Blessing of Nature together with my spiritual connection, seeking to find the link between all of those things.

Suddenly I saw what I looked for, it was not that difficult to understand, but it was something which opened my eyes to what was Nature, what made druids think so much of balance...

Nature was the connection between the wills, it was the incessant clash of many different Wills of the elements, the animals, trees and living beings, it formed a overall atmosphere which nurtured the spirit of the land, the animals would give feedback to their environment through their Wills, making nature adapt to them and the animals would in kind adapt to nature.

It was a constant back and forth which made both stronger, the spirit of life of all beings in the region would give strength to the land, and the land would sustain and strengthen their spirits.

The Call of the Wild was the feeling of ones own spirit wanting to connect with such circle, to give its Will to nature and receive the nature's Will unto ones spirit.


Mona saw me enter a trance, she then would poke my head trying to see if I would awnser or pay attention to her teaching.

Seeing that she couldn't get my attention she began to look at the animals around, they were acting strange, even the more easily scared small rodents and bird were coming close as if to take a look at what was going on.

She soon also felt that Theo was with a familiar feeling, as if it was an animal she had long since studied, she didn't know why she felt such a way, even other druids would just feel nature and accept it instead of being so integrated into it.

Ulfar was the only one who she felt like he had the aura of a animal and a tree, but Theo had the aura of a strong and powerful creature, as if nature shifted alongside him.

She did not know what that meant, only that she felt the aura of a lizard from him, and one who could fly at that.

Selia also felt something tugging at her, pulling her along with the other animals, she felt like some connection opened with her surroundings, around her she was verdant green and Theo holding her hand, as if he was the one who pulled her here.

Along with her coming here the memories in her belonging to the green dragonflight started to pour in, making it clear to her as to what had happened, she felt her head turn faint and her spirit resonate with Theo's and the environment.

Soon around them grew lush green bushes which contained fruit, the grass started to grow past the snow and the birds and small animals approached the now grown bushes to make nests in them.

Theo kept pulling the place around him into the green world he saw, that which he could clearly identify as the Emerald Dream.


While all this happened, in a distant cave east to Arom's Stand, a huge bear opened his eyes, he looked in the distance as if he had felt something.

"Interesting, someone had been awakening the dream, it had been long since someone was able to touch it among our ranks... I wonder, who was it?"

"Shall we take a look master?" asked a human student at his side.

"Yes, it fortunate to find one who can dream among us, there is much to learn about it, including the cycle of life and death that flows through it."