Emerald Dream

The Emerald Dream, it was said to be the blueprint of Azeroth, a place that recorded the ideal natural growth of the planet in both spiritual ane physical aspect.

It was a separate dimension, created by the titans to help Azeroth recover, it was afterall a realm of dream meant to give the world soul something to strive for and to become.

Druids were are to connect with such dimension and use its power, they could bring peace to animals, growth to forests and healing to the land.

Usually the healing of druids was the transferring of life force from one being to another, where would one find so much life force? Only the Emerald Dream was capable of supplying close to infinite life force due to it being full of life.

The duty of the Green Dragonflights was to care and to nourish the Emerald Dream, to make sure it was always able to serve Azeroth and to safeguard nature in it, if any place suffered a cataclysmic event the Dream could be used to start from scratch the ecosystem of it.

There were many means of utilizing the Emerald Dream, being able to access it was just the basic of the basics for druids and green dragons. Wildgods were able to use the dream to even come back to life and serve nature after death, of course they had to make use of a couple of other things to make it possible but it was sill a immortality in a sense.

Or course, not all things were peaceful and perfect when you had something so powerful in your hands... someone was bound to try and use it for nefarious plans as well.

Afterall what better way to affect the whole world than to make its blueprint smear corruption naturally and endlessly?

The experience Theo had and Selia into having gave him the perception of the truth behind life, it was a complex connection of complex beings who made nature and who made something close to a collective subconscious, and that subconscious was connected to the Emerald Dream, which meant everything that lived in Azeroth was affected by the Emerald Dream subconsciously, some had deeper connection and others were fainter.

It came to him that his black dragonflight inheritance was something that allowed for him to fell the Will of objects and or the elements, while his green dragonflight one allowing him to perceive the Will of living beings and their connection which had a link to the Emerald Dream.

He finally realised why their bodies and spirits were usually such a mess and hurt so much... it was simply too much for his body to handle and for spirit to bear, if they were to get healed they had to either evolve or to seal parts of themselves... as for how doing that... he only has a ckue for the evolving one, the sealing though was way out of his reach.

If they had to grow stronger for their spirits to bear it he would find a way.

As for their bodies, they had to find a way to harmonize so many inheritances and such complex powers, simply injecting more power would not solve, he had to learn how to change the Will of his body, to make it more streamlined and simple, it was like trimming a huge garden where trees were consuming each other while leaving the ground barren, he was the ground that fed the trees, which were his draconic inheritances.

He had to learn how to change his body and modify it to a diferent Will, one powerful enough to allow the powers of his draconic inheritances to flow through him.


Theo and Selia were in a trance for quite a while now, they were both sitting on the ground with their hands held together, around them were the bushes and many squirrels who deposited nuts around them.

Mona was also among the squirrels who deposited the nuts, finding that doing it was kinda fun, like it was a competition for the best nut catcher!

Trag and Emmarel were speechless at the weirdness of the druid and at the phenomenon that the dragon couple caused, 'werent they already a special case? Had they to be even more specialer?' It was to the point where they had to invent new words to express themselves.

Emmarel had seen much in her life but this was a first, a dragon who had the powers of shamans, priests, mages and now druids ehile still being the pinnacle of strength of a dragon, how much of a monster would that grow into?

As for Trag he was simply thinking that there was no way this was normal... He hadn't seen many dragons nor did he know much about magic and the Light, but knowing a bit of the druidism and shamanism of his people was given due to their lifestyles being based heavily upon it. And they in a instant did things which would surprise even his elders in rhe tribe.

After Mona got tired of being a squirrel, she became a dog and played chase after the squirrels, after that she became a bird and made a nest on top of the heads of the couple, giving each a crown made of sticks, mud and bird spit.

That went on until they both collapsed on the ground, having minor seizures and bleeding from the mouth. It seemed like they had finally pushed a limit they shouldn't, and due to being in the Dream and not in their actual bodies they weren't aware of it.

Heavy footsteps came from the distance, a huge bear with his body made out of flesh and vines showed up, his student on his shoulder as a falcon showing the way.

"They will not last long this way... If you wish to save them bring them with you and follow me!" said the bear while making a doorway of vines and thorns, which suddenly had a green light expand from inside out until covering the door and becoming like a mirror with ripples.