Draconic Inheritances

[Chain quest activated: Draconic Will]

[Integrate all titanic inheritances given to the dragons : 0/5]

[Reward : Titanic Stabilizer function unlocked]

As soon as the notice rang in my eyes, I woke up and saw myself in the place of the black dragon from earlier.

I could feel the earth much more accurately then when I used my normal spirit connection, it was powerful but also suffocating, every element and spirit in the surrounding imposed their Will upon me, their expectations, fears, anger and pain. It was like the earth wanted to consume me in a spiral of external emotions and Wills.

Not a second of peace would be given, a constant cacophony of sounds reverberating on my ears, I didnt know what to do with so much, should I push them back? Should I hear them?

Soon the many sounds became unrecognizable until only after much effort in focusing, I could hear each of of them apart, when I focused on a single one the other would seem to quiet for a bit.

I noticed that when I heard and understood one of the many voices, which I understood to be the Wills, no longer it would call to me without me being the one to connect with it first.

Time went on, the long grind of hearing and understanding, the needs and wants of the elements and spirits, I saw they all wanted to do more, as if the earth itself wished for their development and yearned for attention.

This was what meant to be a Earthwarden, the Black Aspect, it meant caring for the world, protecting the spirit in it and the purpose they were assigned.

The Mad Aspect Deathwing went crazy after overworking to serve his role, he thought it too much a burden, and kept on going, but when he heard that the Titans treated Azeroth as a mere experiment, that all his labour was ignored and uneeded yet they still gave him such arduous task, soon the Old Gods that were slowly corrupting the spirit of the earth got rheir voices along with the many, whispering rage and madness, so milennia he stood steadfast, until it slowly but surely broke him.

Once I accepted all the voices and could recall them all, I felt peace, atleast until something went wrong in the earth, I would rest.

I felt the Will of the Black Dragonflight slowly, made it part of me and accepted it.

[Integrate all titanic inheritances given to the dragons : 1/5]


I found myself over a green lush forest, the green dragon stood sleeping in a pond surrounded by trees, it resonated and dreamed of what should be, of the perfect realm which would be made manifest when it awakened.

Its eyes opened, it looked at me and roared, the life around me also roared and all went green.


The Emerald Dream stood before me, the spirit of life of all things connected to it, the feeling was like all life outside the Dream would give life to it, and in turn it would manage and nurture said life, waiting for when it was needed.

The longer I dreamt the more powerful the Dream would grow, until catastrophe hit the land, killing and purging all life outside, then I would open my eyes.

Soon the life that was once stored would gush out of me, regrowth would come to the land and ot would once again keep the cycle of nature, of life and death, keep the balance between dream and reality.

Once a tree fell it would reach the dream and the dream would nourish the seeds left behind with its last breath of life.

The cycle would go on, until it was unperturbed there was no need to act.

Taking in the balance between dream and reality, action and inaction, life and death, the cycle of all beings around me.

I finally understood the inaction of Green Dragons, why they must keep themselves as protectors and act on behalf of fixing a broken cycle and mending the wounds of nature.

They were not those who acted upon the world to change it, but rather those who kept it from being broken, just as the other dragonflights.

[Integrate all titanic inheritances given to the dragons : 2/5]


Soon I saw a blue dragon he stood on top of an ice mountain, crystals filled with energy and artifacts covered the cave, each one filled with knowledge and capable of bringing much prosperity and much destruction.

Soon the dragon opened its eyes just the like the others, and roared at me, the world soon became filled with spells and runes, each seemed to calculate the possibilities and potential of each of the spells, and in as if put on a balance which would count its danger and benefit, those that were deemed dangerous would be caged the ones deemed beneficial would soar and enter a book.


I awoke in the ice cold mountain, artifacts before me, tomes of forbidden knowledge and power at the side.

Each object I peered into would show its properties to me.... its scale of power, function and working mechanisms, my mind would calculate the results of this being available to all, what its misuses would bring, what the wonders it could achieve.

I took a runed cube in my claws, its function was shown as the ability to drain the power of living beings and unleash it as either a way to empower allies or destroy your foes.

Soon the scene of a mage came into mind, he wielded this artifact to drain demons who invaded Azeroth, and using it he would defeat his enemies while ensuring the survival of his world and allies, the excess energy he would wield to power other artifacts that would heal others, bring end to hunger or lock away foes he could not defeat.

Soon the same image of this mage showed, no longer in a fight against invaders, nor in the need to defend himself and his allies, he would wield it to oppress others, none could resist him without aiding to his power, until he became unstoppable, his destruction and wrath so big that even the demons would shudder at the thought.

Then the two options showed itself before for me to pick, to seal the runed cube or to release it to the world. Given was to me the ability to both give and retain knowledge and power.

Many similar scenes happened at each object I took on my claws. The burden of deciding between the two choices, to retain or to give, to act or not act with what I knew.

Soon I understood the depression that overcame Malygos, the burden of choosing and facing the consequences of said choice.

Once Malygos listened to Neltharion, known noe as Deathwing, to create a powerful artifact, to unite the powers of all dragonflights to fight against the threat of the Burning Legion. His choice killed most of his flight, make him sterile and greatly weakened all dragonflights expect for the black one which now became powerful enemies. His one choice doomed then future of oh so many, especially taking the life of those he loved dearly.

[Integrate all titanic inheritances given to the dragons : 3/5]