System Function: Titanic Stabilizer

I saw the elusive bronze dragon, hidden beneath the sand, a watcher away from sight, paying attention to me, knowing much about me but not acting upon it.

It soon shook the sands from its wings and time became slow, and in this slowing moving time he roared before many of itself came to be from the past, present and future.


The hourglass kept flowing, in the Caverns of Time, the hourglass kept moving, none could stop it, just like time.

The sands deposited on the bottom of the hourglass were condensed and hardy, no change would affect them, just like the past one could not change.

The sands dropped from the top part, making a stream of the fine sand, each of them flowing without stop and becoming part of the sands bellow. The present it represented, always instant and always fluid, depending of every grain to building upon the past make reality what it is.

The top of the hourglass was the fine sand that would churn and turn depending on the amount of sand that dropped from it, it was always changing and never fixed, the slightest amount of more or less sand fleeing to the bottom would make it change its shape. The future I realized, always uncertain, always dependent on the present and past to be decided, only when it became present and then past would its form show itself.

This delicate hourglass kept on working and would not stop, not until a sudden hand reached for the hourglass, and intruding on it, it went to the bottom and began to stir it and agitate it, making the hourglass shatter.

The sands spilt and the events became blurred, the past, present and future becoming jumbled and fixed, only to be once again thrown around by the wind.

This was the duty of the bronze dragon, defend the hourglass, the timeline from intrusion, make so that choices matter and that decisions had value, that the past had its permanent form which makes us today, to not allow the violation of the past choices, which led us all here to be discarded.

The future and present to not be jeopardized because of an ever changing past, for memories to last and not be discarded.

All else seemed irrelevant if time was undone, all that made you yourself was in the past, if not to protect it how come one keep on even thinking about the present and the future?

I realized now the reason behind the aloofeness of the bronze dragons, why they keep only in eternal vigilance other the past but seem so forgetful of the present and future... its hard to concentrate on keeping yourself in your own time when you had to keep such long history safe, where the minor mistake could bring destroy a timeline and make it irrelevant.

To protect the past is to make reason keep its logic and for actions to have consequences.

[Integrate all titanic inheritances given to the dragons : 4/5]


Under a huge tree stood the red dragon watching over its eggs, his body giving warmth and safety for them, protecting and making sure it could grow.

The tree soon began to wither and the dragon breathed upon its roots, making its seed grow to replace it, the life flourishing where death once was, it grew larger than the previous tree, its shade wider and its fruits sweeter, soon the eggs hatched and they grew, so did too they make their nests and multiply, ever bigger and ever stronger, until it grew old and lived its life with both happiness and sadness, in a cycle where the experience of the old passed onto the young and they too lived their lifes, adventures and ambitions.

To allow one to live a life, to not let it be cut short or be discontinued, to last until death and for death to give way for new life. That was the simple and important duty of the red dragons.

To respect the life of others and let them live, let them experience what the world has to offer, all while making sure none brings abrupt an end to the cycle which lets all live.

They are not those who have to prevent individuals from dying, just that they have the continuation of species and the enviroment making sure that all inhabitants in Azeroth have a chance, thats their duty.

A simple yet big task, which brings much pain and sorrow but also much hope and expectation. Life always flourishes when given a chance, like fire always burns as long as there is an ember.

[Integrate all titanic inheritances given to the dragons : 5/5]


[Commencing operations...]

[Checking Host life force ...]

[Synchronization of Wills achieved....]

[Parameters met.]

[Converting titanic essence...]

[Process complete. Starting auxiliary functions...]


Titanic Stabilizer is now online, do you wish to fuse titanic inheritences?

Inheritences available:

*Eonar (13%)

The Life-Binder, Gentle Caretaker of All Living Things

*Aman'thul (7%)

Titan of Order, Father of all Titans

*Norgannon (10%)

The Dreamweaver, Keeper of Celestial Magics and Lore.

*Khaz'garoth (15%)

Shaper and Forger of Worlds

Selected blessings shall infuse host with new genetic code, altering the Will of the body, proceed? (Y/N)


'Yes!! Proceed!' I shouted in my mind. Hopeful that finnaly the System was able to something other than showing abilities and sealing memories.

My body in the Emerald Dream began to flash a rainbow light, my body was being remade cell by cell, I could feel the energy coursing through me using my Arcane Knowledge, I could see its effects on rewriting the Will and DNA of my body.

It was warm and tingling sensation that would give way to comfort and ease, for so long my body felt 'wrong' somehow, as if it was foreign to me.

But now I felt whole, energy would flow easily, my knowledge and powers would feel natural instead of convoluted and clunky.

I finally felt like the chains of my body were broken.

I let out a mighty roar in excitement, while the space around me shook slightly... I felt for a mere second like nothing was impossible with my powers, that lasted until the energy ceased going through me.

[Main quest proceeds...]


Main Quest completed (Survive, Escape, Stabilize)

Reward: System will now open main functions.


[Opening Communications with Titan Facilities, Unit- Azeroth....]

[Contact Denied, Administrator protocols needed....]

[Pinpointing alternatives... Alternatives found, displaying...]