Corrupted Crimson Forrest

As soon as they reached this vile twisted region crows flew crazily at Theo and Emmeral, hundreds flew off the forest in their direction.

Theo pressed forward to meet them while a Light infused Fire Breath, which would make tens of them into ash in a single second.

After his breath attack was over and they kept coming at him he shielded himself and Emmeral with the Light, exuding an aura of purification two meters around him, it made for an area of around 6 meters of Light which would hurt any undead or corrupted creature while healing and protecting those inside the smaller shield he made.

Two layers of defense allowed Theo and Emmeral who was riding his back to enter the swarm of crows, swathes of them fell as soon as they reached the inner shield of the holy aura.

Some crows still managed to reach the shield even while burning away, they showed no fear in their suicidal attacks, they would peck the shield and seeing as it didn't give mich damage they would explode in a ball of blue corrosive smoke which would then be quickly cleansed, but not before it cause damage to the shield.

'The classic kamikaze strikes huh? Looks like we will have to get out of the swarm soon...' I strategized in my mind.

'Emmeral is good at killing single targets at a distance, not at ending swarms of small creatures, this means I will have to be more aggressive in cleaning them, making a passive aura and shield is not enough to hold them past a certain number.' I decided to change gears and go on the offensive.

The Light aura soon receded towards the inner shield and then when it came inward the shield now charged with energy pulsed outward in a wave of Light which moved the crows back while burning them.

It would buy just enough time for five seconds later I again release another Holy Nova, making so that they were again pushed back and bought more time, this cycle of them going in and being pushed back went on for around an hour before their numbers were small enough to no longer being a threat.

Bellow I could see many animals also corrupted, chasing after us waiting for us to land...

'If they force us to land this could get nasty... even if I had the power to wipe the whole corrupted wildlife, they would only be distractions compared to the cultists... not only to mention the trees which could also attack me...' Even seeing how horrid things could go, I pressed forward, there was no time for retreats, I still had to wipe away the Blighted Lands and Gorak Tul from Azeroth and go after titanic energy to save Selia.

Going deeper into the corrupted forest the trees became taller and more menacing, they would extend their branches to catch me, to avoid being grounded or ensnared I flew higher, seeing the big tree Gol Inath in the center of the forest, I flew over to it.

Soon as I was a hundred meters from the ancient tree in the center they sprung their trap, a huge array casted by more than fifty cultists made a portal and from this portal a huge tentacle jumped out and caught my tail, the portal lasted long enough for the tentacle to pull me towards the ground.

Before our forced landing Emmarel shot ten arrows and killed ten cultists, even in such situation she was able to shoot precisely... as expected of an ancient night elf.

Now on the ground the roots started to come from all directions, corrupted wolves, constructs of stone and wood and other wild life surrounded us.

I decided that I was time to go all out, so I agitated the drowsy elements into action, making the earth split before me, making a path for the Gol Inath, which was the focus of the corruption.

Emmarel also went all out throwing the bottles of liquid fire around making a wall that none of the chasing enemies could go past without becoming ash.

With the earth splitting apart sending trees and roots into the opposing directions a path soon opened up, that was our chance to reach the tree and clear the forest before being overwhelmed.

With our backs covered by liquid fire and our path being slowly closed we rushed to cross the distance to Gol Inath before the roots could reach us and close the path.

When we were almost through the path was already being closed before us, making me once again release a Fire Breath imbued with Light, opening a door among the roots to go through.

Once we reached the clearing where Gol Inath stood, the cultists had locked on us, they surrounded the huge tree, and finished the spell that made it come to "life", becoming an corrupted Ancient, which was the lifeforms which were bigger and stronger than treants.

The Ancient was an unhealthy muky dark red, along with its gray and black bark, it towered over the cultists and stepped on them.

Even the trees around it retreated as if afraid of being devoured by it, this made the clearing even larger and that would likely be our fighting arena.

("Take out the casters, I will fight the tree, if you need healing just scream my name.") As soon as I sent her the message I buffed her with the Power Word:Shield, Time Acceleration and Mark of the Wild, she was now shielded, faster and stronger.

I threw myself at the tree breathing Fire and Light, while stomping hard to make it lose its footing with earth magic.

So began our boss fight.