Gol Inath

The corrupted Gol Inath stumbled when the ground under it gave in, the moment it began to rise back up it shrieked at the golden flames that scorched its leg, making it agitated.

Theo saw his flames being effective against the corrupted ancient, but they did not spread to consume it as he expected, the flames would burn and try to spread only to be doused by the blue murky gas that was released from underneath its bark.

The damage that was done was soon reduced when other roots emerged to take the place of those turned into ash. It would be long fight...

As for Emmarel, she was jumping all over the clearing, dodging spells and killing casters, once they tried to form a group with some defending with shadow shields while the others attacked with shadow bolts, she just needed to flick three bottles of liquid fire over them and see they all be consumed by the unquenching flames, she saw that Theo's foresight was trully impressive at this moment. She dreaded thinking of what would become of them if they did not have such useful tool, it was worth the effort to make them!

Seeing the corrupt ancient swing its thorny arm at me, I flew up dodging it, but as soon as it passed under me I felt a shadow coming over me. Its other arm was trying to smash into the ground! Not wanting to be squished I stopped time for just two seconds, enough to get out of the way of the arm, in response I charged my breath and spew the golden flames at full power over its head.

This attack made it bring back its arms to protect its head. Which made its hands become ash. It once again shrieked in pain while dosing the flames with the blue gas.

Theo while in the air started to conjure a powerful lightning strike, using both his druidic and shamanistic powers to bring a Moonlight strike on top of its head, it had arcane properties and was an improved attack druids used in moonkin form!

The pale purple lightning struck it making it stunned, allowing for Theo to use another Golden Flame Breath!

By now the ancient no longer screamed in pain, but rather, it began to throw stones at the flying silver drake.

The stones were thrown in high velocity making it hard to dodge if not paying close attention. Stones the had the size of a small room, the ancient which was 15 meters high would throw them at full force without caring for where they would land.

This made it hard for me to approach, as I had to pay close attention to the stones, while I waited to recharge my dragon breath I would keep dodging swiftly in the air.

When my breath was recharged I would dive in the direction of Gol Inath and stop time just when the stone was about to hit me, dodging to the side while still charging ahead. And then again release golden flames on it.

I noticed that in three dragon breaths it had shrunk its size, likely due to losing its roots and branches.

"Theo!" shouted Emmarel, she was being held by growing roots and being dragged back to the trees who waited outside.

I sped up to catch her and quickly gave a tail swipe infused with the Light, making it release her.

I saw that most of the cultists were dead at this point, due to not only being shot at but also squashed by rocks and being consumed by the forest. It looked like they were no longer able to control the infected forest with their small numbers!

This meant we could join forces to kill the Corrupt Gol Inath without worrying about the cultists.

Riding on my back she threw liquid fire flasks at the Gol Inath while I would dodge and release golden flames at the moment the cooldown was up.

I was less agile while having to carry her, but with her constant attacks pressuring the ancient I had to dodge less rocks thrown at us.

Soon the ancient had been reduced to almost half its size, it had realized that rock throws were ineffective, so it ran in the direction of the outer trees.

"We need to end this quick!!" I said while having a premonition. We could not allow it to reach the other trees!

The Ancient ran with its large legs making the trees flee trying to avoid it, but they were much slower than its bigger kin, being made into prey without much struggle.

Gol Inath began to consume the trees, after uprooting and then munching on them, each tree it ate its size grew.

Seeing as they would have to burn the whole forest if things kept going this way Theo made a decision to once again do something reckless.

He asked Emmarel for her bag of liquid fire and let her down into the ground.

Soon he conjured the stale wind into a flight speed buff, and cast a Time Acceleration on himself at full power, it was time to kill it.


The corrupt ancient soon turned back to charge at its enemies, but now it carried a tree in each hand, ready to throw them at the pesky silver drake.

Gol Inath did not expect to see it coming like a flash and slamming directly into its chest, making a deep hole in it.

Soon the hole began to burn, and the flames had a holy aura around them projecting them foward, the mighty Gol Inath was not burning from inside out and the flames would not douse due to the aura.


Theo was inside Gol Inath, he bore a hole into its heart by condensing his Light, Fire and Arcane Moonlight power into a instant beam and went through.

Inside he let out all the liquid fire they made this past two weeks, he was also burning but he didn't care about it. He simply put his Holy Light aura to the max and let his Power of Life work along with his Blessing of Nature to recharge and heal his spirit from both the Light and Emerald Dream. He was burning and regenerating at the same time, he could see the fire spread and the blue gas begin to dissipate. He just had to last long enough.

Soon the ancient began to claw at its chest and try to use its roots to constrict the intruder inside, but it couldnt hit the silver drake due to the fire quickly forming a defense around the drake, whenever when it approached it would burn.

While feeling the pain of the flames and the wood trying to constrict him he saw a wooden heart, it was not tainted, due to this reason it would also burn and regenerate just like him.

He went to it and hid the meter long heart with his wings and arms, making sure it would not burn and then went back to resisting the flames and pressure.


After a long exhausting while that seemed to be hours instead of just one or two minutes, there was only a mound of ash where once stood Gol Inath.

From inside the ashes, a silver figure came out, bringing a relieved sigh from the night elf ranger at the side.