Shrine of the Storms

We departed to Stormsong after restocking on Liquid Fire, the silver arrows also were done, also a simple axe made from a compound of silver was made, it costed quite the fortune, thankfullt the Crystalheart fruits sold really well... I might even make a orchard of it in the future with th seeds and fruits I had in hand.

As I carried Emmarel in back flying towards the north, I began to miss Selia, it had already been a month since she went to sleep in stasis to avoid her body falling apart... My conviction and drive was still there but I couldn't avoid the sadness that came.

Only now I was aware of how we were together since the first day I came to this world, and now was the first time we were apart, It felt like a part of me was missing, and that some old habits wanted to surface once again.

I was always improving for the sake of not dying but also for her... I couldn't help but sigh and move on, letting my mind wander into negative thoughts would only make me lose my way. It was also very dangerous considering where I was going to go... Emotions could bring great strength but also much trouble if you could not contain them.

After a day of flying we reached the place that was given to us by Mona, we kept in touch using messenger birds, one of the conveniences of druids.

It was a small ravine beneath alot of vegetation, the sun didnt reach well the bottom of it, but it was good as a hideout.

They chose to avoid patrols and pursuers by hiding here, apparently there was a large Lurker hidden here, his bones were still there at their side to prove it.

"Trag, Mona are you there? Its Theo." I shouted asking.

"You took your time young man, these two have been keeping me against my will for weeks! All so I could guide you to that cursed place... Its the most prepared, dedicated suicide I've seen!" Said an annoyed and very dirty and unkept Brother Pyke.

"Brother Pyke! Its to see you... I offer my apologies for the situation, but I assure you its a urgent task and the survival of many is involved." I said laying the truth, even if Thros wasnt unleashed now, it didnt mean it wouldnt take the lifes of many when it happened in the future.

"I heard of it... The only reason I stayed was due to that, if there is indeed something sinister and dark waiting to leave that island it is better to deal with it, even if I hold no hope you are able to do so." he said while he shrugged and sigh helplessly.

"So are we leaving?" Said a tired and bored Trag coming frlm behind, he was scratching his butt in a laid back manner.

"Ohhh, new adventure? We are going to that scary ans spooky place right? I'm going too!" Said the furball on top of Trag's head, which I could only indentify as Mona shapeshifted as a squirrel.

"It would be better for you to stay... Afterall numbers might not help much in that place..." I was also afraid that this weirdo would have some quite traumatic thoughts inside that head of hers, something that would bring tragedy in the Nightmare.

"And miss out on the fun? No way!" She said while becoming a bird and sitting on my shoulder.

I could only just allow her to follow and hope for the best, we made alot od preparations for this journey, it was only killing Gorak Tul that presented the bigger challenge in my opinion.

"Very well... let's get going then, Brother Pyke is it ok to fly or do we need a boat?" I asked just in case.

"What do you mean fly? How are going to fly there?" He asked unsure of if it was something allowed.

"Oh.. right..." Instead of speaking further I let out my wings, and the silver scales light up the dark ravine.

"D-dragon? Demon? What are you?!" He said losing his composure.

"Dragon. Now what do we need to do? Make haste." I curtly said


I infiltrated the Shrine of Storm, passing as an Tidesage was not hard with the aid of Brother Pyke by my side, we have to take a scroll called [Ritual of Safe Passage] it detailed the ritual to open the sealed way to Thros.

I soon noticed that the Tidesages looked a bit too quiet, some even look at Brother Pyke with concealed hostility, but still none acted upon it, and it was only a small part of them that seemed "off".

I even to the point of reading the superficial thoughts of one of them. It was quite bad, apparently there were good reasons as for why the majority of Tidesages were corrupted in the future... I chose Pyke just because he was one of the last uncorrupted ones in the future.

Yet there were already some of them with weird thoughts. Pride and intolerance mixed with envy, these were the kinds of thing would expect from very petty people, all one needed to get them to turn on others was to show how their pride had been hurt and give a way to recover their glory.

It seemed that the Twilight Hammer had been stocking some embers around these parts, making some boastful and arrogant, some times one did not need to do much to corrupt someone, just let them corrupt themselves.