Lurking Shadow

The Shrine of Storm was a very unique place, it was on an island close to the shores of Stormsong, its architecture was both ancient and different from the rest of Kultiras.

The shrine from outside looked like a octopus upon a mountain, its above part being its head and the pillars of support that reached the ocean its tentacle... here was the place where the magic of Tidesages was strongest, in the depths of the shrine there were rooms where they would practice their craft and connect with the deep sea, chambers big enough to house whole fleets and bless them were present below the shrine.

The longer we stayed in this place the worse i felt... there was really something corrupting this place, maybe I should take it out before it tempted and corrupted the Tidasages further?

The twilight zealots would not just come ans stir emotions right? They didn't have the leisure of sending their precious manpower for something so subtle and unreliable...

Tidasages had deep connection to the water, the same way the black dragonflight had, which meant that the whispers were stronger, how much stronger? Lets just say that the oceans have been Old Gods territory for millennia, it was their prime festering ground and the source of many of the horrors that would break out in the future...

'As long as I didn't have to dig too deep I will remove any corrupting agent in this place before leaving.' I made my decision.

My priorities were still taking the written ritual to reach the Blighted Lands, but I would not be able to rest knowing this shadows were so close to a sleeping and vulnerable Selia.

"Brother Pyke... How come you returned just now? Did the beast let you go?" Said a prideful and powerful voice full of authority.

"Yes Lord Stormsong! Just now was I released... I noticed my failures as a Tidesage and which to have access to the records to improve upon my self." He said repeating the words I transmitted him

"Indeed, it was a shameful display to be taken captive, Tidesages should be able to remain with their heads high... We are the future of Kultiras afterall, I grant you access, but... Who is that friend of yours? I have never seen him before, why you bring him to this sacred place?" Said Lord Stormsong

"He comes as someone learned in our ways... apparently a wandering Tidesage taught him, and now he comes join us... I merely wanted to show him the greatness of our shrine!" Said Brother Pyke according to my words.

"I see... still it is not usual to let an unknown acolyte in without his master..." He said while deliberating what to do with us before continuing "But since you are with him... he may take a look at our traditions and rites, it will be good for him to integrate himself to the shrine." After saying that he waved us off before going his way.

"Lord Stormsong looked weary these days, since the loss of many of our rank at the Second War it looks like a shadow stays over him... heard he lost his younger brother in that war!" Whispered Brother Pyke to me.

'No wonder he started to spiral into darkness... his pride, grief and frustration trully are fertile soil to negative thoughts.' I analyzed.

Soon we came upon the records and took the rites we needed, I read it quickly and jolted down the important parts, soon we left the records room and came upon the entrance to the deeper levels, there I activated my spiritual connection to hear the sea and land.

I focused and reached deep into the sea, where whispers would echo in the dark.

"It is true! a N'raqi is down there!" I muttered out loud, thankfully only Brother Pyke was around.

"N'rak what?" Asked the Tidesage confused

"N'raqis are servants of old dark and sinister forces in our world, their whispers twist the mind, they belong to the group of creatures known as Faceless Ones, aberrations half octopus and half humanoid, we need to remove it from this place before the whole shrine is warped and corrupted!" I tried to convince Brother Pyke

"Its hard to reach the deeper levels without authorization... its where secrets of our order lay." he said.

"I will not leave that thing unperturbed... you can come with me and aid me or I go alone." And down I went, concealing myself with illusions and making myself hidden to the elements around me.

When Brother Pyke came behind I sid the same for him, we dived in the water leading to the lower levels of the shrine, went past the huge openings filled with ships, armors and weapons and kept diving.

Soon we came upon the faceless one.

It didn't notice us, seeming to be occupied with his job in whispering to those above, slowly and surely corrupting their minds.

When Brother Pyke saw the creature, he paled at the thought of the shrine being defiled and corrupted, of his order falling and becoming mad from the whispers he know heard clearly.

He quickly realized why I didn't let the matter lay, had he the foresight of knowing what he now saw and heard he also wouldn't let it rest and ignore it.

Me and Brother Pyke readied ourselves to kill the creature and free the shrine from whispers.

The battle started with a massive bolt of lightning coming out of my mouth, Lightning Breath with elemental lightning, I gave start to the battle by stunning it.