Knowing and seeing are very different things... I clearly knew that it would be a pretty huge place but I did not know it would be this big.
To find Uldaman in this place would be a very ardous task, it could take months if not years if I went checking everything.. even with my spiritual connection as a sweeping radar it still would take too long...
The question was how to comb the area while not bring the attention of the enemies around...
Selia did not have much time to be waiting for me, I had to take risks...
Then I looked at Mona, who looked like an desert rat with long ears and that jumped like a rabbit, I didn't even know those existed on Azeroth!
But it did give me an idea...
"Mona help me get alot of animals that dig tunnels or that hide under the ground, it will be faster if we get them to help us find the ruins!" I said to the quirky druid.
"Ookay! But they ask for payment in the form of cookies!" She said.
We had brought alot of supplies with us, some of them were cookies from the villages of Kultiras and from the Wetlands, there were those made of honey and some were salty but also tasty...
Now.. if she just made use of the opportunity to bad them all for herself or she trully needed them to convince the little critters I got no clue. But if it gets the job done quicker and not asking questions make me remain my sanity, I'd say its a cheap price for it.
I also started on trying something new to help us out this time.
I started to learn how to summon elementals to the physical plane. Its one thing to understand an abstract force of the spirit, but another one to summon it in physical form with a life attached to it.
While it was quite tricky, we didn't need muscle nor too sophisticated elementals, simple ones thay could find something different that wasn't rocks was enough.
This way we could attract less attention... While an elemental invasion would be something that would make the fire elementals wary and strike back, these guys I summoned were so small that they were more like ants which would ping when fiding a specific target.
It was weird infusing my Will and shaping an elemental out of it, the more sophisticated the Will the harder to keep it together, which told alot about the complexity of lifeforms in general.
Elemental beings are usually simpler lifeforms, they dont have many of the emotions and ambitions of other races, they were basically immortals with a rather simple mindset... of course there were greater elementals which did gain a more complex array of feelings and Wills, but most of them didn't.
'Weren't dragons descended from elementals also? Well, evolution is pretty quick in this universe...' Was one of my thoughts while I made my little friends one by one.
"Uff... This trully drains alot of mana and concentration... If i didn't have the blood of blue dragons I could go crazy from all the details needed to do this." The benefits of having many draconic bloodlines was starting to show now.
For using elemental Wills and spiritual manipulation I had Earth Connection, for making life I had Power of Life and Blessing of Nature, for coordination I had Arcane Knowledge calculating everything like a machine.
"This is what we call peak efficiency" I said to my companions who were watching in wonder at the side.
It was a scene where a punch of little rocks would get together making a bigger rock who would then enter the soil and go into a direction without stopping.
After making around 500 of the little fellas, I felt tired and hungry.
The bad part about being a dragon was the food consumption, a normal meal was usually only enough to fill the space between my teeth much less fill my stomach.
Thus I again could sympathize with the reason why dragons hibernated and lazed around so much... If you did work you had to find alot of food.
Also this justified their isolated lairs, they would need a large amount of space to be their hunting grounds... if mortals made cities right in those spots they would have to go further to find their food.
Of course some of them had round about ways to deal with that... Blue Dragons conjured food with mana, Green Dragons were mostly sleeping and getting nurtured by the nature around them, Bronze Dragons could just eat a bite and then renew the part they just took, it would make multiples of the food but it wasn't significant enough to go against their duty.
The ones who hunted more out of the dragons were the Black and Red ones, that's also the reason for them to being the more sighted ones too... the Dragonmaw clan must be spending fortunes feeding all those red whelps, drakes and the Dragonqueen and her consort.
Luckily I could do the three things the reclusive dragons could. Magic food was a bit bland and less nutritious but still filled enough.
We decided to make this cave our base of operations for now, I even camouflaged the entrance to make it harder to find.
We needed to get cozy for a while, this search for surrely take some time.