The Patience Game

During our time in these wastelands I decided to use the avaiable time to analyze the trinkets and staffs we acquired, and started to see some similarities in them.

It was like the items had overlapping Wills, one of them held the Wills together, the other was amplifying an aspect of the material, another one would give the item a specific function and one was responsible for allowing the link of the item with the user.

Most of the crafting was done using enchanting inscriptions, which meant it was neatly laying many things on top of each other... In terms of Wills the result was not that strong due to it becoming too faint the more lairs you put in, the materials were what made it work for the most part, as it was what provided support to the Wills written in the inscriptions.

With my Arcane Knowledge I could even see how it was calculated and the efficiency of each part of it. Sure it achieved something bigger than the dormant raw material but it also diluted the potential in too many processes and was not capable of awakening the innate potential of the materials.

For example, I can bring out the power of normal earth in a brief time by using my Spirit to connect with it, it took mana the same way the arcane did but it was not a artificial Will per say, but rather a ancient already present one being awakened.

This gave me a couple of ideas on how I wished to craft some items in the future, but right now I still felt i would waste materials if they were given to me... Maybe I should learn the runes inscriptions that make totems or what not...

"Its been a week already, did you find anything friend?" Said a rather depressed Trag, feeling bored and sad for having to be on a dark cave for so many days.

"Well they are still looking... two week at most should be what it takes, maybe less if they find what we are looking for. Inside we will most likely have to fight alot of things so you should stay on form and pratice while you got the time!" After saying that I made a map for him to go and clean some ogres that were close by looking for trouble, this should keep him busy for a while.

Emmarel had spent quite alot of time in contemplation it seemed, since she left the Nightmare she hadn't been talking much and would only become active when responding to the messages she received by messenger owls or when fighting.

"Wanna talk about it?" I took the chance to ask now that we were alone in the cave.

"Sigh...sure, why not..." She agreed with a nod.

"You see, there were many events which I saw in that nightmare, things that looked too real but also that I never seen... Undead abominations and blight upon the woods of Ashenvale, Lord Cenarious dead killed by an orc and to make it even worse The Legion assaulting the Great Tree. So many friends dead and so much we worked for undone in such little time, it made me feel helpless against it all..." She confessed.

"Indeed, its hard to do everything alone, even the Guardian thought so, while your organization sticks to the dark and acts only when needed, it often is not enough to fix everything. If you want to stop the madness of the future you need to let the people stand together against the coming storm... The Lich King should already be on Northrend, amassing his power and perfecting its plague, Time is running low and there are many working together to bring the future disasters forth. If we make preparations we should be able to weather the storm." I consoled her.

The future was always changing, even if I thought to keep it predictable and following the events I was aware of, my own existence was already a unknown factor that changed it.

Rather than keeping them to myself I decided to do my best to contain and solve many of the incoming disasters, I wanted to make a new future where the many innocents didn't get to be slaughtered and turned into an undead army, where The Legion didnt get the chance to crush many kingdoms in its path.

Of course I had no plans to do so alone... much less did I expect for the important players to give me attention, heck I was not even the only one who knew if the incoming danger... that guy should appear soon and start his job as a prophet afterall.

So for now I was making sure to get stronger and to mitigate other dangerous factors while looking for suitable allies, it will take time to prepare and convince others... right now I had another priority but soon I would start some plans.


A whole week passed, Trag killed many ogres, I had some important conversations with Emmarel concerning the future, she somehow believed my words... and Mona did a good job in keeping the perimeter in check, the critters were not as useful in finding the ruins but they did a goos job at scouting around.

As for the elementals, many things were now bring reported to be by the trusty little rock fellas, they found many tunnels under the place, many more ruins than I expected and alot of dark dwarves were moving around, they were just not going around the surface much which makes them seem to have a weak presence here.

One the little guys even discovered a facility close to the sea where they desalinized the water with fire elementals, it explained alot about how their civilization survived in this harsh environment.

I got curious at the complex tunnel systems bellow, the Badlands in the game only had some Dark Iron presence, not this much... but it also didn't explain the details of their daily struggle to survive in this scorched and dry lands. How they get food or water in this place was always something made fun of in the game.

Also their numbers were way bigger than expected, even after a huge war against the Horde they coule still mobilize their troops for exploration and expansion...

The elementals also found rare ores veins, crystals, and even some dragon nests... we made sure to map those and avoid coming close.

The minerals that were close to the tunnels were being mined at a very fast rate by the dwarves, with the help of machinery they could trully be called the rulers of the underground.

The many ruins that were found were parts of a city apparently, some ruins were deep and sealed off, but a couple were just in disrepair, being buried with time and were closer to the surface, the biggest one most likely was Uldaman.

Those deep sealed locations were likely where many of the failed creations of the titans lay, Troggs for example were the prototypes of dwarves, they were too stupid to serve their function so they got sealed beneath the earth.

I was astounded at the size of the real Uldaman... it covered most of the underground of a few kilometers, It even looked like some of the disconnected houses and rooms were already found by the Dark Iron... they would in some years find the jackpot of the ruins if nothing stopped them from doing so.

Luckily I got here before they could actually take away the artifacts and important things in the ruins.

Packing our things I recalled the little rock fellas and we departed to explore Uldaman!