I breathed an Corrosive Breath at the obsidian sentinel to get its attention, it ended up being reflected and being spewed not only back at me but also all over the place, certainly it somehow repelled magic, I wanted to have a bit of an study on how it did it after we fell it.
But for now I stood in the ground confronting the golem which was more than twice my size, a single punch of it made my head spin from the recoil, and the shield began to show cracks.
'This was going to be hard to tank as both healer and tank...' I tought to myself
Trag had began to hack and slash at its side while Emmarel started to put some arrows in its arm joints, helping relieve the pressure on me by quite a bit.
As for Mona, she would become a bird flying high in the air and then dive and become a powerful bear and ram into the shoulder of the construct.
All these interruptions and constant attacks made the flow of combat much easier for me, but at the same time made it hard for the boss to see me as the biggest threat.
In a way that only PVE players would know, I lost aggro to the damage dealers, making it swing its fist at Trag and forcing me to time stop and stand in front of him with an golden earth shield, a mix of Light and Earth Element, making it more hardy but less mobile.
This meant that it woule be hard to hit Trag if the tauren kept the same position behind me. Or so I tought before seeing its foot coming down with a stomp over me.
If before I felt light headed, now it felt like someone had hit my mind with a truck. The whole shield I made sank down atleast a meter on the ground, making a big tremor and raising alot of dust.
In the aftermath of its stomp I could now see four shadows from the direction where rhe obsidian boss stood, the larger one was around a meter smaller then its previous 7 meters, while the other three figures had the same size as Trag and were chasing after Mona, Emmarel and Trag.
I buffed everyone with Time Acceleration, making it hard for them to be defeated and caught by the spawned obsidian golems, they had to win their own fights while I kept the big guy occupied.
Trag made use of his new haste to face head on the golem with an overhead strike, his axe got stuck after entering the head of the golem, killing it.
Emmarel was kiting the smaller golem pursuing her and quickly drew two special arrows, nocking them at thr same time in her bow, turning in mid air she aimed and let go of the string, the arrows sang in the wind with a purple glow, entering the two eyes of the golem before exploding and killing it.
Mona was able to crush her opponent by becoming a bull and ramming full speed into it, which made her almost unconscious, but atleast her opponent lay dead with its chest caved in.
They soon joined me in fighting against the boss, Trag managed to chip away the obsidian armor at it's side, which Emmarel sent another one of her arcane explosive arrows which widened the gap, Mona held the boss with a smaller kraken form, using her eight tentacles to bring its legs together in a bid to make it fall.
I helped her in making it fall by manipulating the floor beneath it, making it fall like a tree being cut at its base.
It hit the ground giving us the chance to kill it once and for all.
I was going to let out my frustrations at being unable to use magic against it by firing a Sand Breath in its side, right through its gaping wound.
It felt like my breath was filling its inside, cutting and smashing its innards, which made me quite satisfied, it stopped moving much after that, signalling that we had hit it where it hurt.
It soon began to make more smaller golems from its body, becoming smaller and smaller, the golems it spawned weren't enough of a challenge also, meaning that it had hit its end.
When it died, a red light flashed from inside it, coalescing into an orb, my perception made me feel that this little orb was full of corruption and malevolence, likely of old gods origin.
I decided to take it, but not before putting it inside a box filled with holy water I had learned to make not long ago, Faol's book was being very useful afterall..
Soon when we reached the other side of the previously sealed chamber, we could open the door and get our reward from Archaedas.
To be honest getting this guy as an ally would be amazing, he was something like the chief architect of the titan keepers in Azeroth, he knew most of the secrets and technology of the titans... finding a titan keeper that was alive, active and sane was a pretty tall order right now, and he fits every criteria.
(User): We dealt with the issue, I will be arriving shortly, I ask that you bring Ironaya to you location so we may talk about some important matters concerning the future of Unit - Azeroth
(Archaedas): Very well, what may I call you again?
(Theo): You may call me Theo, I'm a dragon, so we are on the same side.