Titanic Duties

While it might sound corny to say 'I'm a dragon, we are on the same side.' Saying to could just relay the fact that I also had to duty to protect Azeroth.

Even if I didn't belong to a dragonflight nor was an Aspect, I still viewed myself as someone who could do much for this world, and also that many of the world ending threats would just want me dead anyway so I might as well just go and deal with them first.

If I was not mistaken Archaedas was also the creator of the secret facility of the Chamber of Heart, this facility was able to connect to all other titan facilities in the planet. Something like that would make using the System very convinient, of course that it would be most likely very hard to get him to talk about it.

Imagine someone coming, mentioning the greatest secret of your life and trying to convince you to let him use it for the good of everyone... The likely answer would be to silence him.

As for how to convince him... that would be to kill Loken or something along those lines.


We went into the Hall of the Crafters unimpeded, there were many inactive guardians or those who simply looked at us before ignoring us and going back at hammering and repairing artifacts or other golems.

The efficiency and advanced design of those titanforged working away made me want to learn crafting... maybe that could help with making both me and Selia stronger.

Unlike the game this chamber was a workshop, the earthen and golems would quietly do their duties and go back to stasis, doing their best to avoid exposure to corruption while still making sure to keep Uldaman working.

If it were any mortal race made of flesh such life would be unbearable, but for the titanforged this was simply their existence, their reason to be... they would learn their craft and spend their whole existence at it.

Beyond this hall was the Seat of Khaz'garoth, where Archaedas and Ironaya were present in silent contemplation while gazing in our direction.

"Dragon, why have you come to this place? How do you know of this place?" Said Archaedas in a anxious manner.

"Simple... I knew of this place because I know of the future, and because I know about the past with Loken, Tyr and the jail of two of the Old Gods becoming loose... You made them yourself, I believe I need your help into containing them in the future, I will especially need your help with reclaiming Uldir." I said hinting at him about the research on the Old Gods, a persistent and dangerous project undertook for many millenia that led to the sealing of Uldir and its quarantine.

"Trully, you know alot about us... which flight do you belong to?" He said while eyeing me up and down, trying to analyze and ascertain something.

"My existence is the result of a experiment by the corrupt Black Dragonflight... If you would like me to specify... I'm a Chromatic Dragon, a mix of all the dragonflights and designed to rule over Azeroth, I was a defect who was thrown away, thankfully they should have used a titanic artifact without being certain of its properties and it led a soul coming from the future to this current vessel, I'm curious if you know of this artifact by the way." I asked with genuine curiosity, this was THE crafter of the watchers, it would be weird if he had not worked or known of my Titanic System.

"An artifact capable of displacing souls in time... and of stabilizing conflicting memories and Wills... Trully remarkable, and sounds familiar to things Tyr would deal with, but I am not aware of such. I am aware of the betrayal of the Black Dragonflight, but our duty to the Pantheon has always remained more important than not only myself but also all life in Azeroth." He said while pondering if he should continue with his conjecture.

"You claim to come from the future, which would mean the Bronze Aspect should have sensed your arrival... Time is something that should be jeopardized." He said sternly, making me sweat internally thinking I made a mistake to mention it.

"But you also hold the artifact made by us for some purpose, I would like to take my time to study you in the future, but you still need your reward..." He said while thinking what would be fitting for a dragon to receive.

"Before you choose me something, I would like to request your aid in something, I need titanic energy to power the artifact inside me, if I am not quick in this endeavor it could mean the death of my beloved. I just need some energy and I will make sure to not take too much, only what is necessary." I said quickly, feeling my heart pounding in anxiety.

"Hmm we had not been able to store much energy after the Great Sundering... the generators were buried and our operations were put on hold due to the Curse of Flesh. If you wish to take the spares, I could give you some power units, but I will ask of you to repair the generator in the near future." Said Archaedas reaching a compromise.

The Titan Watchers were usually generous as long as you knew how to talk with them, if you could gain their curiosity and make them feel like they were fulfilling their duties to rid Azeroth of corruption and nurturing the world-soul inside it... They spare no expenses to achieve their designated duties.

Many of the watchers only began to grow apathetic and lethargic due to the constant corruption of the Old Gods, which loosened their shackles after the fall of the Pantheon, Loken even became a greedy, paranoid tyrant due to their whispers, like someone like Ra became a depressed and dispirited husk of himself after learning of the Pantheon's demise.

"Very well, If you wish I would help you even restore the whole Uldaman and dethrone Loken... of course right now it would be wishful thinking, but I believe in my potential." I looked foward to having a good cooperation with this unfortunate titan watcher. I still felt a bit guilty how he was killed without any thoughts given about who he was.

In the game you would kill him and every guardian of the titan city, just because your faction felt that if they didnt secure the artifacts inside the other faction would, that led to a looting spree where this tragic fellow died.

"It was good to have come here... Lets work together!" I said.