Her Rescuers

Amelia paced back and forth before the doctor's room, causing her auburn hair to bounce every time she turned. Her heart pounded furiously as she waited for the doctor or the nurse to deliver any result on Rae's condition. She was really worried.

Kain had made her stay outside while he followed the doctor into the treatment room to accompany Rae. He had insisted that Amelia should take some rest to recover from her trauma after that assault.

It took him a while to convince Amelia before she gave in. But instead of resting like Kain suggested her to, she paced around before the doctor's room. A lot of things went through her mind, all at the same time. She couldn't think straight.

She wondered if Rae will be alright, and what took the doctor forever to come out with a result?

She wondered why Commander Irvine sent his people to kill her? Wasn't he one of the King's men?

And she wondered when Lady Evans will show up?

Previously, she had written a letter to Miria and asked a servant of the doctor to help and deliver it to her. She notified Miria that something important came up and her presence was needed.

Amelia instantly snapped out of her trance and stood up straight when the door creaked. She watched Kain walked out from the doctor's room and lurched towards him. "How is she?" she asked eagerly. "Rae, how is she?"

"She's alright. Your friend is lucky to be given early treatment before she lost a lot more blood," Kain informed. "The doctor treated her wound and she's taking her rest."

Amelia sighed in relief at the news. She peeked towards the doctor's room to take a good look at what was going on in there and saw Rae lying calmly on the bed. A nurse stayed beside her bed. "Can I go in and see her?"

"Of course," Kain nodded slowly and guided Amelia into the treatment room. "But she fell asleep shortly after the doctor fed her medicine."

The Princess inched closer to her maidservant and a small smile formed on her mouth. She swallowed as she remembered what had caused Rae to be in this state — Rae was trying to save Amelia´s life by helping her to escape from the police.

Amelia lifted her hand and caressed Rae slowly on her forehead. "I'm sorry," she whispered, "And thank you." She watched Rae sleeping soundly on the bed for a short while, and turned to Kain with a nod, signaling that she's done with visiting.

Kain led her back into the waiting room and smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry. I'll look out for her. You should calm down and take a rest. It's been a rough night for you."

Amelia sat down on the bench and her head instantly turned to the entrance as it swung open, expecting that Miria would walk in with her guards.

Her eyes dropped down as it wasn't Lady Evans who walked into the clinic. It was her savior. She played with her fingers nervously and looked at the man with a forced smile.

Laif acknowledged her with a nod. His face showed concern. "You okay?"

Amelia nodded. "Yes... But Rae is still in the treatment room. I think she will have to stay in the here for a while."

Laif glanced towards the doctor's room and turned to Amelia. "She will be okay." He shifted his weight for a moment and leaned on the wall behind him. "Tell me, why were those men after you? Why were they trying to hurt you and your friend?"

Amelia bit her lips and shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe those men were trying to steal some money from us," she lied. In her situation, it would not be wise for her to expose her identity.

"I see. You and your friend were unlucky to stumble across those thugs," Laif concluded. "Don't worry about them. I've asked a few locals to take those thugs to the authority. I believe that they will face the consequences soon."

Amelia nodded. She watched Laif stood up and headed to the doctor's room. She hesitated for a while and opened her mouth to say something. "Hey." It came out a bit louder then she intended, causing him to turn around shortly towards her.

Laif raised a brow. "Yes?"

"Thank you, um," she bit her lower lip nervously. "I, I don't catch your name"

"It's Laif."

Amelia smiled politely. "Laif. Thank you for saving our lives. I'm not sure what will happen to us if you and your friend didn't interfere." She lifted her gaze to meet up with Laif's. "Is there something I could do to repay you?"

Laif smiled slightly at her question. "Don't worry about it. You should take it easy. Rest up. I think your friend will wake up anytime soon. Perhaps you should contact your family or friends to come over and pick you up?"

Amelia nodded. She watched Laif disappeared behind the door, sunk into her seat and closed her eyes. In an instant, the event of that night flashed before her eyes.

She felt herself trembling. She was scared. She wasn't sure what would happen to her and Rae if Laif and Kain had not intervened. Amelia clenched her hand into a fist to control herself.

She snapped out of her thoughts when Miria barged into the small clinic followed by a few of her guards with worry on her face.

Miria rushed towards Amelia and pulled her into a hug. "God! Your Highness, I was really worried when I received that letter from you. I rushed here as soon as I could. And I bought my guards as you instructed. Are you all alright? Are you hurt?"

At this time, Miria Evans could not be bothered by the formalities.

"I'm fine," Amelia offered her an awkward smile as tears started to form on the corner of her eyes.

"What happened?"

Amelia shook her head and wiped her tears with her thumb. "I don't know. We were attacked. Somebody wants me dead," she started to talk between her sobs. "And Rae. Rae was hurt because of me. It's my fault. None of this would happen if I was more careful. None of this would happen if I didn't follow those men."

Miria's gaze softened. "It is not your fault," she soothed. Miria wondered about the men Amelia mentioned but decided to inquire about them later on. First, she needed to console the Princess.

Amelia took a deep breath to calm down. "I cannot forgive him for what he did to Rae," she gritted her teeth and turned to Miria abruptly. "I want to see him now. Will you come with me?"

Miria frowned. "Of course, but where are you going? Whom are you going to see?" She watched Amelia march towards the exit and followed her. Her eyes went to her guards, signaling them to follow them. "Wait! You didn't tell me whom you're going to see."

Amelia turned shortly and nearly collided into Miria. "I'm going to see Commander Irvine," She hissed.

"But it's late," Miria pointed out. "Maybe we should wait until daylight?"

"No, I can't." Her voice trembled. "I need to see him now. I need to know why he's after my life."