
In the Bureau which was located on the west side of the capital...

There was a slight commotion outside the building. A few ladies with their faces hidden under the hooded robe stood outside as the guards stood to stop them from entering the building.

One of the guards rushed inside and entered the Commander's room and whispered some words.

"What? The Princess is here?" His eyes widened in surprise.

The bureau was still in disorder after they found one of his Captain dead in his residence. Upon investigation, they have found that the Captain was strangled to death.

Commander Irvine pondered upon the sudden news of the Princess's arrival and soon gave words to the man to let the Princess came in.

Not long after, Princess Amelia entered his office with Lady Evans followed closely behind her. Behind them, there were a few ladies dressed in black. Commander Irvine quickly recognized them as Lady Evan's special guards.

"Your Highness, Princess Amelia." Commander Irvine lowered his head for a bow. "It's really late. What brings you here?"

Amelia stood firmly before his desk and scrutinized the Commander's face for a brief moment. Her hand curled into a fist, as she was trying to compose herself. "Is it wrong for me to be here?"

"No, But—"

"Were you trying to plot something else to kill me after your plan has gone awry?" Amelia took a step towards him. "Tell me, Commander. Why are you after my life? Why were you trying to kill me?"

Commander Irvine frowned with confusion. "Pardon me, Your Highness. But, I don't understand. Why are you saying that I'm after your life?"

Amelia gritted her teeth. She had told herself that she would be calm in facing the commander. That she would act rationally. But it seems that her patience had vanished when anger flowed into her.

"I'm referring to those two men that you sent to kill me earlier tonight!" Amelia almost shouted. Her body flinched a bit when Miria placed her hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Someone tried to kill you?"

Amelia chuckled at the Commander's reaction. She couldn't believe that the man was trying to act like he hadn't done anything wrong. Amelia took a deep breath and swallowed. "You sent two of your men over, luring me with information on my brother's whereabouts to take me out of the palace and ordered them to kill me!"

"I assure you, your highness. I did not send any of my men to kill you," the commander replied. His voice sounded calm, although there was a mix of anger and worry in his eyes. "If any of my men attempt to take your life, it was not under my instruction."

"Those two men clearly stated that you sent them over to escort me over to your bureau," Amelia said. Her voice wavered from anger. "One of them—the Captain held the badge from your bureau, Commander."

"A captain badge from my bureau?" Irvine stroked his chin as he pondered. "But it couldn't be." he shook his head in disbelief. He took a deep breath when something registered into his mind and lifted his gaze to meet up with the Princess. "I think somebody tried to set me up."

"What?" Amelia jerked back. Clearly, she was surprised by his unexpected reply. "What do you mean?"

Commander Irvine pulled a document from his table and handed them to the Princess. "The Captain from my bureau was found dead in his residence last night with his badge went missing."

Amelia went through the investigation report for a while and chuckled. "How can I trust that you're telling me the truth? How can I be sure that you did not fake this report to cover up for yourself?"

"He did not," a voice came from the entrance.

Commander Irvine immediately lowered his into a bow at the adviser's appearance. "Advisor Damian," he addressed.

Amelia turned around at Damian's familiar voice and stood up rigidly. She watched Miria and her guards made way for the advisor to pass through. "Damian. What are you doing here? How did you—"

Damian watched Amelia sternly. Then, he bowed to Amelia with respect. "One of your maidservants told me that you went out and I had assumed that you were heading to Lady Evans's," he said. "But I saw Lady Evans heading out with her guards in panic. I decided to follow her and found you here."

Amelia pulled the hem of her skirt as she met the adviser's angry gaze. it was then that she realized the cause of his anger.

"Damian. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I-I acted foolishly. I was thrilled when they told me that they have information on Touya whereabouts. I just thought that maybe..." the Princess bit her lips and did not finish her words.

Damian inched closer and patted her on her head—an act he rarely did in front of strangers. He was relieved that the Princess was safe and without harm. "Are you alright, Princess Amelia? Are you hurt?"

"No. I'm fine." Then her eyes drifted back towards the Commander. "But how did you know that the Commander didn't make up the report? Do you trust him?"

"I do," Damian admitted. "Because the King made Commander Irvine swore to protect you if something should happen to him. He's one of King Asher's most trusted people."

Amelia turned to the Commander and watched him bowed his head to her.

"Princess Amelia," Damian said calmly. "Think about it carefully. Commander Irvine is very experienced in military tactical. I don't think that sending his men over to your palace—to escort you out is the tactical strategy he would apply. Your maids and guards will know that you went out to see him. Don't you think that no one will suspect him as soon as you went missing?"

Amelia drew back. She turned around to Miria with a mix of confusion and suspicion on her face. Her mind started to think of the logical reason over the argument that Damian had presented before her.

"Your highness," Commander Irvine said carefully. "I don't know who it is that was trying to kill you, using me as their scapegoat. But all I know now is that whoever tried to harm you tonight was trying to destroy me as well."