A Chance Encounter

The maidservant was hesitant at the Princess's request, but after a few seconds passed, she finally nodded. Sara turned to dismiss everyone and curtsied before she retreated.

Amelia tightened her lips into a thin line as soon as she watched everyone left. She stood before her room for a full two minutes before she turned around. Her feet started to wander with her mind preoccupied with something else.

A glimpse of her people back in the Gami village went through her mind.

How skinny they were. How siblings fought with each other for food.

How one of the babies was crying because she was hungry and the mother could not find anything to feed her.

Suddenly, Amelia was ashamed of herself. She was frustrated and heartbroken at the scene that had happened before her eyes. She felt betrayed and angry at the nobles for fabricating the reports they've presented to her. She was angry at herself, knowing that she wasn't doing her job as a ruler well. She was sure that her people must have been disappointed in her. Her incompetence had caused her people to suffer.

Amelia looked up and snapped out of her thought as she realized where her feet had taken her. She was now standing before Asher's training ground. She remembered how she would always come here to look for Asher whenever she faced any difficulties and Asher would leave everything else to look after her.

"What are you doing here?"

Amelia flinched at the voice behind her.

"You're not supposed to be here," the voice said again. "This is the King's training ground. Only those who had passed the try-out for the Princess's Royal Knights are allowed to be here."

The Princess feigned a smile and lowered her gaze. "I'm sor—"

"It's you!"

Amelia looked up when she noticed the change in the man's tone. A gasp escaped her when she recognized the man before her. "What are you doing here?"

Laif looked at the girl in front of her with an amused expression. "I passed the preliminary audition for the Princess Royal Knights. I'm here to join the boot camp."

Amelia gave him a look over and noticed that he was donned in the palace guard's uniform. The green belt around his waist was what differentiated him from the normal palace guards.

It was then that she recalled the proposition from Advisor Damian and Commander Irvine.Something about recruiting Royal Knights.

"My friend, Kain, and I both passed the preliminary audition," Laif told her with a proud face.

"Oh, congratulations." She said with a smile.

Laif gave her a look over and frowned. "I didn't know that you were working in the palace. You're a maidservant?"

His words made her flinched. It was then that she realized that she was still in the maidservant uniform. Panic rushed into her. She wasn't sure how to explain herself to him. After all, she hasn't told him her identity as the Princess when he and his friend rescued her.

Laif leaned forward and raised a brow as she waited for her answer.

"I am working in the palace," Amelia said quickly.

It was not a lie. Technically, she was working in the palace. Although, her role in the palace might be different than what Laif had guessed...

She was the Princess and not a maidservant as he thought she was.

"I'm guessing that your injured friend is working in the palace too?" Laif said. He shifted his weight from leg to leg and put on a concerned expression. "How is your friend? I hope she's doing well after what happened that night."

Amelia's worry regarding her identity suddenly vanished and Rae´s wellbeing instantly came into her mind. "She's alright," Amelia told him. "The doctor said she's getting better."

Laif nodded in approval to her news.

"I must thank you again for you and your friend's kindness," Amelia said. "If there's anything, any way that I can repay your kindness..."

Laif smiled. "There's no need to repay me for anything. One does not conduct kindness and expecting to have something else in exchange."

Amelia chewed on her lips. She was embarrassed for thinking that he needed something from her.

Years of living in the palace had taught her that people don't simply do things for her without hoping for something else. "I'm sorry if I have offended you. I didn't mean it like that."

Laif laughed at her words. "Don't worry about it."

Amelia was surprised when he laughed. Very few people would act so carefree around her as he did. For a second, Amelia wondered if he would act differently if he only knew that she was the princess.

"But what are you doing here in the training ground? Are you lost?"

Amelia shook her head. She immediately remembered why she was there. She needed to calm herself after what she had seen in the villages and absentmindedly, she had walked over to Asher's training ground. "No. I'm not lost. I was actually..." She was suddenly at loss at explaining her presence.

"You were here to see someone?"

Amelia shook her head again. "No. That's not it. I—"

Laif raised his brow in curiosity.

It was that moment that Amelia noticed the presence of her advisor and commander walking towards their direction.

Her gaze met with Damian and Amelia knew right away that Damian recognized her, despite her outfit. Quickly, Amelia frowned and squinted at him, signaling for him not to say or do anything.

At least she hoped that the advisor would get her message.

Laif frowned. He turned to the direction that Amelia was looking at and saw what was startling her. He turned to the girl again and smiled. "I have to go now."

Amelia blinked. "Yes."

"Don't worry. I will explain to the Commander why you were here," Laif suggested.

"No. Don't do that. I came here to see them," Amelia said abruptly. Then, she noticed that Laif was looking askance at her. She had to think of something. Fast. "The crown princess sent me here to deliver him a message," Amelia said.

"Ah," Laif nodded, but there was a hint of surprise on his face. "Well then. I'll have to go." He turned around towards the training ground and stop again. Then, Laif spun to face Amelia. "We will meet again." He smiled.

Amelia watched Laif bowed to greet the commander and the advisor and let out a sigh of relief. For some unknown reason, she was relieved that Laif won't be able to find out about her identity as the princess today. Amelia decided that it was not time for him to know yet.

"Your Highness," Adviser Damian and Commander Irvine greeted in unison as they approached her.

Damian studied the princess´ expression and turned towards the way Laif disappeared to. "You know of that recruit?"

"Yes," Amelia breathed. "He and his friend was the one who rescued me and Rae during the attack that night."