
The Princess was furious!

She couldn't believe that the adviser had long known the condition of her people in Gami Village and kept it a secret from her. When she had consulted him upon this matter, Damian had told her to turn a blind eye against the Nobles' misconduct.


She was even more upset when Damian suggest her not to take any action. He told her that they have no evidence to convict the Nobles with corruption.

Strong evidence like documents, witnesses, or whatever that was. He advised that it would be dangerous to make a blind accusation without any evidence.

But this wasn't a blind accusation. What other proof would the young adviser need? Her people were suffering! She saw it with her very own eyes! If anyone visited the village, they would see the evidence! wasn't that a strong proof of the Nobles' lies and misconduct?

The adviser replied calmly by saying that there were some things in life that she has to overlook to protect the others. In this case, Damian told her clearly that he had kept everything a secret to protect her.

The Princess let out a sneer.

That was absurd!

Damian was afraid that the Nobles would continue to go against her act to step up as the King's substitute. It was hard enough for the Princess to hold a meeting without the Nobles pointing out how limited her knowledge and experience in governing.

But still, the whole thing sounded very ludicrous to her.

She didn't care about the Nobles' opinion towards her. What matters more right now were her people. Without the people, how can a country or a ruler exist?

How could she be a good ruler while having to watch her people suffered? She had the highest rank in the country! She was the King's substitute! Does her position mean nothing at all?

The adviser told her that even though she had the highest rank in the country, she had no real authority to fight against the Nobles.

Damian has heard of this bet the Nobles made on how long Amelia would last on the throne for her brother's stead. Right now, the Nobles took her as a joke due to her inexperience and her gender as a woman.

The one who held the powers over the Noa Kingdom was actually the Nobles. Amelia was nothing more than a puppet for the Nobles so that the people would continue to have confidence in the government.

The princess was so angry upon hearing that.

She was not a puppet for the Nobles. She refused to be one!

But of course, Damian was right.

It was hard for her to make her own decision freely without the Nobles trying to oppose her whenever she tried to come up with something. In the end, she would cower and follow as according to the Nobles wishes.

But what else can she do? Damian knew very well how she was troubled by her lack of confidence to rule. That she was too afraid to oppose the Nobles. She wasn't ready for the Nobles yet.

Damian advised her to be extra careful with her action. If they weren't careful enough, she might face an attempt to assassinate her as Asher had experienced in the past.

They still have no knowledge of what they were facing. And right now, her safety was their top priority.

It was bad enough that Asher went missing. They need to protect the throne until Asher returns. They need to do that or it will cause panic among the citizen. Once the other started to panic, everything will be a catastrophe.

At this very moment, Amelia hated herself for being so powerless.

She was so angry.

Words cannot describe how frustrated she felt to watch such injustice with her own eyes and yet, she cannot do anything to make it right.

"Your highness?"

Amelia turned around, with a menacing stare. "What?" She snapped angrily, causing Miria who was talking to the Princess for the last five minutes to stun in surprise.

"No—nothing. I was—you were," Miria stuttered.

"Oh god," Amelia said with a gasp. Her hand clasped on her mouth as she just realized what she just did. "No. Miria, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I was just," she paused and shook her head as if that would clear any thought off her head. Then, she slumped down to the floor with her hand both on cupping her face.

Miria bent down cautiously as he walked over to the Princess. "Your Highness? What's wrong?"

Amelia continued to shake her head as tears streamed down her cheek. Various things were going through her head right now. She wasn't sure how to voice out her concern to her friend.

"I'm sorry," Amelia repeated. "I don't know what I should do, Miria, "Amelia said between her sobs. "I held the highest position in the country, and yet, there is nothing I can do to help my people."

Miria's gaze on the princess softened. Without any words, she pulled Amelia into a hug and patted her slowly on her back to console her, whispering that everything will be alright.

Soon, Amelia started to share her worries with Miria. She told her everything—what she saw in the village, and how Damian had advised her not to take any action towards the Nobles.

It has been a full five minutes since the Princess quieted down. Her tears have dried up and she was staring silently at the floor. Miria smiled gently as she patted Amelia softly on her shoulder. "Your Highness, are you alright now?" she asked when the Princess finally lifted her head to look at her.

Amelia nodded. "Yes. Sorry. And thank you."

Miria shook her head. "Your Highness, you don't have to say those words to me. After all, I am a friend. But... what are you going to do now?"

The princess shook her head. "I don't know. But I cannot bear to watch my people suffer as they did now. They need my help. They need the aid or they'll die."

Amelia closed her eyes and pursed her lips hard into a line. When she looked up again, there was a flash of resolute in her eyes.

"Miria," the Princess called. "I need to do something for them. And I'm going to need your help."

Miria nodded. "Okay." She readily agreed. Lady Evans knew that the Princess will try to do something and she was well prepared for whatever the Princess might be planning. "What do you have in mind?"

"There might be nothing that I can do to punish the Nobles right now but I think, there are still a few things that I can do for my people," Amelia said with a weak smile on her lips. "For now, you're going to help me sneak out of the palace."