
As the guards escorted him back to the quarters, Laif tried to recall the event that occurred tonight. He had snuck out with the 'maidservant', walked around the city, and went back to the palace. They were in the Princess's garden when he heard a movement. Soon, he found himself and the girl surrounded by Commander Irvine's men.

It was right there, right then that he learned the truth about the girl. She was not a maidservant like he thought she was. She's the famous Princess Amelia who claimed the throne and governed Noa Kingdom when her brother went missing.

This was not something Laif had expected.

He was suddenly reminded of their conversation the first time he got lost in the Princess's garden. She had told him her position in the palace as the crown princess and he had thought that she was merely jesting. Well, he certainly did not expect... with the way she was dressed in her maidservant's outfit.

Laif tried to squirm himself free from the guards, gaining a sharp shove from them. His pace staggered a little bit as they shoved him towards the quarters. Laif turned around to look at the guards and paused when he noticed that the guards were escorting another man to the room.

Laif's met the man's gaze and saw the surprise in Kain's face.

"You—" Kain bit his tongue when Laif gave him a warning not to say anything under the guards' presence.

Soon, Kain was forced into the room harshly.

"You heard the Commander's words before," one of the guards spoke to Laif. "You and your friend are grounded in your quarters until your punishment is decided.

"I don't know what was happening or why you guys think that kidnapping our Princess was a good idea," another guard said, shaking his head. "But I don't think both of you will be released any soon without a trial."

Laif could see from the corner of his eyes that Kain was staring at him intently. He knew that he would be bombarded with questions as soon as the guards left. And he was right. Kain advanced and cornered him just as the guards locked them in their quarters.

"Have you gone mad?" Kain accused.

Laif took a step backward and Kain took another step towards him.

"Entering the palace just to find that artifact was crazy enough," Kain puffed. "But what was that about kidnapping the Princess? What exactly were you thinking?"

Laif closed his eyes momentarily and heaved a sigh. "I didn't kidnap the Princess and I have no intention to do so." He lifted his hand in defense. "I didn't know she is the Princess."

"What do you mean you didn't know?"

"I thought I was going out with a maidservant."

"How could you mistake a Princess as a commoner? A maidservant on top of that?"

"She never really dressed as a Princess any time we had an encounter," his voice was a hint of exasperation. "She was always dressed as a commoner. How was I supposed to know that she's a Princess?"

Kain stared incredulously at his Prince. "What are you talking about? You better explain everything to me before I kill someone."

Laif closed his eyes and took another deep breath. Then he proceeded to tell his best man the truth. About Amelia's identity. Kain was shocked when Laif mentioned that the Princess was the same person they rescued the night they first arrived in the city.

Kain did not know what to think as Laif finished with his story. He let out a chuckle in disbelief. "So that was how I was accused of conspiring with you in kidnapping the Princess."

Laif flinched at his remark. "What?"

Kain turned with a lopsided smirk. "Why on earth do you think I'm stuck here with you? Commander Irvine and that maidservant, Rae, showed up at the quarters a few hours ago demanding to know the Princess's whereabouts. Because I had no idea what you were up to, I couldn't answer. Suddenly, I was accused of conspiring with you in kidnapping the Princess. I was so confused about what was going on."

"I never thought that things would get this... intense," Laif said after a while.

"What are we going to do now?"

Laif shrugged. "Now we wait. We will wait until they have decided what they are going to do with us."

"Or, you could reveal your identity and help us get out of here."

Laif looked at his friend in disbelief. "Are you crazy? I am not going to reveal my identity right now to save myself. I can't. A war might start between Hase and Noa Kingdom if I reveal myself."

Kain froze. He had momentarily forgotten the severity of the situation if Laif ever revealed his identity at the Price of Hase at a time like this.

Noa Kingdom would think of them as spies sent from Hase. And once Hase heard of what happened to him, Hase would think that Noa Kingdom was keeping their prince as a hostage. I would instigate a war between two countries and perhaps continents.

Everyone was aware that the Easterners were not a fan of the Westerners.

If words go around that a prince of Western Continents snuck into one of the Eastern Continents, they might think that the magic practitioners were up to something.

After all, magic was something that was forbidden in the Eastern Continents. Magic practitioners were treated like infectious disease carriers. They were avoided. The authorities would take them away to be exterminated or exiled to the Western Continents.

The two of them had come over to Noa Kingdom to look for a long lost magic artifact, not to start a war.

Kain heaved a sigh in resignation. "But just know that I am pulling you out of here at the sight of any danger."

A light glinted in Laif's eyes. At this time, he had no intention to leave Noa Kingdom. Not after he had seen that glimpse of magic coming from the Princess today.

It was definitely a shock for him to know that the Princess of Noa Kingdom was a magic practitioner. Moreover... looking at the way she had talked and acted. Perhaps, even the Princess herself did not know that she could practice magic.

He had felt her power earlier and knew that she was untrained. Laif was worried that with her untrained magic, someday, her power would flare uncontrollably.

She would be lucky not to be caught by others when her power flared. But, if she was not caught, the power within her would grow stronger. If it was not controlled or without proper guidance, sooner or later, her power will explode and this could harm everyone around her.