
Amelia paced back and forth in her room, fuming.

She could not believe that the Commander had refused to release Laif out of his confinement after she had explained to him what happened.

Of course, Amelia had to lie on the part where Laif was the one who came out with the idea to sneak out, and instead, she told the Commander that it was her idea as she did not wish for Laif to get into more trouble than he already had.

Amelia could not deny that she was responsible for the whole thing. She should not have agreed to sneak out knowing that it would be dangerous for her with her current status. Amelia was fully aware that she shouldn't have put herself in danger just because she wanted to know what Laif's intentions were.

What if things had gone wrong?

"There's nothing else I can do, Amelia," Damian spoke when Commander Irvine had left her palace with his decision remained unchanged. "I don't think there's anything else we can say to change the commander's mind."

"Why not? I held the highest position in this Kingdom. Why can't I make him do as I told?" Amelia said.

"Until the Royal Knights are officially appointed, they will continue to be under the Commander's commandment," Damian said. "There's not much you can do now."

Amelia heaved a sigh of frustration at the young advisor's comment.

"You need to give him some time," Damian continued. "We were really worried when we turned up to your quarters only to find you were not there. Imagine how panic we were when none of your maidservants could tell us where you were. We thought someone might do something terrible to you."

Her gaze softened a little bit. "I am really sorry for the trouble I've created. I was going to take a stroll out of the palace for a little bit and planned to come back before midnight." She bit her lower lip, feeling guilty at the situation she had caused.

Damian heaved a sigh as he watched her continue to pace back and forth.

All these years, Amelia was someone who was protected by her brother, King Asher. Until then, Asher had always forbidden any interaction between his sister with the opposite gender.

A thought crossed the young advisor's mind and he let out a sigh.

Perhaps Amelia was now in her rebelling phase? Or else, how can he explain the reason why Amelia was brave enough to sneak out with a boy she barely knew?

Damian suddenly had a headache at the thought that he was looking after a daughter he never had.

"What you did was very dangerous," the young advisor said. "If something were to happen to you, how are we supposed to explain to your brother when he returned? Amelia, you need to remember your position. You might have the highest position in the Kingdom, but that does not mean that you can do as you please. You need to learn that with everything you do, there would be consequences."

Amelia lowered her gaze.

After spending her time pacing back and forth, she was able to clear up her mind a little bit. It was then that she realized that her decision was very stupid.

Just because she was curious about Laif, she had agreed to sneak out with him. She had trusted him because he happened to save her life once. If Laif was really her enemy, she would have died countless times.

Despite knowing these things, Amelia still could not accept that Laif was apprehended because of her mistake.

"Damian," Amelia called out softly. "Do you think I could see him for seconds just to make sure that he's alright?"

"You mean, that Knight? I'm sure he's alright. The Commander will release that man anytime soon." Damian heaved a sigh when the Princess looked at him with a frown. "Amelia, you need to remember that he is a Knight-in-training. He snuck out of the palace when he should be in the palace ground. He needed to be punished for his crime."

Amelia opened her mouth to say something but was stopped by Damian.

"Why don't you get a rest? It's getting late and let's not forget that you have a meeting in the morning." Damian suggested.

"You think it would be best for me to meet him tomorrow?" The Princess spoke. Then she added absentmindedly, "I have to apologize."

Damian was surprised by her request, but he remained his composure. "Well, don't think too much about that man. The official appointment ceremony for your Royal Knights will happen soon. Perhaps it would be better if you meet him after that."

Amelia frowned at his idea.

"Let's think rationally, Amelia. Your enemies are looking for a chance for you to make a mistake. If they found out about this incident, they would not waste any chance to use anything against you in order to make you give up your throne. For now, let's keep a distance from that boy. At least until the official ceremony."


The commander was still waiting outside when Damian exited the Princess's quarters. Damian paused when he saw the Commander outside. Then, he slowly approached and gave him a pat on his back. "Are you waiting for me? Or are you going to personally guard the Princess's quarter to make sure that she doesn't sneak out again?"

Commander Irvine dismissed the advisor's remark with a grunt. "How is she?"

The young advisor only replied to him with a smile. "So... what are you going to do with the boy? Have you decided if you are going to release him anytime soon?"

Commander Irvine let out a long sigh. "Rules are rules. I will have to punish him for leaving the palace ground without authorization."

"Do you trust that the boy means no harm to the Princess?"

"I don't know. But Laif Hue and his friends are not a local. I was worried that they both might have any ulterior motive to join the palace as the Princess's knight. I've voiced my concern to the Princess before. That was why she went out to meet the boy, to find out what his motive was." Commander Irvine paused to heave a deep sigh. "I just want to be extra careful with the people around the Princess. His Majesty had previously warned us not to trust anyone in the palace."

"His Majesty is going to be really pissed off when he finds out that the Princess escaped the palace with a boy."

"He will murder him." Commander Irvine agreed.

Damian gave a small smile. "Do you think he's alright?"

Commander Irvine was silenced for a while. He closed his eyes as he thought about the King's whereabouts and safety. He remembered begging to follow the King on his mission. But the King refused him. King Asher had told him that he wanted the Commander around to protect the Princess in his stead.

"King Asher is a strong man," Irvine said. "He took two of his best warriors with him. Until they have found his body out there, I am going to believe that he's still alive."