The King’s Fate


That was what Asher felt as he tried to move his arm. With that one movement, Asher suddenly felt as if his body was on fire. Even the small movement as trying to open his eyes was difficult.

"Lady! Lady!"

Asher groaned as he recognized the voice that belonged to Leo Raven, one of his knights who accompanied him out of the palace.

"Lady!" Leo's shout echoed throughout the room again. "He's awake. He's awake now. Please help me. Hurry."

This time, Asher could feel the Knight's movement beside him. With Leo's departure, the room soon turned silent. Asher let out a grunt and slowly tried to open his eyes.

The first thing he saw was the wood ceiling beam. He looked around at the unfamiliar scene and tried to recall what had happened to him and how did he get there.

He had gone out of the palace to follow anonymous tips regarding the late King's death. He took two of his most trusted Knight; Leo and Daren. They went into the woods and that was when everything goes wrong.

A group of men surrounded them. A fight broke out, but with just the three of them, it was hard for them to win. In the end, they were left with no choice. Leo had dragged him to jump off the cliff, into the turbulent river under them. Once he was submerged into water, Asher no longer knew what was going on.

The footsteps approached him again and soon, Leo's face came into vision.

When the Knight saw that the King had opened his eyes, Leo let out a breath of relief. "My lord, you're awake!"

Asher stared at his Knight and saw the bandage around his head. He opened his mouth to say something to him but nothing came out. His throat hurt so much. Asher closed his eyes and swallowed in an attempt to moisten his throat. A grunt escaped him when breathing became so painful to him.

"Get him something to drink," Eileen said to Leo.

Asher shifted his gaze and his eyes laid on the lady with long brown hair behind his Knight.

"Oh," Leo stood up immediately and left the room.

"My name is Eileen Cloud," the lady introduced herself. "Can you hear me?"

Asher nodded to reply. Then, he watched as the lady crouched down beside him and put her hand around his wrist to check on his pulse.

When Leo came back with the glass of water, Eileen quickly removed her hand away. She waved a hand at Leo and took the glass from the Knight. Then, she took out a clean cloth and dipped it into the bowl.

"Drink," Eileen instructed as she wiped the corner of his mouth with the wet cloth. "You are badly injured. This is the only way you can drink right now."

Asher nodded. He swallowed the tiny drops of water frowned. He never thought that plain water would taste so sweet. "More," he mouthed.

Eileen smiled as she dipped the corner of the cloth into a bowl of water and repeated the same motion to help him drink. After a while, she placed the cloth down beside her. "Do you know where you are now?"

Asher's gaze roamed across the unfamiliar room. Then he shook his head to reply. "No," his voice was hoarse.

"Do you know what had happened to you?"

"Yes. The cliff."

Eileen nodded, knowing that the man's memory was intact. Leo had told her how they both fell down the cliff and the river carried them to where they are now.

"H-how long."

Eileen did not answer but moved her gaze to Leo.

"You've passed out for a couple of months," Leo answered him.

"My sister!" Asher shouted when he realized how long he had left the palace. He tried to stand out but was held down by both Eileen and Leo. With his strength, he could not fight the two of them.

"You're not strong enough to go anywhere in your condition," Eileen told him sternly.

"She's safe," Leo whispered to his ear.

With those words, Asher stopped from his struggle. His gaze stopped at his Knight, commanding him to tell him more.

"I found you and your friend on the riverbank two months ago. Your friend's injury was not as bad as yours," Eileen said. She then pointed at his body. "You have a few bones fractures around your ribs and a deep injury around your legs and shoulder. If you wanted to get out of here and meet your sister, then I suggest you have enough rest and let the injury heal. Or else, I don't think you would be alive to get out of here."

His eyes widened at the lady's impolite words. For as long as he had lived, Asher did not think that many would dare to spoke audaciously like this lady in front of him.

Eileen ignored the look on his face and turned to Leo. "The two of you will need some time to catch up. I will leave to prepare something for you to eat."

Leo nodded. "Thank you, Lady."

After one last glance towards her patients, Eileen got out of the room.

Once the door was shut, Leo went closer to the King. He stood on one knee and placed his right hand on his chest. "Your Majesty. You don't have to worry about the Princess. I snuck out into the nearest town a few days ago and heard that she had claimed the throne as you have instructed. Both Adviser Damian and Commander Irvine were by her side."

Hearing that his sister was safe, Asher let out a breath of relief. His tensed body eased a little bit knowing that his sister was safe under his two trusted men's protection.

"What happened? That lady... who is she?"

"She was our rescuer. It was just as she had said. She found us at the riverbank months ago. If it was not for her, the two of us would not be alive." Leo frowned. "Fortunately, she knew a little bit about medicine, and that was how she had treated and nursed you back to health. Your Majesty, I—"

There were so many things that Leo wanted to say right now, but in the end, the words were stuck in his throat.

Suddenly, Asher looked around and seemed to notice something. "What about Daren?"

"I don't know," Leo said. "Last time, he was blocking those men and fought against them as we made our escape. I haven't heard about Daren from that on."