The Princess Request

As Laif began to raise his head, suddenly, he did not know how he should react when he was around the Princess. At the thought that he had chosen to stay in Noa Kingdom as the Princess's Knight, Laif was suddenly overcome with guilt.

This was because, at this time, Amelia was staring back at him with a pure look in her eyes. From the way she looked at him, Laif was able to detect a hint of trust.

Why did she want to trust someone who brought her to a pub and a gambling house was beyond his thinking. As a Princess of Noa Kingdom, shouldn't she be wary of people around her?

At this time, Laif was suddenly afraid that with the Princess's naivety, she might accidentally sell away the Kingdom without realizing it. Suddenly, he was anxious for her.

"To tell you the truth," Amelia spoke and broke Laif from his trance. "I was happy to be able to pretend that I was a commoner for a while. Although it was for a short time, I do enjoy talking and get to know you not as a princess, but as me."

Hearing her words does not give Laif any comfort. It does, however, heightened his guilt towards her. Laif was someone who had an ulterior motive when he first approached Amelia. With her new identity, Laif had thought that it would be easier to get what he wanted. Of course, he will first have to get over his guilt.

"I trusted that you have learned of my circumstances, of how I came to rule this country in my brother's stead?" Amelia asked.

"Yes." Laif nodded. He had heard the rumor when he first stepped on the Eastern Continents soil and heard a clear version of how the Princess had to ascend the throne in her brother's stead when he entered Noa Kingdom's border. "It was very brave of you to do so, Your Highness."

Amelia raised her brow at his comment. "Do you think so?"

"Of course. Stepping in as the king's substitute is not easy…," Laif trailed off.

A chuckle escaped her. "Because I'm a woman, there are many who did not want me on the throne and it almost cost me my life." A frown appeared on her face whenever she recalled that night where she was almost killed. Suddenly, Amelia turned to Laif with a scrutinizing look. "You know… Commander Irvine questioned your motive for joining as my Royal Knights. He thinks that you might be a spy sent from another country."

His mouth gaped open at the accusation. "Your Highness! I would never—"

"Or perhaps," Amelia said, cutting him off before he finished. "Perhaps you were working with the person who wanted me to step down as the rightful heir. Perhaps you only joined as my Royal Knight to keep an eye on me."

Hearing accusation after accusation, Laif's face turned white. Immediately, he went down on one knee and lowered his head. "Your Highness. I would never do anything like that. You have to believe that those were not my intention to join as your Royal Knight."

The words he said were half-truth. The reasons that the Princess had said were not his intention to stay in Noa Kingdom as her Knight. Although... it was true that he was planning to keep his eyes on her.

Suddenly, Laif was wondering if the Princess was really as naive as he had thought. A thought crossed his mind, and Laif was suddenly afraid of the probability that Amelia might have known the reason he tried to get close to him. Perhaps, her innocence was nothing but a front. Perhaps, from the very beginning, she had set her trap on him.

If that was the truth, then, Amelia was really a scary person.

Amelia continued to watch Laif who was lowering his head at her. The silence between them lasted for almost five minutes, and Amelia was amazed that Laif had stayed in the same position without moving an inch.

"Laif... please, raise your head."

Laif hesitated. Then slowly, he began to raise his head to look at the Princess.

Amelia let out a long breath when he looked at her once again. "I believe you," she said. "I believe that if you were to harm me, you would've done it the night you saved my life, or on the night we snuck out. If you wanted to harm me, you would have done it when I had no protection around me. But you didn't. Because of those reasons, I chose to trust that you were never to harm me."

A breath of relief escaped him. Laif raised his right hand and placed it at his heart. "Thank you for taking a chance to trust me, Your Highness. I will do my utmost best not to betray that trust," he promised.

The princess smiled at his enthusiasm. "Actually... I have a favor to ask."

Laif lifted his head in confusion.

"Well, this was part of the reason why I send the Commander to summon you to see me."

"What is it? Your Highness, I would do my very best to serve you."

"Since you are aware of my situation, I am sure that you must know that I don't have many allies in the palace," Amelia spoke. "I didn't know how many assassination attempts will come at me after this and I don't know how I can survive the nobles."

A crease appeared at the space between his eyebrow as he continued to listen to her words.

"After an attempt to assassinate me, I did not know who to trust anymore, well, except for a few of the King's trusted men, I don't have many allies. I am aware that I am not strong enough to govern this kingdom. But I have promised my people and my brother that I will rule this kingdom, and protect this place until my brother returns no matter how long it will take." Amelia paused to catch her breath. "And therefore, I want to ask you a favor. Laif, I need you to pledge your loyalty to me. I need your help to protect me from those people who wanted to harm me so that I can ascend the throne safely and govern just until the King return. Can you... help me?"

Laif felt a lump forming in his throat. His mind reeled to think over her request. After a minute passed, Laif then placed his hand over his chest again and bowed.