The Duke's Return

For almost an hour, Amelia was kept in her office to work on the paperwork with Adviser Damian guiding her, and the nobles who were in her administration joined her for a long discussion.

Every time she opened her mouth to say her opinion, the nobles would send her their displeased gaze. Amelia could almost hear the whisperers saying how it was unbefitting for her — for a woman to rule a kingdom.

She knew exactly what the nobles were saying about her behind her back. Naive was one of them.

Perhaps the nobles were right. Perhaps she was too inexperienced to rule the country. After all, Amelia was someone who had absolutely zero experience with handling the government matters. Thanks to her inexperience, she had endangered both Rae and herself. She nearly fell into her enemy's trap and almost ended up dead.

"Your Highness?" Marquis Neill called out.

Amelia snapped out from her trance and watched the nobles were staring at her. She did not even realize when did she start to space out.

Sensing the others gaze on her, Amelia was suddenly embarrassed.

Marquis Neill turned to the other nobles before he spoke again. "Perhaps you're too tired to handle the country matters? Do you think we should take a short break?"

"Or perhaps the princess has no interest in the kingdom matters," Baron Zato added.

Amelia gritted her teeth. Suddenly, she turned to Baron Zato with a sharp gaze, causing the old man to shrunk into his seat.

The atmosphere in the office becomes uncomfortable.

Amelia took a deep breath to calm down and thought of a way to turn things around. She faked a smile as she turned to Marquis Neill. "Thank you for your concern, Marquis, but I was just thinking about the investigation regarding my brother's disappearance. Have you find out anything about it?"

Marquis Neill coughed dryly. "No, Your Highness. It has been months. It was hard to find out where did His Majesty disappeared to. We could not track his steps. Perhaps it would be better if we draw our soldiers back from this investigation. Usually, after a person has been missing for three months, the investigator will regard this missing person as dead."

"So, you are saying that you are incapable." The smile on Amelia's face widened when she saw the nobles' guilty expression. "That is your King and not some missing person. You should know better, Marquis. How long has it been, and you're telling me that you're giving up? You should know that unless if you bring back my brother's corpse as proof, I won't let you give up."

The Marquis cleared his throat and the others began to whisper among themselves.

Sensing that the tense in the room, the Princess then turned to Viscount Ferik. "Let's move on. Viscount, you may continue your report."

Amelia listened to more reports before she announced that the meeting to be adjourned. Once the nobles left the office, Amelia sunk into her seat and rub her temple slowly. Listening to the nobles debating on the political matters on and on was giving her headache.

At this time, her maidservant, Rae entered the room and announced that Commander Irvine had come to meet her.

"How's your investigation going on?" Amelia asked when the Commander stepped in into her office and greeted her. "It has been a month, please tell me that you have found something useful for us, Commander."

Previously, when Amelia had snuck out of the palace and went into the gambling house, she had coincidentally run into Count Adlam and his brother-in-law, Lord Benedict.

At that time, Laif had pointed out that Count Adlam had perhaps lost a lot of money in the gambling house. At the thought that she might hold into the Count's weakness, Amelia had wanted to blackmail him into joining as her ally. Thus, she had sent Commander Irvine to investigate Count Adlam to find out about his wrong conduct.

"Your Highness," Commander Irvine started. "We have been trailing after Count Adlam for a month. According to the investigation, although Count Adlam visited the gambling house frequently, he was not there to gamble. However, the reason for his visit was to bail for his brother-in-law, Lord Benedict from the house of Cashore, who is a frequent customer of the gambling house. I found out that Lord Benedict owed large sums of money from a lot of people to gamble."

"House of Cashore?"

"Yes," Commander Irvine nodded. "His father, Viscount Giddon was someone who was very close to your late father, King Louis."

Hearing the Commander's words, a glint of light flashed in Amelia's eyes. "Commander Irvine, please tell me more about Count Adlam and Lord Benedict."

In the fourth month since Amelia had ascended the throne, her uncle, the Duke of Jinan finally returned to the city. Once he arrived in the city, the Duke made his first stop to the palace before he returned to settle at his residence.

"Your Highness," Duke Hady bowed as he saw the Princess.

"How are you doing Duke Hady? It has been a few years since the last time we saw each other," Amelia said. She gestured to the empty seat in front of her and watched as the Duke took a seat. Seeing her uncle, Amelia was reminded of the last time she had seen her uncle. It was on the day her father, King Louis had passed away.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I am doing quite well despite my old age," Duke Hady responded.

"You are not that old, Duke Hady," Amelia smiled.

Duke Hady might have his hair and beard full of white, but perhaps with years of training and going to war, his body was well maintained that his posture might be comparable to the men ten years younger than him.

"I trust that your trip to the city went well?" Amelia asked.

"I tried to settle my matters in Jinan to come back and assist you once I received your letters. However, my trip was delayed by the changing weather. Is there... any news on the King's whereabouts?"

Amelia tried her best not to let her worry show. "Not yet. The soldiers are still searching for him."

"I have full confidence that they will be able to find King Asher soon. Let's not give up on finding him, Your Highness," Duke Hady said.

"Thank you," Amelia released a long breath. For a long time, the nobles would always hint to give up on finding her brother, Asher. Hearing someone told her not to give up on finding her brother made Amelia happy.

Duke Hady hesitated for a few seconds before he asked, "How are you coping with your new role as the ruler?"

"You should be aware of how the nobles view me as a new ruler," Amelia said. "This is the reason why I wrote a letter and summoned you to return to the city."

"Your Highness," Duke Hady went down on one knee and placed a hand on his chest. "If you ever need my help, please don't hesitate to see me. You know that I will always support you and your brother."