Missing her Brother

Amelia motioned her entourage to stop following her once she reached the King's quarters. Taking a deep breath, Amelia then walked into the hall and headed towards the King's study.

Even after months has passed, the faint scent of Asher's perfume still lingered in this room. As she stood near the door, Amelia could almost sense her brother's presence—how he would be sitting behind that table as he read the document in his hand. She could imagine how he would raise his head and smile whenever she entered the room.

These days, Amelia found that she was missing her brother so much that it made her chest hurt. She would find that it would be hard for her to breathe.

But the thought of him leaving here alone without telling her where he was going, or what he was going to do, makes her angry. So angry that she promised herself to beat him to her heart contents. Perhaps until he could no longer walk or leave his bed for about a week.

That would teach him some lessons not to leave her alone again!

Amelia walked further into the room and her fingers trailed on his table. After a while, Amelia pulled up his chair and sat down. She heaved a sigh as the silence surrounded her. Suddenly, she could picture how Asher would walk in with a frown on his face when he saw her sitting on his chair.

It was right that second that Amelia suddenly recalled what she had heard in the pub months ago. The storyteller had told everyone that the King's disappearance had something to do with her. He was accusing that she overthrew her brother so that she can take over his place.

Abruptly, Amelia stood up and backed away from his table. The sound of the heavy chair screeched against the marbled floor.

What if anyone saw her sitting on Asher's chair? What would they say about it? What other horrible rumors could they start?

She stared at his seat for a while and suddenly fell on the marble floor. Then, Amelia cupped her face and sobbed quietly.

She could not understand how anyone could be so heartless to start a rumor like that. Asher was all she had after their parents passed away. She loved him very much as his sister. Although they might argue over some trivial things at times, there was no way that she could do anything to harm him.

"Asher... Where are you?" she whispered to herself. A small sob escaped her. "I miss you. Please... come back soon. I just don't know what to do right now. I didn't know how to face all these without you."


Amelia left the office after she spent almost half an hour inside. She had dried her tears and patted at her cheek to ensure that the others would not notice anything abnormal about her.

Just as she was about to leave, Amelia heard footsteps slowly approaching her. Turning around, her eyes widened when she found that it was Laif.

"Your Highness," Laif greeted with a bow.

"What are you doing here?"

Laif tilted his head slightly and gave the princess a small smile. "That's a strange question to ask. I'm your Royal Knight. I am supposed to be around you, guarding you. Would you rather have the other Knight to be on duty instead of me?"

"No. I mean, I didn't mean it like that," Amelia straightened her pose and brushed her skirt. "I thought you and the rest of the royal guards were away for a quick tour around my palace with the commander. Security check or something like that."

"We were. But we finished a while ago," Laif told her. "I'm supposed to inform you that everything is fine and I came to replace Mori."

She turned to look at her entourage and noticed that the other Knight called Mori was nowhere in sight. "Oh. I see. Alright."

Laif watched as the Princess turned around to head back to her palace.

Earlier, while he was with the other to check around the palace, Laif had felt the presence of magic. He sneakily took out a small red and purple stones that he had stole from the King's room months ago and found that the stone was giving out a faint light.

It was not hard for him to tell that someone was using magic.

Laif suddenly thought of Amelia and her unstable magic. He was worried that something might happen to her and thus, he went to find her. Her maidservant, Sara then told him that the Princess was at the King's quarters.

He then climbed up the roof and hide as he watched her sobbing on the marble floor. Laif did not know what happened to her, but he could sense that her mood was fluctuating and it was affecting her power. Laif was worried that her power would suddenly flare uncontrollably.

It was only after she had calm down that Laif approached the other guard, Mori, and told him to change their shift.

"Your Highness," Laif spoke up when he was unable to contain his curiosity. He watched the Princess turned and continued, "Are you alright?"

Amelia only turned to look at him with a puzzled expression.

"You seemed absent-minded," he pointed out. "Is there something worrying you?"

Amelia thought over his question and forced a smile. "I'm just concerned about some palace matters. You know... trying to figure out whether I'm about to make a right decision or action."

Laif nodded and took a step back. Since she refused to tell him, then he was not going to say anything. But then, he changed his mind. "Your Highness?"


"Well," he clenched his hand into a fist. "I know that I can't be bold and act informally with you as I did before. I mean... what I'm trying to say is that you can always think of me as a friend. I may not be of any help, but I can listen to all your troubles."

Amelia was watching him as he spoke. Once she saw his flustered expression, she could not stop from laughing softly. "Thank you. Laif. That means a lot to me."

Laif licked his lips. He wondered for a while why he was saying those words to her. "Uh, I better go." He pointed towards her entourage who stood at the side, waiting for her.

"No. Please. Stay," she said. "Walk beside me. I might need a company to talk to. You did say that I can talk to you."

"Of course, Your Highness." Laif stood still and waited for her to speak.

"You did mention that you like traveling, right?"

Laif recalled that he had said something like that the night they snuck out. "Yes, Your Highness."

"Hmm," Amelia said. "It must be fun traveling from place to place. To see the world out there."

"It is."

"Don't you miss it?" she turned to see him. "Going out there?"

"I do," Laif smiled a little bit. "Sometimes."

"But you choose to stay here in Noa Kingdom as my Royal Knight."

He replied to her with a small smile. "Are you still having doubts about my intention to work as your Royal Knight, your highness?"

Her expression changed. Amelia raised her hand and waved. "No. I didn't mean it like that." She stopped and looked at him with a sheepish smile. "I'm glad that fate, as they called it, had brought you here to me. Sometimes, when I looked at you, I would wonder if my deceased parents in heaven send you to protect me in the King's stead."

Hearing her words, Laif's expression changed.

Fortunately, Amelia was not able to see his expression as Rae had come over to approach her with news that Commander Irvine was looking for her.