
Princess Amelia heaved a long sigh as she walked out of the assembling hall.

She had just finished her meeting with the ministers to discuss the country's matters and was glad that she had made it through it. The truth was that she can't find herself to really concentrate on the country's affair after Lady Evans had told her how rumors of her killing her brother to win the throne had spread to their neighboring countries.

The first time she heard the rumor in the pub, Amelia was furious. And now that she had heard how the rumors had spread to other countries, Amelia was saddened. She could not believe that anyone would be so cruel to create a rumor such as that.

Lady Evans had explained to her that someone was spreading the rumor with the intention to ruin her reputation. Miria and her father were worried that a rumor like that would destroy the good trade and economic relationship they have with the others.

Using his influence as a reputable businessman, Maxwell Evans, the head of the House of Evans had asked the other merchants to stop spreading the false rumor.

"Your Highness?"

Amelia snapped out of her trance when she heard a voice. She looked up and saw that Laif was standing before her with concern written on his face.

She did not notice when did her legs had taken her back towards her brother's quarters. These days, she would often come to this place whenever her heart was in turbulence.

"Are you alright?" Laif asked when the Princess did not respond to his call.

She turned around and was not surprise upon finding that her entourage had trailed after her to the King's quarters. Her eyes then shifted to the tall Knight beside her. "Yes. I am alright..."

He raised a brow at her answer. Judging from her tone and body language, Laif knew immediately that there is something that was troubling her.

Laif learned to be observant of his surroundings and all people around him after years of living his life as a Crown Prince of Hase.

So it wasn't strange that he would notice how sometimes, the princess would always walk in her garden to clear her mind after a meeting with the nobles.

He knew that the nobles would always intimidate her because she was a woman and knew nothing about governing. After observing the political scene in Noa for a while, Laif soon found out that the only people who would support her among the nobles were her uncle, the Duke of Jinan, Adviser Damian, and the people from the house of Evans.

Laif knew how difficult it is for the Princess to be in her position. It was just a few days ago that he caught her crying quietly in the King's study. He knew that the Princess must be missing her brother terribly, and it bothered him when he saw her crying her heart out alone.

Laif watched the princess as she made a turn to return to her palace and made his way to join the rest of the princess's entourage and headed straight to her office.

When she reached her office, Sara, one of the maidservant quickly greeted her with a curtsy. "Your Highness. Commander Irvine is here to see you," she announced.

Amelia's eyes lightened up at hearing the news. She hurried into the office and saw that the Commander stood straight beside her table.

"Your Highness, Princess Amelia," Commander Irvine greeted. When he looked up again, there was a wide smile on his face.

"You seem happy. Did you bring me good news, Commander?"

Commander Irvine nodded. "Your Highness... I have done as per what Adviser Damian had recommended. If my prediction is correct, Lord Benedict from the house of Cashore will be visiting you soon."

Amelia raised her brow in excitement. "Oh?"

"If you hold the right cards and lady luck is on your side, you might be able to win both the house of Cashore and the house of Valdes to your side."

Amelia rubbed at her temple. "Commander Irvine, I already told you that I went to the Gambling House only once. Please stop using that jargon with me."

Commander Irvine chuckled. Then, he proceeded to tell her what he knew.


Just as how Commander Irvine had predicted, Sara came into her room and announced that Lord Benedict has come over to meet her.

Amelia raised a brow as she did not expect that Lord Benedict would come over to find her so soon. Suddenly, she was curious at what Commander Irvine and Adviser Damian had done.

"Alright. Send him in." She walked into her office and took a seat behind her work table. Then, she glanced at documents on the table and looked up when Lord Benedict walked into the room.

"Your Highness, Princess Amelia. All Glory to Noa Kingdom," Lord Benedict greeted.

Amelia nodded slowly. "Please, be seated," she motioned towards the empty chair across her.

Lord Benedict pulled a chair and sat down nervously.

"Is there any reason why you requested to see me?" she asked.

The man shifted in his seat nervously. Without warning, he stood up suddenly and went down on one knee.

On the side, Kain and Mori, who was in their shift to guard had pulled out their swords. But once they saw that the man had gone down, they both keep their swords back into its sheath.

"Your Highness!" Lord Benedict spoke. "Forgive me, Your Highness. I deserve death for my crime! But I am here to beg for your forgiveness."

Amelia stared at the man for a long time. "What did you do?"

Lord Benedict was surprised at her question. He suddenly thought that perhaps, the Princess knew nothing about his deeds, but after he looked at her face again, Lord Benedict knew that it was impossible for the Princess not to know anything about it.

"I know that Commander Irvine sent a few people to investigate Count Adlam and me for months," Lord Benedict said. He cast a glance to see the Princess's reaction and continued. "I know that the Commander was investigating the missing funds."

"And... you are here to report about the fund?" Amelia said. "Lord Benedict, are you here to tell me who was involved in that missing fund?"

"Your highness," He evaded the Princess's gaze and swallowed nervously. "The truth was that Count Adlam had nothing to do with the fund. I was the one who took the money."

"Are you telling me the truth? Or are you lying to cover for Count Adlam?" Amelia asked. "I know that Count Adlam is your brother-in-law."

Lord Benedict gasped. "No! Your highness! I wouldn't dare tell you nothing but the truth." Afraid that the Princess would not believe his words, Lord Benedict then started to tell him what he had done with that money that was supposed to be used to help the poor.