Unable to Return

"Your majesty," Leo spoke as he cast a glance towards Eileen. "Are you sure you want to let her come with us? I did not mean to disrespect. After all, she saved our lives. But, we can't afford to waste any time. You've left the palace long enough and we shouldn't let anything slowing us down."

After the two men had packed up their bags to leave, unexpectedly, they found Eileen Cloud trailing after them in silence. Asher could only let the physician come with them after he was unable to convince her to change her mind.

"It was her decision. Just let her be," Asher glanced at Eileen who was trailing after them at a distance. "Even if we try to stop her, she will come after us."

When Eileen had volunteered to come with them, Asher quickly declined. He did not want to bring her along into his problem, knowing how dangerous his mission would be.

A few people close to him had met their demise as they tried to help him to uncover the truth behind the late King Louis's death. He cannot let Eileen come with them, but Eileen had been too stubborn to listen and Asher had no other way to drive her away.

"Don't worry," Asher said with a sigh. "I know how dangerous this mission can be and I have no intention to drag her along with this matter." He then turned to the Knight and said, "Get two horses once we get into town. Once we are on horses, she will not be able to come with us. That is where we shall part our ways."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Leo nodded. The two of them walked a few distances away until Leo turned to Asher again. "I have another question."

Asher glanced at the Knight. Sweat beads trailed down from his forehead to his cheek as he walked and bore the aching on his body. His breathing has become irregular. "Speak."

Leo glanced at the woman who was at a distance away from them. "Who exactly is Lady Cloud? How did she know of your identity?"

The Knight could not comprehend how the savior who had been living with them, treating them was actually someone that was close to the King previously. Leo thought back of their situation and knew that, if Lady Cloud had a bad intention, the two of them would be dead by now.

"She's an old acquaintance. She used to work in the palace in the Royal Hospital before she decided to quit the hospital to further her study in medicine," Asher smiled to his guard. "Forgive me. I should have told you about her identity earlier."

"No. You must have your reason why you didn't let me know," Leo adjusted his sword on his belt when he saw a civilization not far away from him. They were approaching the nearest town. "We're almost there. Come on. We should get you a place to rest and I will find our horses to continue our journey."

Once they reached the town, Leo found a small tavern and left both the King and Eileen to rest while he went to search for horses. Of course, the two of them had only told the lady that Leo went away to scout the situation in town.

The two of them ordered a few meat buns to fill their stomach and ate silently as they waited for Leo to return. Eileen fetched the water flask on her bag and took a few sips from it. She turned to the King and saw how he was pressing his hand on a spot on his leg.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" Eileen asked.

Asher glared at her. "Please don't call me that when we're out here. I do not wish for anyone to recognize me."

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "But are you alright? Is your leg hurting?" she grabbed her sack to search for an ointment. "I have some salve that can help. Let me help you."

"It's fine," Asher said. He waved his hand to stop Eileen from fetching the ointment from her sack. His movement was halted when he saw something on the announcement board across them. His gaze softened when he stood up to read the announcement from months ago where her sister, Amelia, had decided to step up as his substitute.

His thought remained on his sister.

Asher started to wonder if everything was alright at the palace. He knew that his sister would be missing him as he missed her. He wondered how she was holding on against the nobles.

"If you're worried about her, you should go back to her," Eileen spoke up. When she saw how Asher had turned quiet, Eileen had followed his gaze and saw the notification. "I know that you must be missing your sister so much."

"I can't do that. Not right now." He whispered more to himself. Asher looked away and tried to harden his heart. No matter what, returning to the palace was something that he cannot do.

"Why not? She needs you. What could be so important for you that you have chosen to leave the palace and have the Princess to step up as your substitute?" Eileen bit her lips when Asher turned to her with a sharp glare. She immediately realized that she had overstepped her boundaries. "Forgive my audacity, Your Majesty. I didn't mean to…"

"I would head back to the palace right now if I could, Eileen. But I can't," he hissed. His voice sounded like an angry whisper. "But not if my return to the palace means putting Amelia and myself in danger!"

"In danger?" she repeated, puzzled. "Why would your returns to the palace endanger you both?"

Asher opened his mouth to answer and stopped himself knowing that he cannot tell her anything about his situation.

The two of them stay in silence as they continued to stare at each other.

When Leo showed up, Asher breathed a sigh of relief. Right now, he was not in the mood to explain to Eileen why he was in danger. All he wanted to do right now is to continue his journey and find that damn physician who held the truth about his father's death. Only then will he be able to find the next clue to find out who wanted to kill him. This, Asher decided, was the only way for him to protect both himself and his sister.