The Test

Laif titled his head to look up at the sky and smiled when a blue feathered robin appeared. He lifted his arms and the bird landed on his finger. "Good work, Sapphire." He patted the bird's head for a while and took a small scroll of paper tied to the bird's leg. Then, he took out some seeds and scattered them on the rock. Laif then began to read the contents of his letter as the bird munched on his snack.

A frown appeared on his face as Laif read the reply from his master. Once he had read everything, a small flame suddenly appeared on his hand and the paper was soon burned to ashes.

Laif turned to the bird again and whistled. "Come on, Sapphire. It's time for you to return."

The bird let out a small chirp. He flapped his wings on the sky and suddenly, his size gradually grew. Once he was the size of an eagle, Sapphire then landed on his master's arms before he transformed into a silver bracelet.

Staring at the darkened sky, Laif then heaved a sigh. He stayed around to observe his surroundings and soon left the King's quarters.


The Princess tiptoed as she followed Laif to sneak out of the palace. Tightening the hooded robe around her body, Amelia tried to contain her excitement as she followed the Knight around the palace.

Amelia abruptly stopped when Laif held up a hand. She peeked from his shoulder and saw that Baron Zato and Baron Ake not far away from where they are.

But, it was late. Why were the two old men still lingering around the palace ground?

Amelia quickly adjusted her hoodies to hide her face. Her heart was pounding as worry surrounded her. At this time, Amelia was worried that the nobles would recognize her in her getup. She was wearing a simple pastel dress with an ivory sash and a matching blue cape.

When Amelia said that she will leave to Laif to figure out how to sneak out of the palace, she certainly did not think that Laif would suggest that they should sneak out openly through the Northern Gate. The Princess thought that there would be more sneaking and perhaps some wall climbing.

"All cleared," Laif motioned the Princess to follow him again.

Amelia scanned her surroundings. When she saw that the nobles were gone, she tugged on her hood and followed him.

"Straighten up. Act natural," Laif told her as they approached the Northern Gate.

"Are you sure about this?" she whispered. "I didn't want to get caught."

"I'm sure. Trust me, Your Highness."

Amelia huffed. "You're not trying to knock those guards out to get us out of here, are you?"

Laif chuckled. "No. I'm not." He turned to face the Princess with an amused smile. "Don't worry. I have promised that I will sneak you out safely from the palace, and I won't fail you."

Amelia frowned with disapproval. "Well, I hope you do know what you are trying to do, Laif." She wasn't convinced that his plan would work.

"Just follow my lead. I know what I am doing," Laif said before he stepped up towards the two guards at the gate. He signaled the Princess to stay close to him before he approached the guards.

The guards straightened up when they saw them approaching. Their stances were at ease when they saw Laif.

"Laif," the blue-eyed guard acknowledged.

Laif nodded towards the guards. He produced some documents from his pocket and handed them to the guard. "The Princess sends me and her maidservant to an errand," he told them. He glanced towards the Princess and frowned when he saw her rigid posture.

The blue-eyed guard eyed the document briefly and nodded. "You may go now."

The Princess held her breath as she walked past the guard and only let out her breath when the door behind her closed.

"I told you not to worry, didn't I?"

"I was scared that the guards would recognize me," Amelia told him.

"I doubt that," he gave her a small smile. "The Gate Guards didn't know how their Princess looks like as they never got their chance to work up close to you. Besides, they are more concerned with those who were trying to get into the palace rather than who was going out."

"It's going to be hard to sneak us back into the palace, then," Amelia spoke.

Laif answered her with a nod. "Now. Which way are you going?"

Amelia adjusted her hoodies and glanced at the street. She pointed to her left and turned to him. "This way."


Soon, the Princess and her Knight were standing under a shady tree, which was far away from the busy city. Laif had his posture straightened up as he was on guard, while the princess was pacing nervously. She looked up and craned her neck once in a while as if she was searching for someone.

"What are we doing here?" Laif finally asked. "Are you waiting for someone?"

Amelia pressed her lips before she answered. "Yes. I'm waiting for Lady Evans. She told me that she will be meeting me here."

He raised a brow. "Lady Evans?"

Amelia nodded.

Laif watched the Princess as he wondered what was she planning to do. Although he was curious, Laif decided not to ask. He was, after all, her subordinate.

Suddenly, Laif snapped out of his trance and straightened up his posture when he sensed something wrong with their surroundings. In an instant, Laif grabbed the Princess by her waist. Her body spun around before she was pulled closer to his body.

The Princess yelped. Her eyes widened in surprise at his action. "Wha—"

Her words were silenced when she heard a soft thud. She looked up and saw an arrow anchored against the tree. Her heart pounded crazily, knowing that the arrow was directed to her and that they were under attack.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Amelia nodded vigorously as she was unable to speak. She let out a small cry when Laif spun her around again. This time to hide her behind him. His arm around her shifted to her right hand. Seconds later, Amelia watched Laif drew out his sword with his right hand.

"Easy." Two people stepped out of the shadow. "It's only me."

Amelia looked up at the familiar voice. She frowned, recognizing her friend and her bodyguard. "Lady Evans?"

Miria smiled. Then her eyes went to Laif. There was a flicker of light in her eyes when she saw him. "You may put your sword down. I promise that my bodyguard will do no harm."

"Laif, I know them. It's alright." Amelia gave him a small nod to assure him that Lady Evans will not harm her. Amelia then took steps towards Miria and suddenly found that she was unable to take another step forward. It was then that she realized that Laif was still holding her hand.

"Right," Laif whispered as he released her hand. "Sorry about that."

"What were you thinking?" The Princess hissed as she walked over to Lady Evans.

"Pardon me, Your Highness," Miria said. "I know that it was a reckless thing to do. But you need to know that sneaking out like this is dangerous. And I needed to know if I could trust him to protect you."

Amelia gritted her teeth. She knew that Miria was trying to warn her that her outing was dangerous, especially knowing that this wouldn't be the first or the last time she would sneak out of the palace.

"I don't approve of your way of doing this," Amelia said. "I hope you won't be planning another test for my Knight without my knowledge."

Miria bowed. "Understood, Your Highness." She then turned to Laif. "I'm sorry about the arrow. Jurin and I," she paused to gesture towards her bodyguard. "We thought that it would be alright to test your reflex."

The Princess gave her friend a disapproving look at her words. She couldn't believe that Lady Evans would make her bodyguard shot an arrow towards them for that reason.

"I've heard so much about you, Laif Hue. Princess Amelia told me that you're the best among the Royal Knights. I was curious to know of your ability. After all, you were entrusted to protect Her Highness from harm," Miria steps closer to Laif and lowered her head into a bow. "You must forgive me for my impudence."

Laif clenched his jaw. "It's alright."

"I'm Miria Evans from the House of Evans," Miria introduced herself. "It was a pleasure to finally meeting you."

Laif slid his sword back into its sheath and nodded. "Laif Hue." Although he did not like the way Lady Evans do her thing, Laif did not let his feelings show on his expression.