Prince Laif Draven of Hase

Laif forced a smile as he scooped out a bowl of rice gruel for the last villagers. He looked up to find the Princess and panicked when he could not see her. He placed the scoop on the table and stood up straight to search for her.

He was supposed to look after the Princess and protect her, not serving bowls of rice gruel for the villagers. But look at what he was doing?

When the Princess told him that the reason why she wanted to sneak out of the palace was to observe the people, Laif almost could not believe it.

It was then that Lady Evans led them to an alley where her people were waiting. Once Laif saw the large pot of rice gruel and the people queuing that he started to believe the Princess intention.

In the end, due to the lack of staff, Laif was forced to join their team to scoop meals for the people.

Laif continued to look for the Princess and tensed when he could not see her. But once he found her entertaining a few villagers' kids not far away from him, his posture eased up a little bit.

"Are you doing alright?" Miria Evans asked as she approached him.

Laif glanced towards the newcomer and nodded as they continued to stand side by side to watch the Princess from afar. Seeing the joyful smile on her face, both of them had no intention to interrupt the Princess.

"I hope you were not angry about that test I've given you earlier today," Miria said. "I have my reasons."

"It's fine."

"I was skeptical when the Princess recommended to include you in this secret activity of hers," Miria admitted. "But I guess it wasn't a bad idea after all. It was nice to have you around. You were quite useful to lift heavy stuff and all that."

He chuckled. "So. How long have the Princess and you have been doing this?" Laif asked after a brief silence between them. "I believe that this wouldn't be the first time that the Princess snuck out from the palace to distribute food for the villagers?"

Miria tilted her head. "I don't understand what you mean."

He reverted his glance towards the Princess and the kids. "I think that you have been helping the Princess to sneak out of the palace for a while to distribute the food, am I right?"

"What?" Miria continued to play dumb. "I don't know how do you get an idea like that."

"Well, I am not opposed to the Princess's activity," Laif said. "But, why do it secretly when she could do it openly. I'm sure that the villagers would be happy to know how much Her Highness cares about them."

"That's true," Miria agreed. "But the nobles wouldn't stand it. It will only stir another disagreement between the Princess and the nobles. Right now, the Princess needs the noble's supports more than anything." She turned to him and gave Laif a long look, which caused him to tense. "But you, Laif Hue, I'm curious to know what is your intention of getting closer to the Princess.

He looked at her with a frown. Then, he recalled the way Lady Evans would look at him when she had seen him earlier. Laif could guess that there was another meaning in the woman's gaze, but he could not decipher what it was.

Laif coughed dryly. "I am Her Highness's Knight, Lady Evans. It is my duty to protect her. I cannot protect her if I am away from her."

"That is not what I meant," Miria shook her head. "You may go by your new name, Laif Hue. But I know who you are," she whispered. A mischievous smile curled on her lips. "Or should I address you as Prince Laif Draven of the Hase from the Western Continents?"

Laif felt as if blood had drained from his face. His breath stuck in his throat and his legs felt wobbly. At this time, Laif was in shock that the girl he met hours ago knew of his secret.

He clenched his hand into a fist to compose himself and faked a laugh. "What? You're joking, right?" He evaded his gaze from Lady Evans to look at the Princess. "Do I look like a prince?" He shook his head. "You have such a high imagination, Lady Evans, but I don't know how you get an idea like that."

"But you do."

"I'm flattered that you think I do look like the Prince of Hase. But I'm sure that—"

"You don't remember me, do you?" Miria cut his words. She watched his puzzled expression and continued. "Ten years ago, my father took me with him to Hase. We were younger. But, I do remember you."

Laif frowned. His brain was working hard to recall the girl in front of him. Ten years ago, he was nine. A lot had happened since then. "I'm sorry. But you are mistaken."

She sighed in disappointment. "You see, I have always been told that I am a very keen observer," she pointed towards the sword tied closely to his hips. "I remember that sword you're carrying very well. My father sold that sword to the King of Hase. The King asked my father to search the materials for that sword. I heard that the sword would be a gift for the young Crown Prince. So unless if you have stolen that sword from the former Crown Prince, there is no way that the sword would be in your possession."

Laif recalled how he got that sword. He had just passed another level of martial art with his master and was said to be the youngest student to complete the level.

His father, the King, was so proud of him that he bestowed the sword as a congratulatory gift for him.

Laif had treasured the sword as his life. It was then that he recalled what his father had told him about the sword. His father had to hire a merchant to find the best materials to construct the sword. Later, Laif had learned that it was not the first and the last time the King had made an arrangement with the merchant. He did not know the merchant as well as his father, but, Laif had heard about their trade consortium.

"Your father?" Laif inquired. "Maxwell Evans?

Miria gave him a curtsy. "And I am his daughter and assistant. Miria Evans from the House of Evans. I am well known as Lady Evans in most parts of the world."

Laif swallowed at this new information. He gave her a look over and the memory came back to him. He remembered the first time the King introduced him to the merchant. There were a few times when the merchant took his daughter with him. Long, dark hair and bright, almost grey-ish eyes. It was Miria.

"You remembered me," Miria smiled at his expression. "Now, will you tell me now what are you doing here in Noa Kingdom?"

Knowing that he could not keep this secret, Laif started to tense again. "Are you going to tell the Princess about me?"

Miria shrugged. "It will depend on your answer."

Laif clenched his jaw. "Look. I don't mean her any harm if that is what you're worried about. If I were to harm her, I would have done so earlier as I was presented with countless opportunities to do so."

"You might try to get close to the Her Highness for political benefit," Miria accused. "Everyone knows that the Princess was having a problem to rule the country with the lack of supports from the nobles. It would be easy for you to influence the Princess into doing something beneficial to Hase... or the Western Continents."

Laif frowned. "If I wanted to be involved in another country's political trouble, I wouldn't have given up my position as the Crown Prince. Trust me. That was not my intention."

Miria's gaze grew sharp as she stared at him. "Then tell me. What is your intention? What are you doing here in Noa Kingdom as the Princess's Royal Knight?"