Lady Evans' Bargain

Laif inhaled a deep breath as he heard Lady Evans question. He knew very well that there was no way that she was going to let him go without him spilling out the truth. But, admitting that he had come to Noa Kingdom to search for a magical artifact was something he cannot do. After all, this was the Eastern Continents. If anyone heard that a magical artifact existed in this Kingdom, Laif was sure that the other countries would not hesitate to attack.

As these thoughts came to his mind, Laif began to think that perhaps, he should fabricate a lie.

Laif glanced towards the Princess and saw that she was still entertaining the kids. "Since you know where I came from, then, you must know what I can do. The reason why I am here was to search for a magical artifact." Laif decided to tell the truth.

"And did you find the thing you were looking for?"

He chuckled. "I wouldn't stay around if I have found what I am looking for, Lady Evans." He turned to Miria and raised a brow. "You believe my story?"

"Yes," Miria smiled and watched as Laif flinched with surprise. "You don't look like you're lying. Besides, it was just like what you said. I know where you come from and what you can do. This reason sounds very plausible."

He looked at her in disbelief and coughed dryly. "You shouldn't be trusting people too easily."

"I'm not," Miria's earliest sharp gaze turned gentle as she continued to look at him. "Do you think I can be where I am if I trust people easily? But, I saw the way you look at the Princess. I can tell that you have no intention to harm her."

The two of them looked at each other for a while, as if assessing whether the other party was telling the truth or lies.

"But tell me," Miria spoke again after a while. "What will happen when you found what you were looking for? Will you be leaving Noa Kingdom?"

Laif pondered over her question. Of course... Initially, he had intended to leave Noa Kingdom and continue on his journey once he found that magical artifact. There is no reason why he would want to stay in this place. But at this moment, Laif found that it was too difficult to answer her. "I don't know," he lowered his gaze to look at his feet. "I guess... I will have to leave."

Miria studied his expression for a while. She could tell from his expression that he was uncertain about his answer. Her gaze flickered between the Prince of Hase and the Princess of Noa Kingdom. After a while, Miria took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. "Are you planning to tell the Princess the truth about who you are?"

"I told her," he let out a small smile as he recalled the time the Princess caught him in her garden. She had told him her identity, and he didn't believe her. In return, he had told her who he is, and she thought that he was jesting. "But she didn't take me seriously."

Miria frowned at his reply as she did not understand what he meant.

"Lady Evans," Laif called. "I just need to ask you something."

"Go ahead." She nodded, gesturing him to continue.

"Since you are a frequent merchant going back and forth between the Eastern and Western continents, you probably have heard about magic artifacts," Laif spoke. He knew that his father, the King had used the Evans family services to look for some valuables and thought that perhaps, Miria would be familiar with what he was searching for.

"I have encountered one or two of them." Miria nodded. "Yes."

"Then you should have also heard of what was going on in the Western Continents. How some animals in the jungle went rampage as if they were possessed."

Miria lowered her head. Previously, during her visit to the Western Continents, their group was attacked and some of their goods were destroyed. If it was not for some of the magic practitioners that they have hired, Miria was sure that there would be a few casualties as well.

"I have," Miria nodded again.

"The thing I was looking for was called a moon bell," Laif said. "Have you heard of it?"

Miria stared at the man in front of her for a long time. Suddenly, a smile graced on her lips. "Prince Laif Draven, are you requesting to hire me to find what you were looking for?"

"Yes," Laif answered quickly. "No matter what is your price, I can guarantee that I will be able to deliver. How many golds do you need to help me to find this artifact."

Miria considered for a moment. "I can help you to find this thing you were looking for. But, what I want is not money or gold."

"What? What do you mean?"

She stepped closer to Laif and said, "The Princess—Noa Kingdom is lucky to have you on our side. And I'm glad that we have someone as skillful as you to protect the Princess. Ever since the King went missing, there were not a lot of people that the Princess can trust. However, from what I have seen, Princess Amelia trusted you. Although I do think it would be risky to have you around the Princess—"

"I have told you that I meant no harm to the Princess. I'm not here as a spy or whatever you might think I am," Laif cut her curtly.

"I don't think that you are enemy we're fighting against," Miria continued calmly.

Laif stared at Miria and wondered what her long speeches got to do with his request. "Okay. But what does that got to do with my request?"

"Let's put it this way," Miria smiled. "I think it's fair to let you protect the Princess in exchange for my service. You will guard the princess against her enemy just until the King returned. And then, I will deliver what you want. It's a win-win situation."

"Are you trying to make a deal out of this situation?" Laif chuckled in disbelief. "You are definitely the daughter of the famous merchant Maxwell Evans," he said, watching her shrug. "Fine," he paused and closed his eyes momentarily. "But what if you cannot find what I wanted?"

A wicked grin appeared on her lips. "The thing you were looking for... not only have I heard about it. I have seen it with my eyes before." Miria raised her fist. "It's probably bigger than my fist, though."

Laif's expression changed as he heard it. "Where have you seen it? Can you hand it over to me?"

"Do your part of the bargain, and you will have it," Miria said. She took a step back to evade the man. "Even if you ask me to hand it over now, it would be impossible. That thing was not with me. It belonged to someone else."

Laif hesitated at her words. Taking a deep breath, he then decided to trust the lady merchant just this once. "But what if—what if the King is no longer alive? I cannot continue to stay here forever."

Miria looked at him sharply. "Then, let me tell you something else. The owner of the thing you were looking for is someone who frequently comes to the palace. As long as you stay close to Her Highness and do your job, then perhaps, you would be lucky enough to find what you were looking for."