Secret Passage

After parting with Lady Evans, Laif found that he was not able to stop thinking about what the merchant lady had said. According to her, the magical artifact that he was looking for belonged to someone who frequently visited the palace.

No matter how Laif had tried to persuade the lady into telling him, he was unable to get his answer.

The magic artifact he was looking for was an important item that will help the Eastern Continent to deal with what they were facing. Although his master had sent letters to tell him that the problem was within the Council's control, Laif knew that sooner or later, things would change. Without the Moon Bell, the Council would be in trouble.

"What's wrong?"

Laif snapped out of his thought when he heard the gentle voice belonged to the Princess. He turned to the direction of her voice and saw that she was staring at him with worry.

"You look like you've swallowed bad food," Amelia said. "Are you alright?"

Laif quickly shook his head and gave her an assuring smile. "Don't worry about me. I'm alright."

"Very well," Amelia quickly turned away from him and the two of them continued to walk towards the palace. A minute later, Amelia stopped again and turned to Laif again. "I saw you talking with Lady Evans earlier. What were you two talking about?"

Laif stared back at the Princess who suddenly retract her gaze. "Nothing much. Lady Evans wanted me to keep your visit to the city and your activity a secret. She also said that it was a good idea to have me around because I happen to be good at lifting heavy stuff."

What he said was not a lie. Before Lady Evans disclosed his identity, before the two of them made a deal that could benefit each other, Lady Evans was asking him to keep their activity a secret.

Amelia laughed. "I do think that it would be great if you could join me and my activity. With you around, both the Adviser and the Commander would not worry too much."

He gave her a faint smile. "Are you ready to get back inside the palace?"

The princess sighed and looked away. "Maybe."

Hearing the whisper of her voice, Laif looked at the Princess with concern. Somehow, he got the feeling that Princess Amelia wanted to spend more time outside the palace's wall.

Laif knew very well what she might felt. The agony of going back into the palace where everything she said or done will be watched intently by the nobles and the people around her.

He saw how carefree she was when she was mingling with the people earlier and wondered how someone as small and fragile as her could be so brave to sit in the throne and faced the fierce nobles every day.

As compared to Princess Amelia, Laif thought of himself as a coward. Or else, he would not escape the palace life back in Hase.

After walking around for a while, the two of them arrived at the Eastern Gate.

Laif scanned his surrounding to ensure that there was no one around.

Once he was sure of their safety, Laif traced the palace wall with his hand and stopped once he found what he was looking for. He knocked on the wall lightly and pulled out one of the segments. Slowly, the wall moved, revealing a secret door.

"Come on in." Laif turned to the Princess with a slight smile on his face. "This door will lead us into your garden."

Amelia gasped upon seeing how the walls moved and there was suddenly a hidden path. "This... will lead us to my garden?"

Laif nodded and gestured the Princess to enter.

When Amelia ducked to enter the Palace wall, she noticed that she had entered a part of the garden that she has not visited for years. Amelia swallowed as she scanned her surroundings.

There was a reason why she has not come to this place for a long time.

The last time she had a walked around this place, the sky has almost turned dark. That was when she saw it. That was when everyone who had accompanied her saw it. A lady, with dark, long hair dressed in plain, tattered white cloth. They could not see her face as it was covered with her hair, but Amelia thought that she had seen the lady's sharp fang.

Suddenly, everyone was screaming and running.

There were a few maidservants who dared to leave her behind. But after discussing the matter for a while, Amelia and everyone who was presented was convinced that what they saw was a ghost.

Amelia closed her eyes momentarily as the memories came. Then, she looked around her surroundings in panic. "H—How did you find out about this secret door?"

"I found them during one of my security check-up around the palace," Laif admitted. "But I don't think the other know of the secret passage. I've asked around to the guards and the palace maids about this part of the garden. But no one seems as if they wanted to talk about it. However, they did mention something about a ghost with long, dark hair."

Amelia felt her body stiffened at his word. Subconsciously, she inched closer towards her Knight and felt more at ease.

"This passage would only be useful for us to sneak in into the palace," Laif turned around to close the door. Then, he showed to her that there was no lever or any sort for him to pull or push the door from the inside. "As you can see, the passage was designed as an entrance. Not an exit. However, I do have to tell you this, Your Highness... the security in your palace is not that excellent."

"I see. Perhaps it would be best if you discuss this matter with Commander Irvine," Amelia looked up towards the dark sky. "We should go now. Or Rae would be worried when I didn't return on time."

Laif nodded. He led the Princess back towards the palace and paused when he suddenly felt her grip on his arm. "What's wrong?"

Amelia released her grip. Her face reddened as she gave him a sheepish smile. "Uh. It's nothing. I heard a sound and it startled me."

After observing her for a while, Laif noticed that the Princess was anxious about something.

The wind blew and the leaves rustled. Suddenly, Amelia flinched and grabbed at his arms again.

Laif watched the Princess's reaction and saw a trace of fear. "Your Highness, are you alright?"

Amelia looked at him with a grim expression. "Let's go," she urged.

Laif watched the Princess turned to head over to her palace with a long stride. "Your Highness," he called out. "Do you—I mean, are you afraid of ghost?"

The princess gasped. Her eyes widened in surprise. She looked around and frowned disapprovingly at him. "Don't say the word out loud, especially not on a time like this."

Laif stared back at her with his mouth agape. He let out a chuckle and stopped himself when the princess threw him a dangerous look. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to mock you, Your Highness. It's just that I didn't expect you to be scared of," he paused, searching for other words than ghosts. "Such rumors."

"It was not a groundless rumor. I saw it with my very own eyes. The lady with long hair," she swallowed. "That was why I or any of my maidservant have never visited this part of the garden anymore."

Laif smiled amusingly, but his smile vanished as soon as he saw the Princess's expression. "Alright," he nodded and offered his hand to the Princess. "I believe you. Come on. Let's get moving before the night comes. Just hold on to my hand, and I'll make sure you will return safely," he persuaded.

Amelia stared at his hand and was reminded of how she was holding his arm just minutes ago. Somehow, the fear subsided and was replaced by embarrassment. Amelia couldn't believe how she had held his arm because of some noise she heard. Suddenly, she wondered what Laif might think of her. She didn't want him to think of her as a coward.

Amelia bit her lips and turned around, avoiding his gaze and the hand he offered. Her pace quickened. She was eager to get back to her palace and she wasn't sure she could face him right now.