The Nobles' Suggestions

"Your Highness," Baron Ake spoke up, just as they have finished discussing some national matters. He glanced at the other nobles who were around the room and coughed dryly. "With all due respect, Your Highness, His Majesty the King has been missing for months. The people are anxious and we are worried that our neighboring countries might take advantage of Noa Kingdom's situation."

A thought crossed her mind and Amelia could immediately guess where this conversation was going. "What are you trying to say, Baron Ake?"

"I think that it is time for you to think of the possibility that the King may be deceased," Baron Ake said.

Immediately, the Princess felt her face red with anger. Although she had expected that she was going to hear the noble brought up the matter again, hearing the nobles suggesting that her brother had died was upsetting her.

"Baron Ake." There was a warning in her tone.

"Baron Ake is right," Baron Zato backed him up. "Viscount Ferik had dispatched his soldiers and the others are joining in force to search for the King for months. However, we still haven't had any clues where the King might be. Truthfully, we have spent a lot of money for that. "

"Are you going to suggest that the mission to search for your King is a waste, like the last time?" Amelia said.

"Well, no," Baron Zato cleared his throat. "What I'm trying to say is that the money could be used for the people instead. Your Highness, you should be fully aware that we could allocate this money to do another thing. You knew about the flood in the northern part of Noa Kingdom. How about allocating the money to help them?"

Her grip on the chair tightened as she tried to suppress her anger. She knew about those matters. They have been discussing it just moments ago. But to ask her to give up on finding her brother was something she cannot do.

"I know," her voice came like a whisper and her gaze fell on the floor. Seconds later, she tilted he head up to look at the nobles again. "I will agree to reduce the size of the searching troops, for now."

Baron Ake's expression tightened. "But Your Highness —"

"I will not accept your suggestion to declare the King as dead until I see any proof," Amelia spoke. "Until you have found any valid proof that my brother is truly gone, we will not be discussing this matter."


Advisor Damian rushed towards the princess when he saw her stagger in her steps and helped the princess to stand up. "Your highness. Are you alright?"

Amelia replied to him with a slight nod. "I'm just... tired. The meetings with the nobles always tire me." She smiled weakly at him. "I understand what the nobles are saying about my brother... and what they are worried about. I cared about Noa Kingdom and our people, but I can't do it, Damian. I can't declare my brother as dead."

"I understand."

"Asher. He... he promised me that he would return. And I trust him. As long as they could not find any proof that he's gone. There is still hope that he's alive, somewhere, right?" Amelia studied his expression and noticed his pain expression. "I know how much you care about my brother, but I never once asked you how you cope with his disappearance," she shook her head. "I'm such a bad person."

"Don't worry. You're not a bad person," Damian chuckled. "I know there is a lot on your mind when you suddenly have to take over his place. I can't imagine what you're going through. After all, Asher is the only family you have left." He smiled to cheer her up. "And I too believe that he's alive somewhere. Right now, there is nothing I can do for him except to pray that he is alright and to look after you in his stead. And you, Your Highness, you have to protect the kingdom, and the throne until he comes back and claims it back."

After a brief chat with Damian, Amelia went back to her office. When she arrived, Sara, her maidservant approached and reported that her uncle, Duke Hady had come to visit her. After giving a few instructions to her maidservant, Amelia walked into the room where the elder man was waiting for her.

The sturdy man stood up straight and bowed. "Your Highness."

"Duke of Jinan," she acknowledged. "Please. have a seat. What are you here to see me?"

Duke Hady sat down at the mahogany chair and spoke, "I have something that I'd like to discuss with you, Your Highness"

At this time, Rae reentered the room with a pot of tea and some refreshments. Amelia gestured her hand and another maidservant served Duke Hady with a tray of refreshments.

"What is it that you like to discuss with me? Is this matter something that you cannot discuss in a meeting along with the nobles?"

"I'm here regarding your brother, the King." Duke Hady paused momentarily to study her expression. "I know that you're going to be upset with what I am about to say, but I need you to listen first. Your Highness, you need to consider Baron Ake's suggestion to declare the King as dead."

Amelia unintentionally placed her tea on the saucer rather harshly, causing the porcelain to clank loudly. "Duke of Jinan!"

Duke Hady lowered his gaze. "I know that this wouldn't be easy for you," he said. "It was hard for me to come over to you and discuss this matter with you as well, Your Highness. Whether we are blood-related or not, the King is my niece. You are my niece. We may not be close, but we are family."

Amelia stiffened at his word. It was true that they were never close. Duke Hady might be adopted by her grandfather and his concubine. but adopted or not, Amelia could not deny their relationship. His name was written in the Royal Family's genealogy.

And Duke Hady has been one of her strongest supporters after she stepped up as her brother's substitute.

"But we can't wait forever for the King to return," Duke Hady continued. "Your Highness, you need to think of what will happen to Noa Kingdom if King Asher never return."

Amelia felt as if her heart was stabbed with something painful.

Duke Hady had brought up a matter that she did not want to think about. Amelia strongly believed that her brother will return. No matter how long he disappeared, he will return. He promised her!

"If we put this matter on hold for too long, I'm worried that our neighboring countries would take this situation to their advantage. They may attack Noa Kingdom when we were at our weakest point. Moreover, I heard that Roem is up to something. They have started this rumor..." he didn't continue.

Amelia lifted her gaze. "If you are going to tell me about the rumors about how I overthrow my brother for this position, then, I will tell you that I have heard about the rumor."

"How did you —"

"It was a groundless rumor. There's no way that I could do something like to him."

"Which is why you should consider Baron Ake's suggestion," Duke Hady said. "You need to remember that right now, you are the ruler of Noa Kingdom. For the sake of the King and Noa Kingdom, we must do something to strengthen this kingdom so that the others wouldn't be so bold to insult us," he heaved a sigh when the Princess did not reply. "Your Highness. Please. You need to consider this suggestion. If the King was still around, I am sure that he would agree with this move."