A Search

Laif came to the market to run a few errands for the Princess and was about to return to the palace when Lady Evans suddenly blocked his path.

Previously, Princess Amelia would sometimes sneak out of the palace, and with the help of Lady Evans, they would distribute food and medicines to the less fortunate. However, due to what was going on in the palace, Princess Amelia decided to strengthen her knowledge in governing and thus, has been spending her time with Adviser Damian to study.

These days, Princess Amelia would send him out to see Lady Evans on her stead and sent a few valuables for their cause.

"What do you want?" Laif asked. His expression was stiff and cold as he looked at Lady Evans's face.

Miria Evans smiled at his reaction. "I see that you don't like me very much."

"You had your guard ambushing me on our first meeting," Laif pointed out. "And let's not forget that you're trying to blackmail me with your knowledge of my identity."

Miria scoffed. "That's not blackmailing. That's negotiating. They're different. If you decided to change your mind, I promise that I would not report your identity to the Princess. I still have some businesses in Hase and it would be bad if we become enemies. However, I do apologize for the test that I put up for you. I did it all for the princess."

"Apology accepted. Excuse me. I still have someplace I need to go." Laif walked pass Miria and paused when he noticed that Miria was following him. "Are you going to follow me around all day?"

"You're going back to the palace, right," Miria replied to him with a shrug. "We might as well go together. Besides, if you mind having me around, you're more than capable to escape me and disappear whenever you want to. We both know that you have that skill."

"I'm going to look around the city before I return," Laif said. "You're free to—"

"I'll gladly be your tour guide. I'm very familiar with this city."

Laif held his gaze with her. He heaved a sigh and decided to ignore the girl. "Just... do whatever you like."

"I'm just curious to know what kind of person you are," Miria said. "I mean, you stepped down as—" she paused when Laif scowled at her. "And let your someone else took your place. I wonder why."

"Maybe I'm just like your King," Laif answered lazily.

"I think not."

"He went missing and let his sister took over his place," he pointed out.

"I'm sure the two of you clearly had different reasons."

Laif turned and raised a brow. "You know why the King went missing?"

"Don't you?" her expression changed. "The Princess did not tell you?"

He shrugged. "No. My job is to look after the princess and to protect her from anyone who might try to harm her. I don't care about whatever political reasons lie beneath it."

"Hmm. So one of the reasons you left the throne was because you didn't like politics, is that it?"

Laif turned to her with a sharp stare. He shook his head when he saw Miria's smile.

"I guess, that is it."

Laif went towards the market to look at the stalls alongside the street. The memories of the night he snuck out the palace with the princess for a walk in the city came back to him.

He wasn't aware of the princess's identity during that time and took her to the gambling house. His attempt to teach the princess a lesson in why gambling is bad, failed when the princess won twice in a row in a dice game.

As Laif walked around the market to look around, a pair of guards stopped in front of him and studied him from head to toe. One of the guards immediately recognized Lady Evans who was with him and his expression changed.

"Lady Evans," the guard acknowledged her. He turned to Laif and said, "I need your identification"

Laif flashed his badge, showing his identity as the Princess's Knight. Once the guards saw the badge, they immediately bowed to Laif and apologized.

"There seems to be a lot of guard on the street today," Miria spoke to the guard. "What happened?"

"We were looking for the criminal who was responsible for arson in Green Valley," the guard replied.

As the person who has control over the market, Lady Evans was especially known among the authorities in Noa Kingdom. Some of the guards got along with the people from the House of Evans. As the two guards knew that Miria was a daughter of Maxwell Evans, they did not hesitate to share what they knew as long as it was not confidential.

Miria frowned. "Green Valley? But that's miles away from here."

"We know," one of the guards said. He glanced at his partner and continued, "We will only disclose this to you, Lady Evans, but we were given orders from the higher-ups to apprehend anyone suspicious. Words have it that this arson was a dangerous man and had burned a few government properties and caused fatalities before he escaped from Green Valley. There were testimonies of a few people who saw this man heading to the city."

"What was strange was that we were never given any sketches of this criminal," the other guard said. "Some said that this man was good at changing his appearance. This was why we were assigned to ask everyone for their identification."

Miria frowned as he listened to the guards' words. Though she thought the situation was a bit strange, she did not think that it was a matter that she should be involved in.

"Thank you for telling me these."

"Lady Evans, you need to be careful. Do tell us if you see anyone suspicious." The guard smiled before he and his friend continue to be on their way.

Once the guards had walked away, Miria turned to Laif and watched him as he was deep in his thought. "What do you think of this situation?"

Laif glanced at the woman beside him and walked away, trying to ignore her. "This was not my problem." He walked over to a stall on the side and purchased a bag of delicacies. Then, he continued to walk around, eating as he made his way towards the palace.

A groan escaped him upon finding that Lady Evans was still following him with a curious look on her face. Just as he was about to drive her away, Laif saw a man walking frantically towards them. The man saw Lady Evans and his eyes brightened up.

"Lady Evans," the man called up.

Miria stopped as the man approached her. Judging from her expression, she seemed to know this man.

"I have news," the man said.


The man hesitated. He then saw that the lady gestured her hands towards him and he leaned forward to whisper a few words.

Miria's countenance changed slightly. Once the man had finished his words, she spoke a few words and forced a smile at Laif, who was staring at her curiously.

"Something's wrong?" Laif asked.

"I have to go." Miria bit her lips. "Something happened with the company," she waved her hand. "You don't want to know. Please send a message to the Princess that I will not be able to visit her in a while."