Sending Message

Asher stared at the bowl in his hand. He took a spoonful of it and studied the watery porridge with bits of slimy green stuff floating. Though this meal looked nothing like what he had eaten in the past, Asher found that his stomach was too hungry to reject this meal.

Slowly, he brought them to his mouth. The smell of it wafted to his nose and Asher winced at the slightly fishy taste. This porridge was no doubt, one of the nasty things he ever tasted in his life.

"You never taste the poor man's porridge before?"

Asher looked up from his porridge and his gaze met with Beck. He pursed his lips and shook his head slowly. Then, a faint smile graced his lips.

The King was born and raised in the palace. The food he had was luxurious. Even when he had told the Royal Kitchen to prepare something simple like a plain porridge, the kitchen would always give him thick, fragrant porridge.

After he was saved from that burning shack, Asher had followed Eileen and the others to this slump where Beck and a few others were living. Although this place was too filthy, Asher had no other choice.

This was the only place that he can live in until he figured out what he wanted to do next. Moreover, Daren and the others would not expect that he would be living in such a place. It will take them a while before they can find him and Leo.

"You seem like a very well brought young man," Beck said. "Where are you from?"

Of course, Eileen did not tell Beck and the others of his identity.

"The city," Asher replied. He took another spoonful of the porridge and held his breath. It was awful, but he was hungry.

Beck smiled as he watched Asher took another spoonful of the porridge. "It wasn't so bad. You will get used to it after a while."

Asher looked up and noticed that there was no sign of mocking in his smile. Even though this man did not know him well, he had treated him well and Asher knew that it was only because of Eileen.

"This is how it is living in a slump," Beck said with a shrug. "It was worse before the Princess took over the throne. We used to go on for days without anything to eat."

Asher halted from eating and looked up. "The Princess?"

Beck nodded. "I know that things were hectic ever since the Princess took the throne. The nobilities did not like her and the commoners were worried about what will happen to Noa Kingdom. But, for people like us, at least we get to eat properly. At least the welfare center provided us with enough ration of grains."

Asher looked into the bowl again and wondered if this was called enough, then, how did these people survive before?

His lips tilted into a smile as he listened to Beck talking about his little sister. Suddenly, his heart swelled with pride in what his sister had done even when he was not around.

But a part of him was ashamed of himself. He realized that he never paid much attention to the people from the lower class. Perhaps he was so consumed with finding out the truth of his father's death that he forgot things that really matter.

At these thoughts, Asher began to eat his porridge more quickly. He no longer found the porridge disgusting.

Asher has just finished his meal when Leo walked into the room with Eileen.

"I have news," Leo reported.

He watched Eileen dismissed Beck from the room and continued. "It looks like Daren and whoever he worked for have not made their move. There is no news about you in the city yet."

After Eileen had treated his wound, Leo was determined to go out and find some news in town.

"Good," Asher sighed in relief. "That means, Daren had not returned to the Palace and find Amelia. It is not too late for us to return to the palace then. Leo. Get ready. We are going back to the palace this instant. We must go back immediately and stop their plan."

"There's another problem," Leo spoke.

Asher frowned. "What is it?"

"I don't think it's safe for you to travel," Eileen said. "The market is full of guards. And one of the men informed that there are soldiers stationed at the town's gate. It seems like your enemy has dispatched the guards and soldiers all over the place to search for you. I heard that they are hunting for criminals who were responsible for arson. I guess they are using the fire as their excuse."

Asher curse under his breath. "We need to get back to the city as discreetly as we can." He turned to Eileen. "Do you have a way?"

Eileen bit her lips as she was deep in thought. "I know a way for us to leave this town. We can be on move tonight, but I'm afraid that we will have to travel on foot. Horse riding will attract too much attention. The journey may take longer, but it will be safer."

"That won't do," Asher said. "We have to get there before Daren uses my crest to lie to my sister and the others about my passing."

"I can have Beck send a message to the princess," Eileen suggested. "We can send her a warning. So she will be prepared."

"I agree. That is the best bet we can take, Your Majesty," Leo said. "But sending a message to the Princess could be very dangerous. I'm sure that by now, your enemy has sent their men to keep their eyes on the Princess and her maidservants."

"What about Lady Evans's?" Eileen suggested. "She is the Princess's supporter and friend. Lady Evans will have quick access to enter the palace and meet the Princess."

Asher shook his head. "No. Daren is smart. He will know that we will try to find Lady Evans to reach the princess. We cannot go to Duke Hady or Commander Irvine either. Daren knows these people." A frown appeared on his face as he thought of a better solution. After a minute has passed, Asher looked up again. "I know just the person who can help us. But we will have to make a detour."