A Challenge, A Test

The journey from the palace to the Royal Mausoleum took almost half a day. When Princess Amelia and her entourage arrived at the lodging, the sky was already painted in orange and red.

Princess Amelia stepped down from her carriage and her expression darkened for a few seconds upon seeing the nobles lining up, waiting for her arrival. Their expression showed that they were eager to bring up a matter that she wished not to discuss at the moment.

After all, from the moment that they have learned of the King's death, every each of them had been trying to look for her and discuss the matter of the next successor.

Amelia closed her eyes, annoyed with the nobles' impatience.

Her eyes snapped open when she felt a gentle squeeze on her hand. Lifting her gaze, Miria was looking at her with an assuring smile. In the second, her heart gradually calm, knowing that her biggest supporters were around with her.

Princess Amelia straightened her pose and walked over towards her lodgings. Her eyes caught the sight of the nobles looking at each other, daring anyone to bring up that important matter.

It was Baron Ake who chose to step up. "Your Highness," the elderly man greeted. Instead of bringing up the matter regarding the next successor, Baron Ake chose to welcome the Princess and made small talk about her trip to the place.

Just as Amelia was thinking that Baron Ake would not bring up the matter, the man finally stepped forward and blocked her from entering the lodging.

The Princess's Knights stepped forward to assist her but stopped when the Princess gave them the signal to step down.

"Your Highness." A faint smile curled on the man's lips upon noticing that the Knights would not stop him. "I know that you have just arrived from the palace, but the others have discussed and—"

"If you're going to discuss with me regarding the matter of the next ruler of Noa Kingdom, I suggest you stop there," Amelia interrupted before he could complete his words. Her gaze was cold as they landed on Baron Ake's face. "My brother, King Asher was found dead with his body burned beyond recognized. His body has yet to be buried, I am not going to discuss or hear anything regarding the next successor right here, right now."

The nobles began to shift uncomfortably at her words and tone. They had thought that the Princess would at least listen to their words and they were not expecting her to be this persistent.

"If anything," the Princess continued. "I will be discussing the matter regarding the next successor after the mourning period is over. Isn't this is how it was practiced in Noa Kingdom after a monarch passed away?"

"But Your Highness," Baron Ake spoke. "The mourning period will last for two months. I don't think we should wait for that long to discuss this matter."

Amelia shot him a piercing gaze "Are you saying that we should disregard our law and tradition?"

"No," Baron Ake shifted uncomfortably. "In the past, Noa Kingdom can wait until the mourning period ended because there is always someone, a Crown Prince, to take over the role and the job of a King. However, the former king, King Asher was someone without an heir. He had not appointed anyone as his successor. How will a kingdom function without a ruler? It cannot."

"Baron Ake," Princess Amelia spoke his name softly. A smile that did not reach her eyes curled on her lips. "Have you forgotten? King Asher had appointed his successor. He had appointed me as his substitute. Therefore, I will continue my role as his substitute before the mourning period ended," the Princess countered. "I will not be having this conversation again." Her eyes shifted dangerously towards the nobles who stood behind Baron Ake.

Seeing that they were not going to stop her again, Princess Amelia made her way to her lodgings with her entourage trailing after her.

The maidservants bowed as she entered the room. Amelia waved her hand to signal them to leave and slumped down on the chair once everyone left. Her hands balled into a tight fist as she took a few deep breaths to calm down.

"You did a great job, Your Highness," Miria placed a hand on the Princess's shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze.

"Do you think so?" Amelia raised an arm and was not surprised to see that it was still trembling. "Exchanging words with the nobles always terrifies me. I don't think I'll get over this fear anytime soon."

"It will get better as time pass," she tried to convince. "This will at least kept their mouth shut for a while." Miria walked around the room and poured a glass of water for the Princess. "But, what are you going to do with the matter of the successor?"

A heavy sigh escaped her. "I don't know. I rather not think about it. Whether my brother, Asher is alive somewhere as the letter claim to be, or not, I will have to hold on to the throne. I don't have the plan to give away this kingdom to those greedy nobles." She took a sip at the water and looked up. "Only by clinging to the throne will I have the chance to survive life."

Lady Evans' gaze softened upon hearing her words. Her lips parted as she wanted to give her a word of comfort, but in the end, she could not find the right words to say. "I will be here for you if you need me. You know that, don't you?"

Amelia nodded slowly and the corner of her lips tilted into a grateful smile.

Miria stayed in the room to accompany Amelia and get out after a while to resume her task. Her gaze deepened as she motioned her guards to come with her.

They were planning to set up a safe path for the Princess to sneak out unnoticed and meet up with her brother, King Asher.

Her head tilted up to the sky and the frown on her face deepened.

They have less than two hours to ensure that everything will be fine until they led the Princess out of the lodging and head over to the meeting place.

A familiar silhouette appeared as Miria approached the gate.

The Princess's First Knight, Laif was talking to the other knights, giving them instruction to ensure the Princess's safety.

Miria lowered her head to hide her gaze as she tried to think of a way to remove this man from the Princess's side. It will be a challenge to sneak out unnoticed from Laif, but it will also give her the chance to test Laif's alertness with his new position as the Princess's First Knight.