The Missing Princess

The sky had turned dark when Lady Miria Evans returned to the Princess's lodging with a covered tray in her hand.

Though Miria was anxious at what was about to happen later, her expression did not mirror her feeling as she walked past a few guards to enter the room.

Everything has to go as planned and she could not afford any mistake.

A few hours earlier, Miria had taken her guards along with the Princess's most trusted maidservant, Rae to discuss her plan. Now, all she had to do was to make sure that none of the Princess's guards would notice their plan. Once they get past the guards' inspection, then everything would be perfect. All they needed to do was pray that Laif, the Princess's First Knight, would not notice their sudden disappearance.

However, Miria's face turned slightly pale upon noticing the person who was guarding at the entrance. She took a deep breath and prayed that they will pass the first obstacle.

"Lady Evans," Laif greeted as the woman stopped in front of him.

"I came to deliver the Princess's dresses and accessories for tomorrow's ceremony," Miria announced.

Laif walked forward to check at the items on the tray and nodded when she saw the items were indeed the clothes and accessories for the funeral ceremony. "You may enter now."

"Thank you." Miria smiled as Laif pushed the door open for her. A breath of relief escaped her as she entered the room without difficulties.

Meanwhile, a deep crease appeared at the space between Laif's brow as he shut the door behind him. His hand gripped the sword tightly as he scanned the surroundings.

Somehow, he could not shake off the uneasiness he had ever since they arrived at the lodgings. Laif did not like this feeling.

This area was very unfamiliar to him. He wished that he was given more time to study the place before they came so that he could do more preparation. For now, there was nothing he could do but to disperse his guards around the lodgings, stay as close as possible to the Princess, and ensure her safety.

Unlike the palace, the Royal Lodging in this area was filled with blue and purple stones to suppress magic practitioners' power. The presence of the blue and purple stones around the area was making it worst. Because of it, his power was suppressed and Laif was unable to use his magic to check on the area. Without his power, he can only rely on his observation.

Half an hour passed and the door behind him swung open. Laif turned around and watched as the Princess's maidservant, exited the room. There were five of them and each of them lowered their gaze as etiquette. The head of the maidservants, Rae whispered something to the maidservants who stood outside the door and everyone quickly dispersed from the area.

"What's going on?" Laif asked as he watched the other leave.

Rae froze upon hearing his question. She quickly composed herself and answered. "Her Highness was tired after the long journey. She wishes to rest early and prepare for the funeral tomorrow. Please reject any visitors who came to look for her."

"I understand." Laif nodded. His brow raised upon noticing Rae's anxiousness but decided not to think too much of it and stay on guard at his position.

Not too long after, Kain appeared and walked over with languid steps.

"Have you return from patrol?" Laif asked. "How's everything? Is everything alright?" Laif asked.

"Everything's fine," Kain waved his hand. He pulled out a flask from his side and took a few swigs of water to wet his throat. His brow shot up when he noticed the Princess's maidservants were no longer standing outside to guard. "Where are the other maidservants?"

"Resting," Laif answered. "The Princess wanted to head over to bed early today."

Kain nodded. He took another swig from his flask and his movement suddenly halted. "I saw the Princess's maidservants heading towards the forest on my way here," Kain spoke and suddenly realized that there was something wrong with his words.


"Perhaps they went to fetch some water," Kain said in his attempt to ease his uneasiness.

"You did not think to check on their identity?" Laif was suddenly enraged. "There are well just outside the lodging. Why would the Princess's maidservant head towards the forest to fetch water?" His heart raced at the thought of some assassin wandering around the lodging, posing as the Princess's maidservants.

"Hey, hey! Easy." Kain lifted both hands. "Lady Evans was with the maidservants. So I let them pass. They were in a hurry and I needed to inspect the place."

"Lady Evans?" Laif repeated. His heart thumped wildly upon hearing his words. "Are you sure you saw Lady Evans with the maidservants?"

"Yes," Kain nodded. "I have seen her a few times. I recognized her and she was with her guards. I assumed that the guards were there to escort the maidservants safely." Kain shrugged. "I wouldn't worry too much about the maidservants if I were you."

"Kain, you idiot! Damn it." Laif started to curse.

Lady Evans had entered the Princess's room almost an hour ago and had not come out. How can Kain see her wandering around the area, heading towards the forest?

Something was not right.

His eyes flashed as Laif guessed at what was going on. He turned around and pushed the door open before Kain could stop him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kain spoke nervously as he trailed after Laif. "You know very well that men were prohibited to enter the Princess's room without permission. Are you trying to get us both killed? If the Commander knew..."

His words were left unfinished as they stood in the room with no one inside. The Princess was missing and so was Lady Evans who was supposed to be accompanying her.

Kain let out a loud gasp as he walked around the area. "The Princess is missing!" He turned to Laif anxiously. "What's going on? What are we going to do now?"

"This is not the first time that this has happened," Laif muttered under his breath. He recalled Rae's attitude earlier and his frustration grew. "The Princess is sneaking out from his lodging with the help of his Lady Evans."