King Asher

The sword in Laif's hand stopped mid-air.

His body froze as he was startled to hear the Princess's voice at this time, at this place. He turned around instinctively to check whether his hearing was not playing tricks on him. and saw the Princess running towards his direction with both horror and anxiousness on her expression.

Seeing that Laif was distracted by the Princess's appearance, the injured man lurched forward to kick Laif on the stomach, causing Laif to fall backward and knocking the air out of him.

"Asher!" Princess Amelia shouted. "No. Stop it!"

Laif coughed and gasped for air.

He was not expecting the attack, but he can only blame himself for being careless. His opponent was still in front of him, but he got distracted upon hearing the Princess's voice.

Laif muttered a string of cursing words at the thought that he might end up dead by his foolishness. If he died, his opponent would surely take his chance to harm the Princess. Then, everything will be too late.

Gripping his hand on his two-edged sword, Laif stood up and was ready to fight the man again. However, just as he had lifted his sword, the Princess stopped in front of him with a concerned look on her face.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

Laif grabbed at her shoulder and pulled her behind him. "Stand back. It's dangerous." His eyes narrowed dangerously at his opponent. "Your Highness, what are you doing here?"

Amelia did not mind his question as she continued to scan for injuries with her eyes. A breath of relief escaped her once she saw that he was without a serious injury.

Just then, Amelia raised her hands and wrapped her arms around Laif's body, pulling him into a back hug and causing everyone else presented to gasp in surprise.

"Thank God you're alright." the Princess muttered, oblivious to her surroundings and the people who were staring at her.

Meanwhile, Laif was stunned at the Princess's sudden move. In that second, Laif felt blood rushed to his head, and his heart pumping madly, turning him dizzier.

At that moment, he was unable to react as his brain was unable to process what was going. Time seemed to have stopped for him.

"Get away from my sister, bastard."

That angry voice snapped everyone out of their trance.

The Princess finally took a step back and realized the situation she was in. Turning around, both Asher and his guard, Leo, were pointing their swords to Laif.

Her mouth gaped open upon noticing this situation.

Princess Amelia has been expecting that both Laif and Asher would be at each other's throats on their first meeting. But not like this. Not in this situation.

Seeing that her brother was marching towards them with an angry look on his face, Amelia sensed an incoming danger. Instinctively, she stepped in front of Laif, blocking him from her brothers. Her move and pose told everyone presented that she was protecting the man behind her.

Of course, her action only provoked Asher's anger and the man's expression turned uglier.

Asher really disliked his sister's familiarity with the man behind her. Just one look at Laif's face, Asher had made the decision that he did not like that brad.

"Amelia," Asher spoke with a warning tone. His hand on his sword tightened. "Move away from him."

"No," Amelia shook her head. "I will not let you harm Laif."

"Laif?" Asher repeated. A deep chuckle escaped as he glanced at Laif angrily. "Why are you so familiar with this brat?"

"He's my First Knight."

His eyes glinted dangerously upon hearing what his sister had told him. "He tried to kill me."

"He's only protecting me." Amelia stepped forward and stooped once she arrived in front of her brother. "Weren't you trying to do the same?"

Sensing that the situation was about to go south, Miria walked over towards the siblings. "Your Majesty." She inched closer and spoke in a voice that only the three of them could hear. "I suggest you two stop right now. Now is not the time for you to fight or engage in another duel."

Asher finally snapped out of his anger as he realized the situation they were in.

Miria turned to the King and continued, "The Princess still has to get back to her lodging to attend the ceremony. We still have a few minutes before someone will notice that the Princess is not at her residence. If you wanted to speak to the Princess, this is not the right place."

"Very well," Asher said. He lowered his sword as he decided not to pursue this situation. Then, he lifted his head and send a poisonous glance to Laif.

"You." Asher looked at his sister. "Let's go to that cottage and talk." He then turned to his guard, Leo, and spoke. "Let's go."

Then, the two turned around to head over in the direction of the cottage.

Laif watched as the two men walked away and turned to Miria with obvious confusion on his expression. "Your Majesty?"

He heard the way that Lady Evans had addressed the man and was puzzled by it.

Seeing that Miria did not reply, Laif then turned to the Princess. "Your Highness, do you know those men?"

Amelia took a deep breath and nodded. "I know them very well. That man I talked to earlier is my brother, King Asher of Noa Kingdom."


Laif dabbed some ointment to his injury on his body as he watched the Princess and her brother from the outside. A frown appeared on his face as Laif wondered what were the two siblings planning at this time.

He thought of the situation they were in a while ago and the frown on his face deepened. He could understand the reason Princess Amelia decided to keep the news that her brother was still alive from everyone, but had hoped that the Princess would trust him a little more to share what she knew.

If he knew, then he would be able to prepare himself well to protect her...

Laif shifted his gaze when he heard a movement coming from behind. His guard gradually relaxed upon seeing that it was Lady Evans.

"You shouldn't have come out here with the Princess without protection," Laif spoke in a low voice. "You know very well that she is in a dangerous situation."

Miria heaved a sigh. "The Princess has her reason. She did not want to let you meet her brother." As for why... it was not the time for her to explain. Anyway, Laif would know the reason soon.

Laif rested his arm on his chest, trying his best not to look irritated. "Why did you keep the King's where about a secret? Why go through all difficulties to lie to everyone by saying that the King is dead when he's alive?"

"We didn't lie," Miria glanced towards the siblings who were inside the cottage. "Well, no one in the palace knew that the King is alive. The Princess did not know anything until today."