Leah Spencer

Had she known that it had to take this cascading chain of events for all these missed realizations to dawn on her eventually - getting abducted by a mythical monster and ending up witnessing a cherished somebody's scathed figure, that is, Leah would not have stalled around for such a long time.

She hates being kept in the dark, but even when she isn't, she only dilly-dallies. She remains indecisive and neutral. She always chooses to stand in the middle, playing safe all the while.

"You've been with her since seventh grade, but you didn't even manage to tell that she's being bullied all this time? You didn't do anything about her being ostracized in the class. You just kept getting along with her and the others - not choosing a side. You want to keep her and everyone for yourself, and that's selfish," were Noah's words to her earlier, she recalled.