"Now what did you need to talk about?" Landon asked with a smile.
"Nothing in particular, I just missed you," Lizzy said smiling as well.
"Who's this?" Landon asked gesturing to Colby.
"This is-" Lizzy started.
"I am Prince Consort Colby." Colby said interrupting her. "I assume you are the one called Orange Knight Landon?"
"Yes I am." Landon said smiling and Colby noticed his ears for the first time.
"Are you an elf?" Colby asked surprised.
"Yeah I am. Why are you so surprised?" Landon asked him.
"He comes from the time where you were after you disappeared. The one where creatures like you hide themselves." Lizzy explained to him.
"Ah, yeah that makes sense." Landon said with a smile.
"Yeah." Lizzy said sadly. "We should start his first test soon."
"Ooh can I watch?" Landon said happily.
"Sure!" Lizzy said and turned to Colby. "Now, let's start."
A couple hours later the test was done and Landon said "Ok that was entertaining. But now I need to go. See you Lizzy!" Then he started fading away.
"Wait! Why do you have to go?" Lizzy asked starting to cry again.
"I can't stay here in this form for long. But don't worry! I'm a lot closer than you think," Landon said and disappeared.