Crynn POV
"Crap! Crap! Crap!" I screamed in fright, it was like in a horror movie. Ok, it's not as scary as a horror movie but I could've died back there! Mcgonagall is vicious and knows an arsenal of light spells to use, not to mention also being a transfigurations master, you gotta be really capable to become an animagus, you could count the number of animagus in Britain on 10 fingers! The real problem will be Severus Snape though. A (ex..... maybe not) dark wizard genius capable of creating spells when he's only a student, you'd be crazy to take on..... "Expelliarmus!"
"Crappppppp!!!" Their on to me again! "Stop right there!" Mcgonagall shrieked down the corridor. I increased my already increased pace in running away from a 'crazy' old witch about to hex me into oblivion and... "Let me kill you!!!" an ex-Death Eater hellbent on killing me, "Killing me would get you to Azkaban!" I cried out in fear.
"Sec!" Knowing what's to come, I immediately threw some gold out of my pockets as fragments to shield myself from a horrifying dark curse that's coming out of one's mouth at the moment. "Tumsempra!" A beam of red in the image of a cutlass blade is soaring itself towards me cutting through all the gold 'Casualties'. Obviously terrorizing my insides, I brought my sword slicing through the air in a swiping motion as a last effort in trying to 'cut' the cutting curse and to my surprise, the blade bounced the spell onto an unsuspecting statue, slicing it clean like butter, The cutting curse does not seem as appaling in the movie as this, He's really trying to kill me!
"Avifors!" Mcgonagall transfigured all the chopped up gold coins into birds! I have to deal with birds now! swiping my suitcase backwards, I managed to somehow slam every single bird to down to the ground, "Ha! Useless!" I blurted out in the shock of the moment, gotta bless my luck right? "Oh really," Mcgonagall said with an ominous gleam in her eyes, "Draconifors!" A spell i don't recognize was shot towards a knight statue ahead of me. And to my already obvious disadvantage, the statue turned into a dragon the size of two men, opening its mouth, spewing fire out of it. I slid under the flames and between the legs of the dragon. I don't believe I have that much luck left, bouncing Sectumsempra, an all in hit on the birds, and sliding past a dragon! It's chaos!
Transfiguring the dragon back, the two professors continued chasing me. "Don't you have children to be sorting," I called out in an attempt to distract the professors. "I've made you my priority!" Mcgonagall shrieked, "Levicorpus!" another hex came out of Snape's mouth, bright green light advanced towards me, another professional dodge by Crynn no.9. Too much luck! Too much luck! I continued running onto another staircase while simultaneously being greeted by a barrage of spells!
I cut the ropes to a chandelier above the stairs, falling to the ground with hope that it can hinder the two professors... "Reparo!" and the chandelier is returned to the ceiling, Why can't a hard mission be easier! That's an easy question! Because it's HARD! The movies are lying! The professors aren't this vicious they'd chase and continued to hex you from the 3rd floor to the 5th floor! This is way too much!
"Aguamenti!" A spear of harmless H2O ain't going to stop me! "Glacius" a shout of a spell, an ice spear it became! Is Mcgonagall trying to kill me now! I did a reflex front flip, jumping just high enough to see a spear of water breeze past me in coldness bloodlust. landing gracefully and continuing to run from the two (Now crazy) professors. "You'd think!" Snape shouted and multiple aguaenti enhanced with glacius came towards me. I did the stupidest and luckiest action, jumping and making a St. Andrew's Cross with my hands and legs. I miraculously dodged every single ice spear by a milimeter at most, "How in the hell!" Snape said with obvious surprise and fueled fury through his mouth, I peeked back and he's no longer sneering like he's used to, his face is twitching all over, probably in a lot of anger (understatement).
"I'm done!" Mcgonagall suddenly exclaimed, "Bombarda!" The ground around me exploded, I immediately jumped forward, enough to dodge all shrapnel and pressure from the explosion.
(A.N : Explosions release pressure around them pushing anything with force, the human body, subjected to the pressure would result in countless deadly internal injuries. You obviously don't stand after getting hit by an explosion, movie explosions are mostly fictional.)
I hold the sword on my back in instinct and, it stays true as countless Bombardas came and was deflected by my word, hitting the walls and ceilings around me. If Mcgonagall would have used Bombarda on the Battle of Hogwarts, everyone would be dead! I escaped in all the dust and debris, totally wishing those 2 lunatics to stop chasing me. And in a grammar lesson, wishing is an unreal conditional. "ARGGGGGHHH!!! GET BACK HERE!!!" shrieked in a cold furious voice that would make her the new hated professor, if she shouted to a class full of first years.
Feeling awfully terrified, I went against the wishes of the witch running up another bunch of staircase up to the 6th floor. "I'm close!" Just one more floor and I'm finally done! "Not close enough!" Snape, I noticed was still chasing me with Mcgonagall, despite being covered in dust, they seem to only care about my well-being or perhaps, my dread-being. "Incarcerous!" a lot would be an understatement, thousands of ropes that are possibly trying to choke my soul out of me are approahing me with speed. I now feel the trepidation anime characters feel when they face a tentacle monster.
Gripping my sword tightly on one hand, i attempted the 'basic spin' of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I have no idea, how i managed to cut thousands of ropes with a spin from a sword, I promised that I have never learnt fencing, kendo or any other sword courses. "Snape seems more than furious now, veins bulging out of his head, I'll be killed or maybe preferebly drowned by tortureful potion if I get captured, which I won't.
Running again, so much running in a day can make anyone exhausted, me included. "Can't you stop chasing me!" I shouted at them. They didn't respond and just continue to chase me, a lot of spells here and there, all blocked by a swing of a sword really seemed to tick them out. Right then, I promised myself that if I ever get thrown into another Harry Potter movie, I'll avoid them like a plague. Staircase! Staircase! A staircase spotted ! The last stretch towards freedom! I quickly climbed on another bout of staircase and seeing the professors quite a distant from me, I hid quietly by the side wall. tap... Tap... TAp... TAP... Hearing footsteps getting awfully close, I used a killer move that immediately stopped the lunatics. A second slam towards Snape's face would at least cause him a concussion, it's good that we have a capable Mediwitch in Hogwarts. Snape fell back the stairs hitting Mcgonagall as they fell down through the flight of stairs.
If I don't know how strong wizards can be, old or young, I would've taken pity on a middle aged man and an elderly falling down the stairs. Running down the seventh floor, I'm looking for a specific tapestry, looking right and left, front and back. I eventually found it, an old tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy trying to teach troll to dance the ballet. I immediately thought, "I need a room with ever basic needs to survive in hogwarts for the next year," I thought to myself a few more times before I appear, teleported into a room that oddly looks like an apartement building. "Finally free!" I jumped up and down, crying tears of joy.
Only one more challenge left before finally escaping this damn movie!