
General POV

"Severus, there's a problem," An old, tired voice said while walking down the hallway. "What seems to be the problem, Minerva?" Said Severus Snape in his usual everyday sneer worthy of dark wizards.

"It was just reported that a conductor in Hogwarts Express was knocked out," Mcgonagall worryingly said. "And what of it," Snape replied with a tinge of nonchalance continuing to walk ahead, but if you focus enough, you can see the slightly furrowed brows appearing on his forehead. The Potions Professor might be a cold, dark man, but beneath the facade, is a regretful and remorseful human, filled with angst.

"The conductor got a look at the assailant before he passed out. They say it's Crynn Avter, the perpetrator that broke into Gringotts!" Mcgonagall exclaimed, not bothering to hide the worry hidden in her voice. "You think he's after the stone?" Snape asked before stopping in his tracks, already having a Defense Professor to watch out for, there's now a potential dark wizard roaming in Hogsmeade! If not already in Hogwarts!

"We need to increase our security!" Mcgonagall said, staring hard at the man before her. "The security is already complete! Don't forget that the stone is currently with Professor Dumbledore and won't be in the range of the defenses before he installed the Mirror of Erised!" Snape said out loud to convince Mcgonagall that the defenses are already in place and that the stone is with the headmaster and there's no way a random dark wizard could defeat Dumbledore. "But..." "No buts! You know how the Mirror works, and the moment Professor Dumbledore is done with it, no one could steal the stone!", Snape said again and the transfiguration professor finally relents and heaved a sigh, "But we will need to watch out for the man, a potentiial dark wizard so near to students won't bode well for us." Severus nods and continues to walk away, "Shouldn't you have students to sort?" Mcgonagall nodded back and began walking in the opposite direction. That is before they heard a cracking from somewhere.


Crynn POV

"They're finally done," I heaved a short silent sigh. No extra security to watch for anymore since I'm already in the castle. I adjust my position, standing on a stone slide is not an easy thing to do. Adjusting my position, I suddenly heard a cracking noise. Startled, I look under my shoes and if things couldn't be better a cracked stick is under my shoe. "Why would there be a random stick on the slide!" I panicked and when I peeked out of the statue, I could see both professors gripping their wand, readying if anything happened. A Transfigurations Master and an ex-Death Eater can very well send me into the abyss. Pulling the goblin Zweihänder I stole out of the goblin knight from my suitcase, I readied myself to lunge onto the professors, not going to kill them but rather incapacitate them.

(A.N : Most people think of long swords such as a Zweihänder as a heavy sword and required two hands to grip. That is wrong, Zweihänders and other long swords focus on speed and piercing, thus it's light and could fully be held with only one hand. I read about this from somewhere.)

Seeing the Potions Master get closer to the statue, I readied myself and kicked the statue open, lunging into the professor. I planned to do the usual jab and chop on the neck with the sword pommel.


General POV

Hearing the cracking, Professors Snape and Mcgonagall readied their wands and walked slowly and carefully towards where the sound was heard. They looked at each other and nodded, the Potions Master slowly and steadily full of caution made his way towards the sound mainly, the statue of the one-eyed witch. Nearing it, Snape could make out a small crevice on the side of the statue, wondering on what it could be when suddenly a bash was heard and the statue was swiped open like a door and a man came out with speed lunging a sword handle mainly the pommel towards him.

Having been a renowned Death Eater in the Dark Lord's inner circle, reflexes came in play and he gripped the hand stopping the sword pommel right in front of his neck. A close call, Snape heaved a small sigh not yet recovered from the shock of what just happened. He's not sure what to be more surprised of, a man lunging from a statue or a statue being a secret door towards an even more secret passageway. The wondering got the best of him as a suitcase swung beside him hitting him in the face like a wife's full force backhand slap towards a cheating husband.

Snape fell and Minerva gasped. "Expelliarmus!" A spell was fired with haste from Mcgonagall's wand. Blocking it with the sword, Crynn expect it to fly away but surprisingly, it blocked the magic. Apparently, a goblin knight's sword comes equipped or perhaps enchanted with a magic blocking spell. "Ha!" Crynn shouted rather smugly, but for those who watched the duelling scene of Professor Minerva Mcgonagall vs Headmaster Severus Snape, you'd know that the old witch (Not an insult, she's a witch) can fire spells as fast as shooting a .45 Magnum without reload.

faced with a barrage of mixed spells, Expelliarmus, Flipendo, Confringo and Crynn's reflex being so great, blocked all the spells before swinging another suitcase swing towards her wand hand, promptly disarming her as her wand flew away magestically, not wasting a fracture of a second, Crynn immediately ran towards a staircase beside the one-eyed witch statue. Mcgonagall summoned her wand back wandlessly and began continuing to fire spells at me, all of which missed by a small margin.

"Bloody Hell!" Mcgonagall cursed, she seldom does as she has an image to keep. "Notify the Headmaster that we have an intruder!" She shouted with fury towards a moving painting which nodded and proceeded to disappear from the frames. "I'll kill him!" Shouted Snape in absolute fury having been humiliated with a suitcase swing on the head. Still clutching his head, he started shouting along the lines of, "Where is he!" and "I'll kill him!". "He ran up the stairs, we have a thief to catch," Mcgonagall said with a rarely seen sinister smile carved on her face that sent tremors and chills down Snape's spine.