Crynn POV
It's a new day, it's a new dawn. Precisely, it's 3 a.m. in the morning, no sunshine, no one's up, a nice time to sneak out. Grabbing my sword, taking my suitcase and the 'Never Ending Sandwich Platter', I'm finally ready to move. I genuinely don't know how to get to the Forbidden Forest, I know there's an exit behind Hogwarts Leading to Hagrid's hut, but Hogwarts is so big, you'd think everywhere is a front side. "I'd so get lost," I sighed knowing that getting to know your way through Hogwarts can take months to years. It's good I know the stairs down the floors, I still have a vivid memory regarding the day before yesterday's epic run.
Finally, first floor. No sign of that blasted cat, Mrs Norris. Wouldn't want good old Argus after me at such hour. The potraits are sleeping, even ghosts sleep at night. After all they're still 'living' if you catch my meaning, he... he... he... It was a pretty funny joke, notice the past tense I use, it was funny until I saw the accursed Hogwarts' Poltergeist, Peeves is down the hallway. There's no poltergeist in the movied though, never knew why, I ended up searching for pictures and that is exactly what he looked like. Adorning his ghastly appearance, he wore a jester's hat and a maroon coloured suit.
Sprinting accross the hallway before he noticed me, Peeves out of sight, out of mind. I was initially going to go to the entrance near the Great Hall, but that won't be happening any time as Peeves is wandering all around there. I feel just like an agent, snooping around looking for entrances or perhaps exits in my case, alerting myself of possible hostiles along the way, it never got old playing Hitman.
"Finally found it," After loitering around the first floor of the castle, I finally found an exit! I wondered why they don't have hallway signs pointing the direction in which everything is supposed to be located. Opening the door, I can see in the distance, high hills in which a lush dark forest, I finally found the location in which a hunt is to be commenced.
The Forbidden Forest is named forbidden for multiple reasons. It's the home of many secrets, an untamed forest where creatures, dangerous and harmless roam in freedom. It's the home to a colony of centaurs, an acromantula colony, and one of Hogwart's 5 cursed vaults. Many found fortune in the forest, many died trying. Making my way to the edge of the forest, I can clearly see Hagrid's little hut. When I say little, I mean little to a giant but not to a human.
Stepping carefully in the forest, You just might not know what's lurking in it, tree stumps and elongated roots are hard to notice in the darkness but let's not forget the trusty lighter. Carefully lighting my way into the forest, I carefully maneuver myself deeply into the forest, I managed to avoid every single hidden root trying to trip me, can't let some measly roots take me down. Huffing and puffing through the forest, "How much longer till I see a centaur?" The sun is already up, I looked down on my watch finding the number, 6 a.m. I spent over two hours getting lost in this forest.
But then, as if the Gods themselves personally answered my prayers, I spy in the distance, one dreamy looking centaur. I hurriedly ran, after nearly 3 hours of searching, I finally found a centaur! Getting near, I shouted, "Excuse me!" Never say hello to a stranger, always start with an 'excuse me' or 'pardon me', life etiquette lesson with Crynn. "You're not supposed to be here human," the centaur said rather graciously, without any condescending tone. I'm quite surprised. "My name's Crynn Avter, nice to meet you," I declared and bowed, trying to look respectful towards the centaur. "My humble name is Firenze, likewise to meet you," The centaur bowed back, likely to repay my earlier bow, Firenze, a centaur in Harry Potter famous for saying the words, 'Mars is bright tonight."
"Mars is bright today," How can you see Mars at 7 a.m. I don't understand, do centaurs just have better eyesight? "I'm here to forge an alliance," I responded, staring into his eyes, trying to perceive what the centaur is thinking. "What for, human," this time, a condescending tone came out from behind a tree. A centaur, wielding a bow, came out from the distance, two other centaurs beside him, he looked at me with arrogance, oh, I'm so going to face slap that guy in the future, mentally of course, can't afford to offend any centaurs, that ended disastrously for poor Umbridge.
"I'm here to pledge an alliance to get rid of the acromantula infestation which I have to say, looks quite severe," I smirked, in which the centaur, not yet introduced himself said, "My name is Bane human, and what makes you think, we'll ally ourselves with you," The centaur, now identified as Bane, not to be confused with a certain villain, squinted his eyes and responded back, with quite a 'looking down upon you' tone, not sure if I'm happy or not.
"I'm sure that your enmity with the acromantulas has reached the all high now. Don't you want an ally to help with this skirmish," Bane brought his head to only a few millimeters from my face, staring at me , with a, you could guess it, 'I'm higher than you' look. "What proves your worth as an ally, human," He remarked with a tone that much more suggests 'get off my lawn' rather than a question.
I gotta somehow bring the centaurs to ally themselves with me. "I'll wipe out an acromantula lair, to prove my worth," I eventually announced back, after thinking quickly for a few seconds, this is what I could prove. "We'll talk when you have done the deed. Firenze, time to leave," The small pack of centaurs galloped through the forest, quickly becoming no more, centaurs do have an abslute advantage in speed on land.
In the mean time, I have a worth to prove and acromantulas to hunt.
Let the hunts begin!