Crynn POV
"Pardon me, but it appears that I've heard something wrong, mind repeating what say Grand Elder," to be honest, I was a bit daydreaming rather than actually focusing on the Grand Elder's words, something about Greek Gods, sending their regards and what not. I looked beside me, and Magorian seems dumbfounded, "What?" Magorian looked at the Grand Elder blankly as if expecting that what the Grand Elder said is false.
"Ah Magorian, can you please leave us alone," The Grand Elder, makes a shooing gesture with his hand and Magorian having not fully registered at anything, walked out dumbfoundedly. The Grand Elder turned towards me, his gleaming eyes seem to pierce into my soul, "I've lived for over 300 years and I've never seen the Greek Gods liking somebody," he gazed into me, as if wanting to pull all my secrets out of my soul through his piercing eyes.
"What do you mean, Greek God," I'm have a rebellious nature, I refuse to cower down before this Grand Elder. "You were chosen by a God but didn't know why he chose you? This is interesting," What is this guy talking about? Seeing me not answer, he continued, "Just to inform you, the Greek Gods have stretched out their hands to you, as for why you're chosen, you'll find out in the future." I was staggered at this revelation, me chosen and the Greek Gods?
"So the Greek Gods chose me?" I looked at the Grand Elder, still not knowing his name, expecting an answer, he laughed, he simply laughed, I staggered again. "The Greek Gods chose you? Heh, it was another God of another Pantheon that chose you."
I look confused, wait another Pantheon, Wait a minute, I never even believed in God, I'm an atheist, so why do Gods choose me. "Well now that you've got your answer scurry off this temple, I've still got work to do," The Grand Elder waved his hand, and I'm pushed slowly towards the top steps of the temple, I'm magically chased off it seems, and the push is gentle unlike a certain guy that loves pain (Can you guess who?).
There's too much going on today, I was happily killing Aragog, yay mission complete and suddenly I was dragged by Magorian to this Grand Elder who's too old to do any good and was pulled into this Greek Gods mess. Lets recount what happened. One, the Grand Elder saying something about the Greek Gods. Two, the Grand Elder saying that I'm chosen. Three, the Grand Elder saying that I the Greek Gods stretched their hands towards me, whatever that means. Four, the Grand Elder saying that I'm chosen by another God of another Pantheon. And five, I'm done.
I turned around and sighed, what the crap is wrong with this world, I went into Harry Potter and encounter centaurs that actually has town and their Grand Elder and the Greek Gods, this doesn't seem like Harry Potter at all. I thought the Wizarding World is a bunch of atheists who're too arrogant at having magic that they don't believe God. I need to read about the Wizarding World once I'm back at Hogwarts.
I looked around the temple and I spotted Magorian, just the man? Centaur I'm finding. "Hey, Magorian." Magorian simply tilted his head to look at me, he's still confused I see, couldn't blame him, I'm having a headache myself. "Can you give me a ride off this forest," well he nodded absentmindedly patting his back. I climbed onto his back and he galloped right away, I was not ready man. "How did you obtain the favour of the Gods," Magorian did not look back at me and stayed galloping, I'm confused as well. "Uhm, I don't know?"
Magorian seemed to go on galloping after I said that, not reacting whatsoever, I think he's broken in the head. We arrived at the edge of the forest, far in the distant the grand majestic castle, Hogwarts stood, the architecture design of the castle is a piece of art. I bet any king or queen would die to have this castle makes me wonder why no king or queen ever try taking it from the wizards, guess it's because f the enchantment that forbade any non-magicals/muggles from seeing the castle, the Statute of Secrecy has to be uphold.
"Thanks for the ride Magorian," I thankfully bowed in which he immediately without even a single response galloped away, no nod, no bowing back, simply running away. "Tch, rude bunch," I sighed and sat on a stump, seeing the far distant. "Such a beautiful place," a shame I'm here to steal not to study or to teach. It's 5 in the afternoon, night is to come in a few hours, sneaking back into the castle after midnight is the best choice of action.
The Room of requirement is deemed unplottable, it doesn't register in the Marauder's Map. It's a wonder that it exists. I've never thought of this, but if the Room of Requirement is Ravenclaw's secret room, and the Chamber of Secrets is Slytherin's secret room. What about the other two founders, where are their secret rooms at, it can't be that only two founders made secret rooms but the two other don't.
Gryffindor's brash, Hufflepuff's hardworking, Ravenclaw's clever, and Slytherin's cunning. I guess that's why only Sltherin and Ravenclaw built chambers because the two other are either too brash or too hardworking and loyal to build one. He he, what if I built a secret chamber at Hogwarts, won't that be fun.
Well, waiting 7 hours till midnight is not something I'm about to do, it's going to be dinner soon enough, I opened my briefcase, got my sandwiches out and ate it, watching the peaceful scenery in the distance, I think I could see brooms being flown, hmph, Quidditch, most dangerous sport I've ever seen, playing soccer on brooms is never a good idea, I guess wizards haven't got an ounce of logic as what Hermione said.
Ahh, taking a nap, under the trees, everything has gone well, what could possibly go wrong. Chuckling, I said, "Famous Last Words."