Crynn POV
In Rainbow Land, countless sheep of different varieties of colour flew, forming a boundless fluffy rainbow of colour, giant lollipop trees with leaves of candy, fruits of chocolate. Biscuit houses decorate the scenery as ginger bread men and women went through to their daily lives, rearing the rainbow sheep that's soaring through the endless yellow shky, peering throught the setting blue sun radiating light of all colours, all is we...
"Ouch!" I brought the palm of my hand to my forehead, feeling a slight bump, I looked around and saw a branch on my legs, looking towards the roof of the trees, I noticed a squirrel snickering at me, I was just having a delightful rainbow fantasy dream and this squirrel ruined it, I swiped my hand towards the tree and the squirrel scurries away from the spot.
Sighing, I looked at the watch on my left hand displaying the numbers, 10:07 p.m. It's not past midnight but I'm sure that it is past curfew and all students should be in bed. "Time to get going," I stood up, and pat away all the dirt from my buttocks and stretched my arm and my legs, turns out sleeping underneath a tree is not a comfortable position to sleep in.
I quickly started running towards the castle, or more so towards the door on the back of the castle. Hogwarts at night is just like the brightness The Eiffel Tower gave off, the bright yellowish hue the castle is giving off must be from all the candles placed inside and outside the castle, they don't go off even at night.
I couldn't understand how Hogwarts students never feel hot, with all the heat from the candles and their thick robes, they should be sweating underneath, but I don't feel hot either while wearing a suit, it must be a cooling enchantment around the castle to prevent students from getting too, 'hot'.
After a long kilometer sprint from the edge of the forest to the edge of Hogwarts, I finally made it, now to open the door, merely push it, Aha! Yes just pushing a little causes it to directly open, nifty charm on the door. I entered inside, from he onwards, I need to be careful and stealth has to be maintained, I silently walked careful in not making a single step, always watch where you go, don't step on anything that makes noise.
Now, just to get to the seventh floor, the room is high up and I'm down low. Getting to a stair way, I climbed upwards towards the seventh floor. Why build The Grand Staircase, when you have a normal staircase right here, well I assume that it's used to transport students and anyone to another part of the castle, but just why, it's baffling how the Founders think of anything. "Well, enough wondering and time to keep going."
(A.N : The chapter ends here, I'm sorry for such a short chapter, but I'm writing a lore for the next paragraphs, the lore mentioned will be important for the MC in the future.)
Hogwarts is one of the bigger-sized school among the other schools around the world, Durmstrang Institute is a small castle only four stories tall not nearly as tall as the massive Hogwarts. It prided itself for only excepting pure-bloods and half-bloods and teaching it's students the fine art of dark magic, it's the school known for the Rise of Grindelwald as he studied there and graduated to become one of the most terrifying dark lord out there.
Mahoutokoro School of Magic is known as ancient, standing on the topmost volcano of the island of Iwo Jima, one can wonder how it went unscathed from World War 2's assault on Iwo Jima, it's a giant pagoda as tall as Hogwarts surrounded by a forest of cherry trees, the school is known for it's academic prowess and producing a lot prodigies in return. Being the oldest school in the world, it prided itself on the amount of knowledge that it's keeping behind it's doors.
Oagadou however is an entirely different story, as the largest of all schools, it is built into a mountain known as the Mountain of the Moon, the school opened around the same time as Hogwarts and is famous for transfiguration and all sorts of human-transfiguration, the students as all African wizards do, find wands as a helping tool from Europe as they normally use hand gestures to channel their magic, most students that graduate from this school are proficient in wandless casting.
The pride of France, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, a gold palace that is situated around the Pyrenees Mountains. Thought been fully built of gold, it's also the home of the wood nymphs and unmelting ice sculptures filling the palace and a fountain said to be able to beautify you and have healing properties. Being the richest school of all, being built with gold is not an exaggeration, Nicholas Flamel graduated from the academy and proceeded to make the Philosopher's Stone, giving everlasting life and unending gold, all source of gold the Palace has amassed can be traced back to him.
Castelobruxo, the Mayan's blessing, is a school located in Brazil, it appeared as a towering Mayan Temple that reaches the sky, it's surrounded by rainforests which is inhabited by the Caipora, a spirit being that is classified as extremely troublesome. There's a saying, 'never say you know plants in front of Castelobruxo', the school is known for all the pride in terms of magizoology and herbology, when they say their second at it, no one is to say they're first, except for Newt Scamander that has more knowledge on magizoology in the world than anyone else.
Ilvermorny School of Magic, located on Mount Greylock's highest peak in Massachusetts, it's known as the youngest school of magic. It started off as a small shack on the high mountains, when it was significantly built over the years into the Ilvermorny castle, a disney-like castle on top of the clouds. It's known for the Native American Magical Art of Animal Spiritization, you can combine with the spirit of animals of your affinity and unleash the powers said animals.
If you have the spirit of a Rhinoceros Beetle, then you can lift up to 850 times an object of your weight, though there's no knowledge that anyone has ever had an affinity towards insects, but a myth displays that having an affinity with an insect, will cause one's body structure to change, like a wing, anthena and weird eyes, exoskeleton can appear in your body as a side effect. Similar to Hogwarts, it's known for having four houses. The Horned Serpent for scholars, the Wampus for warriors, the Thunderbird for adventurers and the Pukwudgie for healers.
The Might of the Tsars, Koldovstoretz School Magic, built by the famed emperor, Ivan IV or better known as Ivan the Terrible, the school is built to teach young wizards of the dark arts and the arts of killing, it was used by Ivan to strengthen his hold in Russia, the Tsars ruled and became headmasters over this school for centuries until famed Dark Lord, Rasputin killed the rest of the Tsars and now enjoyed being the Headmaster of Koldovstoretz for more than a century.
You may study the art of wielding magical daggers in this school, daggers that are enhanced with magic capable of killing someone a few meter away with a gentle swipe, the school is mostly hidden with no guesses on where it could be hiding. Build in the Snowy Forests of Siberia, the entire school made of crystal is hidden away in the cold environment, easily manipulating snow to disguise it from muggles.
The Undying Qin, Qin Shen Qi Academy of Elements is the second oldest school in the world, established in 220 BC, it's the factor of the unified Qin Dynasty. The Divine Emperor, Qin Shihuang, personally became headmaster over the school and all students are to learn about the arts of the elements and immortality. Qin Shihuang is drived by the will to live and searched for immortality across the globe. No graduate, student or teacher from the school could help him.
Eventually, he sealed himself and his entire Qin Magical Army in the form of Terracotta clay, each serving as a bodily soul container, not even Herpo the Foul could rival the Emperor's skill in soul manipulation, the Emperor set a curse on the students of the school to only be loyal to his cause and to eternally search for immortality.
in the 16th Century, the school heard about the Immortal Alchemist Nicholas Flamel and set an army to get the secrets of immortality, this resulted in a huge war towards the entirety of Europe instigated by the Qin, in the end, Nicholas Flamel escaped, Europe and Qin signed a treaty as the war tore apart the entire Magical Europe and left uncountable casualties to the Qin. Over the years, Nicholas Flamel is known to escape countless kidnapping by the Qin.
Qin Shen Qi is a school known for the arts of Sword Energy and Elemental Manipulation, able to manipulate the elements, it's known as the hardest skill to master in the entire world, as elements are controlled by nature, and you have to bend nature's will to bend the elements, until today one can only play with fire and harmlessly splash someone with water with elemental manipulation, no one is as proficient in it as the emperor, capable of creating dragons made of fire, breaching enemy fortresses with earthquakes.
The Sword Manipulation taught in this school allows students to get a magical infused sword and infuse magic into it, swiping it will the release a blade of magic that can cut through wood but not quite stone. The school is rumored to be underground but no one knows what it looks like or where it is.
The Art of Three, Trimurti School of Magic. Based on the name itself, you can guess what the school is about, the school highly praises and worships the three main Gods of Hinduism, The Creator, The Destroyer, The Preserver. Known for the practice of creating, destroying, and preserving, it's one of the most internationally regarded school. Built high up the mountain of Kanchenjunga, it's built like high towering temples on the mountain top.
You learn the three arts in this school, using magic to carefully or destructively destroy anything, creating anything from something and preserving anything to its normal state. You can walk around Magical India and notice that everyone looks young, that is the features in learning the art of preserving, although you still age and will die of old age, the art of preserving preserves your looks.
The final 'known' school of magic is actually two school of magics, it's once built under one school when it broke apart into two different schools, Vatican Holy Academy and the Muhammad Mosque of Magic. Built by two friends of two different religions, it settled under the name of God's Holy Academy, but infighting between religions separates it, into two, one located at the heart of Vatican City and the other in the Mountains of Tehran.
Both of these academies specializes in their unique art of Faith, extracting their faith to do anything. In these academies, you are to learn how to have faith in God, learning how to harness it and give it, it's also known as the two schools of miracles. With their faith healing blindness is not an issue, growing a pair of limbs aren't a problem what's a problem is that the two academies are still waging wars on each other until this very day.
Holy Pope John Paul II is recently spotted duelling against the Light of Islam, Muhammad Yeh in a gruesome fight of Faith. Numerous protests have been going on for ages in these two schools to abolish the rule that the two religions can't get along with each other. It seems that the succeeding Pope in the near future promised for the unity of these two schools and religions and there would be an age of unity and peace and everyone in these two religions and school can live side by side.
(A.N : I'm sorry for the Religious mess I created, I'm not racist, I'm not a part of these religions, I respect every religion as every religion is actually on the same page with each other and that is to be good, to be just. Every religion is good and variety is just culture, learning to respect the variety of religions is a way to do the good that is displayed in every religion, remember never be racist and always respect.)
That is only the 'known' schools in the outside, numerous minor schools and cultist schools are still out there, who knows just what is going on in the entire Wizarding World, we may just find out in the future when our Main Character ventures deeper through the Wizarding World and numerous other worlds and discover everything there is to the secret of the Gods while breaking chains one at a time.