Crynn POV
Up the first floor, then the second floor, it seems that everything is well, no one around to spot me. Sneak sneak sneak, and now third floor, just four more floors and I'm done. Tap tap tap, Footsteps! I hid behind a wall, hoping that whoever it is will pass.
"This is bad Severus," a tired voice was heard, thinking of the voice for a few seconds. Crap! the crazy professor is here and judging by the sound, both of them are here, why must my luck be this bad! "There's nothing we can do Minerva, the Headmaster will take care of it," Snape said expressionlessly, one wouldn't know what he's thinking by just looking at his face.
"You know that this man is dangerous! He slayed Aragog!" What! How did they know already, only a few hours have passed and the professors knew already, does news really travel that fast around Hogwarts?! This is bad, with them knowing that I slayed Aragog, the security will be tighter! How am I to steal the Philosopher's Stone then!
"Knowing Dark Wizards, they steal something for a reason to use, with the Headmaster's Mirror, he won't be able to steal the Stone, there's nothing to worry about Minerva," the Potions Master clarified, calming Mcgonagall down but not enough to fully convince her, "I'll still be on the look out Severus," Mcgonagall gave Snape one more hard look before turning and walking down the hall gracefully, with one hand on her wand holster, they never do that unless they're really alert. This is so bad!
Snape sneered and walked away, robes swaying like wind that always seems to be under his robes. Damn, I'm so jealous, I would do anything to get the spell on how to do that. But enough, the two professors have walked away, time for me to move as well. This night is almost uneventful, nothing seems to be the problem aside from the news that Aragog is slayed by myself.
I moved up the stairs again, fourth floor, fifth floor and sixth floor, I suddenly heard footsteps once again, I hid and looked around to see the source of the steps. looking down on both directions of the sixth floor hallway, nothing seems to be the problem. I just shook my head thinking of myself as delusional and continued up the stairs, finally the seventh floor.
I walked up to the painting of Barnabas the Barmy, it so foolish to try to train trolls, on all the beasts in the world to train, the man chose to train the stupidest of them all. I walk around 3 times, thinking of, "A room that suits all my needs for a year," and I'm magically transported into the previous apartment looking room. I wonder how space travel magic works, I've never seen anyone using space magic as offensive or defensive purposes, they use it to travel far distances or escape.
One of the magic is apparition. Apparition normally doesn't use verbal language, just hand and intent. To apparate you must have the three Ds in apparition. Destination to know where you're going to, you must have a memory or at least visited the place before. Determination to know that you're determined to apparate and not at all hesitant, to apparate in hesitation can cause the apparition to backfire. And Deliberation, apparating must be done after careful deliberation so everything can go well.
You can also enchant objects with the magic to help you travel long distances, with an enchant of Portus, the Portkey is ready. for anyone incapable of apparating or has no method of floo transport or whose destination are just too far away to apparate, the Portkey comes in hand, teleport accross the globe with a single touch, Portkeys can be highly dangerous in the wrong hands.
And lastly, the magical Floo transport. Utilising fireplaces as a medium of transport, spraying floo powder up to the air, emerald flames will surround you and taking you to the place you wish to go, always call out the name of the place you want to go or you'll end up somewhere else. No one knows how the floo powder is made, kept under locked doors, the powder is only produced by a company in Diagon Alley. Known as the best most comfortable transport aside from the fireplace dust getting everywhere, every wizarding home has one of these installed around Europe.
I am finally back to a place I can call home, to comfy apartment beds coupled with a large bathroom, ahh the relaxation this magical place offers. I took a warm shower and changed my clothes to the ones I found in the wardrobe, even the clothes are comfortable to wear. I directly plunged down on my soft bed, dreaming the skies once again, fell asleep for the second time of the day.
General POV
Two small footsteps were heard in the night, a creeking door was opened revealing a painting of a fat woman sleeping and snoring soundly, you guessed it, it's the Fat Lady. What could it be to open the entrance to the Gryffindor Dormitory late at night, we got the answer, small and cute Harry Potter and not so cute Ron Weasley sneaked out. Oh dear! Students out of bed indeed.
"Heh! Malfoy won't know what hit him," Ron followed beside Harry snickering rather loudly in the silent night. "Be quiet, mate, we don't want to get caught," Harry silenced his 'first friend' and walked down the Grand Staircase, his attempt at being serious failed miserably with his small stature and childish voice.
"Wait, I hear footsteps," Harry suddenly said stopping in his tracks, he's currently on the sixth floor Grand Staircase, Harry pulled Ron and hid behind cover of the walls. Harry and Ron peeked out. Although it's night and every sensible man in Britain would close the lights, Hogwarts stay awake, the bright candle lights shined the halls, the could hear footsteps going upwards the staircase in the middle of the hall.
"Shush Ron," Harry did a silence gesture of pointing fingering on his lips, Ron doesn't seem to get it but stays silent regardless. They could make out his figure under the light, what appeared is a tall man, dressed in suit and a wide felt hat, walking upwards, they could see faint signs of blood on his clothing. When they're busy looking at the man, Ron suddenly tripped and stepped down, Harry saw the man turn his head and immediately stopped peaking.
He gestured at Ron to do the same, after a few tense seconds, Harry finally heard footsteps and the man has gone away. "Do you see his face?" Ron asked Harry. "His face seems familiar, I can't make out where I've seen him before," Harry thought again, where had he seen the man's face, somewhere on Platform Nine Three Quarters.
His though is disturbed when Ron shouted silently, "Merlin's Beard! We're late!" Ron rushed down the staircase and Harry followed, the thoughts can be put off at the moment, beating Malfoy's arse is top priority. Harry never knew that Malfoy was never there and then proceeded to discover the Cerberus, wonderful day really.