Losing My Mind

Crynn POV

"This is absurd! I've been in this room for the past month! I only ate sandwiches for the past month! Can you see how crazy I am right now!I've stayed in this room without doing anything for 30 days!" This message is broadcasted from the inside monologue of one Crynn Avter. "Argh!" I screamed out to the open pulling my hair towards the sides!


A good morning, a good morning indeed, I woke up to the sound of chirping birds, I opened a window and looked outside, the view around Hogwarts looks serene, tranquil, full of piece, no signs of darkness, no signs of war. A pity Voldemort happened, taking away the beauty of this place turning it into a bloody warzone.

I sighed, looking away, and walked out of the room. The first thing to do today, learning more on the Wizarding World, this world is not what it seems, I need to research more into this world. I tested a theory, I tried to transport myself into another room from inside the room I'm currently in. "I need a library, I need a library, I need a library," I walked around three times and when I opened myself, I appeared in an ancient looking library with cobwebs on the ceiling and opened wrinkled books on the tables.

"So it worked," I've never seen anyone go to another room from a room their currently residing when inside the Room of Requirement but it in fact works. I started walking through the bookshelves, trying to find a history book that explains the entirety of the Wizarding World.

I looked around, countless books are around me, History of Goblins, Advent of Vampires, The Holy Empire and How it's Destroyed, that last one caught my eye, there's no Holy Empire inside Harry Potter, definitely something to read later. I walked around peering through books, all of the interesting, Legend of the Holy Word, Ascension of the Warlock, I as a man of knowledge, absolutely loves books, I'm currently like a child in a candy store.

Countless books are unfamiliar for me as there is a lot of hidden lore inside this library, I stopped and looked at something familiar, it's really a familiar book, Tales of Beedle the Bard, the infamous children's book which also contained the story of how Death gifted three items to the Peverell brothers. One died of greed, the other died of love, the only one alive hid from death and is never found until actually dead.

I looked at the book next to it, there lays a book 30 centimetres long, what a tremendously big book. In the side, the words are written, "Everything from A to Z, The Complete History of The Magical World". This is just the book I'm looking for, I stared at hungrily and snatched in a hurry from the dusty old bookshelf. I laid it down on a reading table in front of the bookshelf.

I opened the cover which has a picture of the earth and fading bluish energy around it. I looked with anticipation and excitement! I opened it slowly and gently for fearing the book is too old that it'll crumble to dust, but the nest few moments will completely risen the rage out of me. You may not have guessed it, the damn Blue Screen popped up.

{The Book : "Everything from A to Z, The Complete History of The Magical World" Has Not Been Bought or Redeemed at the System Store}

"What the absolute ****, ******* *****, *** ** * *****!" Countless curses was flung out of my mouth, the annoyance and rage at the moment was unreal, that's just how in rage I am. I kicked the table upwards and it flipped and cracked in the air, I the smashed the book towards the shelf, surprisingly the bookshelf did not budge and the book went undamaged. "Calm down, calm down, the book can be redeemed right,"

I'm just that upset that I started talking to myself, but if it says that it can be redeemed then fine, I'll keep the book in my briefcase until I can redeem it, I don't know how this whole system shop thing works but whatever, I'm done with books, I'm done with libraries, they suck, the blue screen sucks more!

I went back to my home room and stashed the thick book inside my briefcase, I'm still not happy, I grabbed my jar of biological poison and fed one whole sandwich inside the jar. And in mere seconds, the entirety of the sandwich has disappeared without a trace, it's just like throwing someone into a pit of hungry piranha, only blood and bones are left.

I took out my sword and decided to train more in it, "I need a training room, I need a training room, I need a training room," I walked around three times and I appeared in a medieval barracks and armory combined. European weapons of all sorts are displayed on a rack. Maces, sabers, rapiers, broadswords and a lot more. On another side displayed a training dummy, made of straw, metal armour covering it complete with a breastplate and a helmet.

I looked at it and grinned, this is going to be the guy I'm going to have anger channeled onto. I grabbed my sword and swung down heavily and vigorously at the poor dummy waiting to be chopped up, but contrary to expectations, only a loud clang was heard and no damage was visibly seen on the dummy, what has happened.

I strike at the dummy again and once more, nothing happened. I became interested, magic enchanted dummy? If the dummy is enchanted, that means the armour is enchanted as well. I tried taking the armour of, but it sticks to the dummy like super glue, I exerted all my strength, but still can't pull even the helmet off.

Well, that's upsetting, but I can't forget what I'm here for. Training with a sword! The rest of the day, I'm at the training grounds, swinging my sword. It's close to 9 p.m. It's night and it's time to be done, I swung the last swing and another clang resounded together with an unexpected blue screen.

{Through Training, User Has Attained Passive Skill : Sword Mastery}

At the end of the day, I'm happy already, I felt that when I'm gripping the sword up, I suddenly have more strength and awareness, I know where to swing and how to block better, this Sword Mastery Skill is pretty handy.

The next day, I practised again, and the next day, and the next day and so on until the 20th day, I continued practising. At the 20th day, I'm already done, I'm damn tired, I'm damn bored, I stopped practising, during the whole 20 days of practise nothing happened everything was uneventful. And this is how I lived 30 days full of boring activities.

*Flashback End*

"Argh!" I groaned again, I became a groaner in a mere month from just doing nothing inside a room in Hogwarts. "Blue Screen please help me, I just want to complete the mission and get over with this," I talked to particularly no one, expecting no reply whatsoever. But suddenly...

{Time Skip Function : Skip to The Night During The Thievery of The Philosopher's Stone}

{Price : 10000 Support Points}

"Are you ******* kidding me you ******* ****, You *** ** * *****," I threw a nearby vase towards the blue screen to only find it passing through it like air and smashing towards the floor. I lost my mind for 30 days and the blue screen decided that I could just time skip for only 10000 SP, what the hell man, you can't play these tricks at me.

"I'm so done with this screen!" I excitedly and ragingly at the same time pressed on a button of the blue screen and suddenly I appeared on the faithful on the faithful evening.

I laughed like crazy, "Hahahahaha! It's Showtime!"