Finally a Time of Rest

Crynn POV

I've decided, I hate riding camels, they suck! I've never in my life have either land sickness, air sickness or even sea sickness. But this, riding on a wobbly camel's hump, is as excruciating as it sounds. Ughh, I want to throw up. "You okay there Avter," O'Connell asked from the front, no tone of worry from his voice. Damn protagonists and their there's-no-trouble attitude.

"Camel sick," I groaned out while still holding my poor stomach together. "Heh! Never heard of that before," he looked at me, amused, damn little shite. "Avter right? Why don't you tell us more about yourself? Maybe about why you're going to Hamunaptra," Evelyn said sweetly from behind me. Yep, its the heroines which are kind little angels.

"I'm going there to look for some books, two books to be exact," I smilingly said vaguely, I can't just say that I'm going to go kill an immortal can I. "Books! You're going to Hamunaptra for two books while you can have all the riches found there, you only want two books! Ha! Laughable!" the man riding beside Evelyn, Jonathan laughed out.

"Those are some precious books that even your life can't compare too!" That's true, the two books are very precious and no ordinary human can compare to the worth of the books. "Why you..." he pointed his finger at me, "Stop Jonathan!" Evelyn hit him in the shoulders. "Sorry about my foolish brother. The two books may I know what their names are."

Her eyes were shining once she got to the point of asking what the books are, I guess there's nothing wrong about telling them all about the books. "The Book of the Dead and the Book of Amun-Ra," I replied smiling at Evelyn, she then got... excited. "The Book of the Dead! Yes that's what I'm there for too, they say it could bring back the dead! As for the other one, I've got no idea about it," then she started rambling about explorers and scholars and whatnot.

I, of course, did not pay any attention towards the ramble. I'm tired, and I want to get off the high camel as fast as I can. "O'Connell, can we rest for a minute, or perhaps a few hours! We have traveled for 14 hours now!" I tiredly whined, before today, I wouldn't have realized that a man of my caliber could even whine.

O'Connell looked at me, then at the rest of the team. He brought a pocket watch (Do they still use those in the 70s) to his eye and started thinking. "Fair enough, we'll rest for two hours," he patted the neck of the camel as the camel lowered itself for O'Connell to get off.

Finally, after this movie I'm never getting on a camel again ever! I got off the back and stood on the sea of sand, stretching my whole body, it all aches. Everyone follows suit in lowering themselves from their high camels. "Now that everyone is down, let's set a fire. Now does anyone know of any tricks to set a fire," O'Connell gathered everyone around and sat on the ground, hands on his chin.

"Stick Friction!" Jonathan said out loud. Oh please, that method barely works. "Oh please Jonathan, that method barely works," it seems like the heroin got the same idea, and Jonathan went pink at being called out. "It's easier to use a lighter," I brought my lighter forward for everyone to see and O'Connell apparently smiled and nodded.

"The best suggestion so far," come on, there's only been two suggestions. "There's some wild bushes over there, which we could use as fire, Jonathan if you'd please," O'Connell commanded Jonathan to go take some leaves and some twigs off the bushes, O'Connell can fit as a survivalist. "So Adrian, what did Old John give you?" O'Connell said checking his supply of ammunition and cleaning his gun. This man really loves his guns clean.

(A.N : Sorry, there's some wrong info here, the Mle. 1950 has 9x19 mm rounds but I mistook the 19 mm as the width and not the length, from here onwards, the bullets of the Mle. 1950 are 9 mm rounds)

"An Mle. 1950 and three grenades," O'Connell looked up and onto my holster, checking it out. "An Mle. 1950, interesting. 9 mm rounds hurt and the recoil is quite significant, please handle it with care," O'Connell got back into cleaning those revolvers, a magnum perhaps?

"A .357 Magnum, 9.1 mm of ammo, with a force enough to kill a bear. I can use a .357 Magnum akimbo but the recoil really does damage your wrists. But I'm a regular which means, I broke enough wrists to not care about it," Magnums are no joke, a .45 Magnum can kill you twice in one shot, the wrist breaking is certainly a regular when handling big powerful guns.

"Old John sells grenades now? That's new," huh it seems that Old John is just beginning to sell grenades, well vintage ones anyway. "Three Stielhandgranates exactly, he said that it blows on impact," I expected some M67s in a gun seller but certainly not the Stielhandgranate, those are 30 years below our time.

"Seriously, the Stielhandgranate is no joke, it's a menace in Axis batttlefields. A casual throw into an allied bunker can result dozens dead or injured," O'Connell pointed out clearly how dangerous these grenades are and coupled with an explosion on impact, you'd never be expected to throw them back to the enemy, unlike the modern pin grenades.

"Hey! I've returned with a lot more twigs and leaves than expected mate,"

"Jonathan we've been expecting you, put down the twigs here," Jonathan threw the twigs on the ground and O'Connell began making a stable pile out of them. "The lighter please, Avter," I tossed the lighter over to O'Connell where he caught it in one hand. Opening and starting the lighter up, O'Connell burned a short end of a twig and tossed the twig into the pile of other twigs.

"Now, for the last deciding factor, oil," Oil? Where did he get that from, he sprinkled a tiny amount of oil all over the pile of twigs, and what do you know, it instantly burst into flames, O'Connell is truly a survivalist. "Now that the fire's set, why don't we cook some food," the silent Evelyn finally gave breath to the world, cooked food sounds nice, I've been eating canned spam since morning and it's not exactly delicious.

RAUGR RAUGR Now what's that sound all about, I just can't have a break can't I.